An honest, hardworking Christian woman accused of being a witch and executed at Salem, July 19, 1692. In alitl farther going ther did appear a blak pupy somw't biger then the first but as blak as a cole to his apprehension which came against him w'th such violenc as its quik mosions did exceed his motions of his ax do w't he coold & it flew at his belly & away & then at his throt & over his shoulder on way & go off & up att it againe another way and with such quiknes speed & violenc did it asalt him as if it woold tear out his throt or his belly agood while he was without fear but at last I felt my hart to sayle & sink under it that I thought my lif was going out & I recovered my self & gave a start up & ran to the fenc & caling upon god & Naming the name Jesus Christ & then it in visibly away my meaning as it ceased about but this deponent mad it not known to any body for fritting his wif, The next morning Edmond Eliat (as he told abrod and in his owne house) sayd that he going toward the hous of said martin to Look his oxen went in to Light his pipe & the s'd martins wif Asked him whear kembal was (s'd Eliat s'd abed with [with] his wif for ought he knew) (sayd shee) they say he was frited Last night) with w't sayd Eliat she sayd with pupyes Eliat replyed that he heard nothing of it and Asked whear shee heard it and shee sayd about the Towne w'ch story s'd Eliat having told it was all the Towne over when this deponent came home at night for he had been all day alone in the woods at work at his frames, John kembale made oath to the truth of all that is written on both sides of this paper may the 16th 1692, before me *Robt Pike .0000000.0 . The directions Christopher has provided are spot-on. "[18] Even her personal neatness was taken as a proof of devotion to the devil. What is the reason these cannot come to you? She will be missed! The neatness that was imperative to her, instead of being understood as an approach to Godliness, was brought up against her as proving an intimacy with the Evil One. "Well I may at such folly", replied Susannah. ( Essex County Archives, Vol. I'm looking for George and Susannah's parentage in England. Susannah sits high in my personal pantheon of ancestors because she had the remarkable guts to tell her accusers, and the dimwit Salem judges, just where they could go. 1 Page 69 ). Salem Witchcraft Family Trees and Famous Kin [15], In that cold, dark, and damp place, the stench of unwashed bodies, chamber pots, rotting food, vomit, and dead vermin would have made conditions almost unimaginable. After w'ch time the s'd Elizabeth told this deponent that as shee was milking of her cow the s'd susana martin came behind her and told her that shee woold make hir the miserablest creatur for defa[m]ing her name at the Court & wep greevously as shee told it to this deponent. Her family first moved to Salisbury, Massachusetts around 1639. Susannah's descendants also include Burl Ives and Mickey Rourke Lucille Ball's ancestor Rachel Vinson spent months in the Ipswich jail, cold, sick and weak, after her arrest for witchcraft. The records of Susannah's first trial for witchcraft have not survived, but as she was around for another 23 years, we may assume that she was acquitted. George was one of the largest landowners in Amesbury. Susanna married George Martin and had 13 children. How comes your appearance just now to hurt these. Have not you compassion on these afflicted --, They cryed out there was the black man along with her, & Goody Bibber confirmed it, Abig: Williams went towards her, but could not come near her. Wife of George Martin, Sr. 1 Page 62 ), Robt Pike ast. 0 .. . : "What did you do? Includes citations for all sources. Her family moved to Salisbury, Massachusetts, around 1639. Susanna North Martin (1621-1692) - Accused of witchcraft, the 71-year-old Widow Martin of Amesbury, Massachusetts was one of the twenty men and women executed during the hysteria that gripped Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. John Greenleaf Whittier wrote a poem, "The Witch's Daughter," about Goody Martin, her [step-]daughter, The Poem "The Witch's Daughter" was originally published in. This page has been accessed 25,992 times. She will be missed! Susannah North was baptized in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England on September 30, 1621. What have you done towards the hurt of these? Family of George MARTIN and Susanna NORTH - RootsWeb ", Memorial by John Greenleaf Whittier, a Descendant, Susannah Martin House Marker, Amesbury, Massachusetts, Flyer for a book about the Witchcraft Trials,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Salem Witchcraft Papers (SWP No. 1 Page 71 ), Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) Nathan'll: Ingersoll & Tho: Putman ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 92. 