rK|N^|a|C?W"^wjt> #JCzU{Wz8WR+8W}*Kiw9W2_KU2O,gW2Wge,9de}FFx/. The triple outlet feature allows for installation flexibility, including the ability to connect an . 50/75 GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor The GB-50 offers best-in-class certified grease capacity and 20% kitchen solids waste capacity. %%EOF Concrete Grease Interceptor Tanks Tanks are reinforced and constructed to ASTM Standards to include C-1613-06. Rugged durability to efficiently slow down the flow of waste water and remove grease, fats, and oil byproducts before flowing into a sanitary sewer system; Customizable sectional design; Quick and easy install; Sturdy five-sided watertight design; Customizable with special accesses, block-outs, and knock-outs; Variety of shapes and sizes available endobj Canyon Lake, Hemet, Menifee, Moreno Valley, Perris, Southern California, Eastern Municipal Water District, CA -, August, Greater August Utility District, ME - Grease Interceptor, Timpanogos Special Utility District, Lehi City, UT - Grease Interceptor. Before you Start 1. PDF ASHLAND PolyTraps c9K>-:xo7-S23WGpp$m9trUz}s?ou}s0c9rF|_y?da\al7:wy#qO73qVS}soNn c 7Ow#8wm!a*m}WP?!Oy9q7=CJ^av}WA}oa,&m With an internal flow control, an external flow control is not necessary. HWr6&. GB-250 | Indoor/Outdoor Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor 816-GGI-5000 Grease Interceptor 5,000 Gal. Access Access requirements shall follow WSSC Code 302.10.1/1003.6.2.6 & 1003.6.2.7 and WSSC Standard Details. Schier Great Basin grease interceptor model # GB-35 shall be lifetime guaranteed and made in USA of seamless, rotationally-molded polyethylene. Side connections are prohibited for inlet or outlet. )GRGN Aggregate volume is the maximum volume that can flow through the interceptor simultaneously, determined by adding the wastewater volume of individual fixtures plus any required margins. Animal fats and vegetable oils (grease) are 10 to 15 percent less dense than water and will float on top of water. Grease Interceptor Sizing and Installation Guidelines. 3920A02. SCHIER GB-50 INSTALLATION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib %PDF-1.5 All sizes available for your grease trap needs. Schier considers both flow rate and grease production to determine the capacity of the interceptor and its recommended pumpout frequency. With these values. Consider that some plumbing fixtures that do not normally receive grease may be exposed to large amounts occasionally: for example, floor drains are not normally exposed to large volumes of grease, but there may be cases where it is spilled on the floor in large amounts and the floor drains must handle it. Box 218. 35/50 GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor. , as well as other applications where significant amounts of grease or oil are discharged. The vent on the flow control is an air intake. Grease Interceptors | Grease Traps - Mifab Grease Trap Pit is a precipitation system designed to trap grease and suspended sediment in industrial wastewater. %PDF-1.3 % hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2004318, '42988b7d-d06c-4059-82e4-709ad6f267fd', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); For projects in New York City, only a Registered Design Professional (RDP) can submit commercial kitchen plumbing designs for approval by the NYC Department of Buildings, and only a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) can carry out the actual installation. Z1192 Grease Recovery Appliance. The triple outlet feature allows for installation flexibility, including the ability to . Grease interceptors perform a fundamental role in. Features. PDF Grease Interceptor Sizing and Installation Guidelines - Tacoma Permits Specs and Installation. ParkUSA, a Northwest Pipe Company, provides innovative water, wastewater, and stormwater equipment and technology for infrastructure and built environments. General Guidelines for Grease Interceptor Installation. How to Install and Clean a Grease Trap (for Your Home) Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Environmental Requirements for Construction Activities, Workers' Compensation Provider Information, Job Descriptions & Pay Plans (not open postings), Valley Cities Affordability & Homeowner's Comparisons, 2022 Mesa Standard Details and Specifications, 2021 Mesa Standard Details and Specifications, 2019 Mesa Standard Details and Specifications, 2022 Engineering and Design Standards Manual, 2022 Updates to the Engineering Design Standards, 2021 Engineering and Design Standards Manual, 2021 Updates to the Engineering and Design Standards, 2019 Engineering and Design Standards Manual, Water Sewer and Storm Drain General Notes [PDF]. Page 5: Below Grade Installation Instructions If required, Anchor Plate may be bolted to 45 concrete slab using provided holes. Although the procedure is straightforward, keep in mind that some exceptions apply: A final requirement is that water flowing through a grease interceptor must not have a temperature above 180F. Grease interceptors should be installed for any commercial kitchen equipment where grease may be released into drain pipes. According to the estimate, the average cost required to install a grease trap of 10 to 100 gallons is $250 to $1500. EXAMPLE: 1- three compartment sink EXAMPLE: This value applies if all the kitchen fixtures in the example discharge into a common interceptor. Specify M (Outlet opposite Inlet), L (Left Hand Outlet), or R (Right Hand Outlet) on your order. After a grease interceptor layout has been proposed, the next step is calculating the aggregate volume from the fixtures connected to each unit. The use of alternative devices is allowed, as long as the following requirements are met: Grease interceptors perform a fundamental role in commercial kitchens, as well as other applications where significant amounts of grease or oil are discharged. Skip to content. Allow headroom to lift out both screens for cleaning. of Environmental Protection places stringent requirements regarding their use, while carrying out routine inspection for units in operation. . Grease interceptors are used in establishments to remove excessive amounts of grease that may interfere with the proper drainage and treatment of wastewater. Grease interceptors are available in recessed, semi-recessed and on-floor versions. xT-kofya]`aWCU.;1(cszzy z>C:.?Wo__?~~:Y_xy r3X~~d,-e>W? M.A.G. endobj Adjustment should be checked after Interceptor is in operation. Using a pot scrubber with soap and room temperature water, remove excess waste from the lid and trap sides. GB2 Technical Documents - Schier Products It can be installed above grade (on the ground) or buried below grade (compatible with FCR2 risers to bring system to grade), as well as indoor or outdoor. Grease Interceptor. For commercial kitchens with floor drains. 3. 4 0 obj Grease Interceptor - ParkUSA Title: Grease Interceptor Layout1 (1) Author: christw Created Date: 1/16/2013 1:38:41 PM Also consider that the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) performs routine inspections to ensure that grease interceptors receive proper maintenance and cleaning. Over time, solid and grease buildup will accumulate in the grease interceptor. Equivalency must be demonstrated with detailed documentation and calculations. Sanitary Sewers Notes: Tank, lid and baffles injection molded in engineered thermoplastic that will not corrode, chip, or peel, even under the most severe applications. O8qQP On the other hand, if the grease trap is large, i.e., 750 to 1500 gallons, then the estimated cost required for its installation is between $4000 to $8500. older versions (Use only for reference for previously approved projects). Regardless of design efficiency or installation, grease interceptors perform only as well as the maintenance schedule allows. 612-GGI-2500 Grease Interceptor 2,500 Gal. Installation Diagrams - Rockford Separators A recommendation not only for grease interceptors but for equipment in general is adhering to manufacturer instructions. STEEL SEPARATORS, INTERCEPTORS,TRENCH DRAINS, & CATCH BASINS. It can be installed above grade (on the ground) or buried below grade (compatible with FCR2 riser to bring system to grade), as well as indoor or outdoor. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Fax: 419-836-4140. Highstrength precast concrete, steel, or fiberglass, Precast concrete, fiberglass, or stainless steel construction, Interior liners include epoxy, high density polyethylene, and stainless steel, Free-standing and direct-bury configurations, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