3m. Pressy of Salsbury Con. Bartlett's suit was upheld. What did you do? )Those by Susannah North are: Richard, 29 June 1647 George, 21 Oct. 1648 John, 26 Jan. 1650/51 Esther, 7 Apr. "Let Goody Martin rest in peace, I never knew her harm a fly, And witch or not - God knows - not I? This was the result of hard . and his Son. George and Susannah are my ninth great-grandparents. Susanna North (1621-1692) FamilySearch She was first accused of witchcraft in 1669, but her husband mounted a strong defense by fighting a protracted legal battle with the accuser. Susannah Martin House Marker | Salem Witch Museum Susannah North was baptized on 30 Sep1621 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England, the daughter of Richard North and Johane Bartram.[1]. Joseph knight ownid this his tistimony to be the truth: on his oath. They lived there for a few years before migrating west to North Dakota, then to Canada. 1:144; Putnam's Mag. Sarah Attkinson "testifieth thatt Some time in the Spring of the year about Eighteen years Since Susanna Martin came unto our house att Newbury from Amsbury in an Extraordinary dirty Season, w'n She came into our house I asked whether she came from Amsbury a fot She Sayd She did I asked how She could come in this time a foott and bid my children make way for her to come to the fire to dry her selfe She replyed She was as dry as I was and turn'd her Coats on Side, and I could nott pceive thatt the Soule of her Shows were wett I was startled att itt that she should come soe dry and told her thatt I should have been wett up to my knees if I Should have come So farr on foott she replyed thatt She scorn'd to have a drabled tayle.". The Court upheld the accusation of witchcraft, but a higher court later dismissed the witchcraft charges. Head north on Rte. 1. Richard Kimball, Ursula Kimball (born Scott). 2m. In Descendants 3, he decided to become Audrey's sidekick, however Audrey locks him in a closet at her cottage. (#5603) Sister of John North; Martyn North; Hester North; Sarah Oldham; Hepzibah North and 4 others; Mary Wensley; Anne North; George North and Samuel North less Her mother died when she was a child, and her stepmother was named Ursula. ", The bodies were thrust into a shallow grave in a crevice of felsite. Her boldness infuriated the accusers, so that a great uproar was occasioned by the dreadful nature of the convulsions, but Susannah Martin was scornful and unmoved. Accused as a witch, tried and executed at Salem, July 19, 1692. Corwin ] Assists ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Family Members Parents Richard North 1597-1667 Ursula 1597-1669 Spouse(s) George Martin 1620-1683 Children Jane Martin 1656-1684 John Martin 1650-1693 Jonathan Martin Richard Martin 1650-1727 William Martin 1662-1733 Hannah Martin 1643-1730 George Martin 1648-1734 Esther Martin 1653-1695 Abigail Martin 1659-1716 William Martin 1662-1662 William Martin 1663-1726 Samuel Martin 1667-1683 Benjamin Martin 1704-Unknown. Susanna was baptized in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England September 30, 1621. See. George MARTIN and Hannah (MARTIN) were married in 1642 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. I know who swore her life away; and as God lives, I'd not condemn an Indian dog on word of them." 1912. John Indian cryed he would Kill her if he came near her, but he was flung down in his approach to her. : Martin: "I've never hurt man, woman nor child". Accessed February 29, 2020. 58; Essex Ant. Thank you x8 (one thanks for each generation of my line), Clyde. When the "afflicted girls" began having fits, she laughed out loud. [2], She married George Martin on August 11, 1646, as his 2nd wife, in Salisbury, Massachusetts Bay. Susannah (Susanna) Martin formerly North Born about 30 Sep 1621 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England Ancestors Daughter of Richard North and Johane (Bartram) North Sister of Sarah (North) Oldham, Martin North, Mary (North) Jones, John North, Martyn North [half], Hester North, Sarah (North) Oldham and John North A memorial service for the group of five was held in Salem on 9 June 2002. Hannah (MARTIN) was born in 1624 in England. The inscription on the marker reads: "Here stood the house of Susannah Martin. Ann Putman threw her Glove in a fit at her The examinant laught. John Indian said he never saw her Mercy Lewes pointed at her & fell into a fit. Richard's mother was Susannah North Martin, falsely accused of witchcraft in 1692. Susannah (North) Martin (1621 - 1692) was executed for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. A Martyr of Superstition. Watch Descendants TV Show | Disney Channel on DisneyNOW On Halloween in 2001, Susannah Martin and four other women from the Salem witch trials were officially exonerated by the State Of Massachusetts. George Martin-Susanna North, Marriage, Family, Genealogy, 11 August 1 Page 74 ), Jurat in Curia (On reverse of paper) Sarah Viber against Susan: Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. You have been a long time coming to the Court to day, you can come fast enough in the night.said Mercy Lewes. Ancestror of Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States. Mary Walcot said this woman hath hurt her a great many times, Susannah Sheldon also accused her of hurting her. ", Hannah Wathen (born Martin), Richard James Martin, Samuel Martin, George Martin, John Martin, Christopher Martin, Esther Martin, Richard North, Johane Joan North (born Bartram). 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. This Deponant doe testifie & saye that on the 20th Daye of October or thereabouts in the yere of o'r Lord 1686 Nathan'll Clarke Junj'r : of Newbery together with this Deponant going out into the woods together to fetch up horses there met with Susana Martaine of Amsbury with a litle Dog Runing by hir syde & in my sight shee tooke up s'd Dog under her arme but comeing up neere to hir she had a Kegg or a halfe feirkin under the same arme; this Deponant then lookt hir in the face & told hir that that kegg was a litle Dogg but nowe Nath'el. It's come to the attention of the PGM project that about 85% of this narrative is a copy/paste from at least one other web site. Susannah North was born in 1621 in England to Richard North and Joan (Bartram) North. Jonathan. If more recent proof has been located, we'll need that proof to make changes to his parents. And that day that his speach came to him againe w'ch was about [the end of] April Last as he was in bed shee did stand by his beds sid [and pincht] him. A false tongue will never make a guilty person. Her persecution and tragedy brings tears. Descendants Wiki | Fandom Susanna(h) North Martin - Notable Women Ancestors - RootsWeb asked the Magistrate. She came to America with her father, stepmother, and at least one sister. Children of George Martin and Susannah North (Salisbury, Massachusetts Bay), Her Remarkable Neatness, "She scorned to have a drabbled tail. Here is a description of the location of the memorial: I'm also a descendant of Susannah--she's my 11th great grandmother. But she kept her sharp tongue even at the end of the examination: "Do you not see how God evidently discovers you?" Susanna (North) Martin (executed as a witch), did she have 2 sons named William? Lone Tree Hill, a famous historical site, bore a tablet on its westerly side marking the site of George and Susannah's home. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of Susannah (North) Martin (c1622-1692) to other famous people. Jurat in Curia by both (On reverse side of paper) Jno. Susan: Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Image:North-25-7.jpg|250px Abigail Williamssaid, "It is Goody Martin, she hath hurt me often!" "The Susannah Martin House marker is located at the end of Martin Road, which intersects with Route 110 approximately one-half mile west of the intersection of Routes 110 and 150. I cannot tell: He that appeared in sams::shape can appear in any ones shape. Susannah (North) Martin, Salem W. daughter Mary Wensley daughter Anne North daughter About Richard North, of Salisbury Richard North was born about 1590 in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. [23] The second popular alternative is that the families removed the bodies at night and buried them in secret locations. asked the Magistrate. Ann Putman threw her Glove in a fit at her. When the magistrates asked why she laughed,she responded, "Well I may at such folly." I am not sure if the same person, You do not list Hannah Martin, born 1644 as a daughter of George Marin and Susanna North b. the said second day of may in the forth year aforesaid and at Divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured: Afflicted Pined wasted and Torminted as also for Sundrey other acts of witchcraft by said Suzanah Martin Committed and done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord. warned mr. John. 1692 & in the fourth year of Our Reign. When she was asked what ailed the girls, Susanna said: "I do not desire to spend my judgm't upon it." Geni requires JavaScript! : Magistrate: "What ails these people? Entries from Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt Linked to Digital Facsimile Images. 1894". In 1669, Susannah was formally accused of witchcraft by William Sargent Jr., whom George Martin sucessfully countersued for slander against Susannah. John Martin, of Amesbury (1650 - 1693) - Genealogy At the same time, George Martin sued William Sargent, Jr. for slander for saying that "said Martyn's wife had a child at Capt. 1 Page 58 ). Amen Amen A false tongue will never make a guilty person. Descendants of Susannah Martin's, Ethel Mae Hilton and grandchildren Douglas and Madrey Margaret Hilton were the only members of their family interested in the history of their accused witch ancestor. After this this deponent had divers strang appearances w'ch did fors him away with them into unknown places w'r he saw meettings and festings and dancing and many strange sights: and from Agust Last he was dom and coold not speake till this Last Aprill he also relates that ther did use to com to him a man that did present him abook to which he woold have him sett his hand with [pbar ] mise of any thing that he woold have & ther wear presented all delectable things psons and places Imaginabl but he refusing it woold usualy end with most dreadfull shapes noyses & screching that almost scared him out of his witts & this was the usaall manner of [pbar ]seeding w'th him: and on time the book was brought and a pen offerd him & to his aprehension ther was blod in the Ink horn but he never toucht the pen he farther say that thay never told him w't he shoold writt nor he coold not speak to Ask them w't he shoold writ he farther say in severall thair mery meetting he seen Susanas martin appearnc among them. On June 26, 1692 her trial began. George is the son of Christopher Martin arrival 1620, married to Marie Prower 1607,b. This is *highly* discouraged at WikiTree; see: Jillaine, if said volunteer needs any assistance please let me know. On Halloween in 2001, Susannah Martin and four other women from the Salem witch trials were officially exonerated by the State Of Massachusetts. 1625. 19, 1692 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Victim of the Salem Witch Trials. How comes your appearance just now to hurt these? : Martin: "No, I do not think they are." Mary Pressy testifieth to all the above Except Susanna her threatning of the not raising above two Cowes. Find out more at the Global Family Reunion project. I live about an hour and a half from her homestead marker in Amesbury, and have visited a few times. Susannah (North) Martin was born in England about 1621, the daughter of Richard and Joan (Bartram) North. [1] [3][4][5], Hanged as a witch, she died on 19 Jul 1692 at Proctor's Ledge, Gallows Hill, Salem, Massachusetts Bay.[1][6]. While she was still young her mother died and she cameto America with her father, stepmother, and at least one sister. Some Descendants of "Salem Witch" Susannah Martin 1. Susanna North Martin, after the death of her husband, George Martin, was arrested for witchcraft, April 30, 1692, tried at Salem, June 29, and executed July 19, 1692.". Several depositions indicate that Susanna was given to muttering enigmatic phrases that were interpreted as threats - something she may very well have known, and used in order to get her own way in village dealings or simply to increase her own sense of importance. Nor Mary Walcot. 1 Page 65 ), That about seven or eight years ago he had ben several times aflicted in the night time by som body or som thing coming up upon him when he was in bed and did sorely afflict him by Lying upon him and he coold neither move nor speake while it was upon him but somtimes made akind of noyse that folks did hear him & com up to him and as soon as any body came it woold be gon this it did for along time before and sinc: but he did never see any body clearly but on time [] but on time in the night it came upon me as at other times and I did then see the pson [of Susa] na martin of Amsbery I this deponent did [pbar ]sently see her [and shee] came to this deponent and took him by the hand and bitt him [by the fin] ger by fors and then came and Lay upon him awhile as [formerly] and after awhile went away the print of the bite is [yet to] be seen on the little finger of his right hand for it was [hard to hea] le (he farther sayth) That several times he was asleep [when it ca] me: But at that time when bitt his finger he was as [sayerly awa] ke as ever he was: and plainly saw her shape and felt [her teeth a] saforsayd, [Sworn] e by Jarvis Ring abovesayd may the 13th: 1692. sworne by Joseph Ring may the 13th: 1692: That in the month of Jun next after Casco bay fort was takn this deponent co[mbar ][ibar ][gbar ] between Sandy beach & hampton towne mett with Tho: Hardy of great Iland & a company of several other creaturs with him w'ch said Hardy demanded of this deponent to shillings: and with the dreadfull noyse & hidious shapes of these creaturs and firebale this deponent was almost frited out of his witts: and in about an half an hour (or in deed he coold not judg of the time) they Left him & he came to hampton About ten days after as the deponet came from boston between Rowlye & Ne[wbar ]bry this deponent was over taken with a company of peple on horsbak who past by him and after they wear past by him The aforsd Tho: Hardy tarned about his horse & alet & cam bak to this deponent with his hors in hand & desired this deponant to go to mrs whits & drink with him: w'ch being refused he turnd away to the Company & thay all came up to gather such a breth that it seemd imposibl to scape being trod down by them but they went all past and then appeared no more.

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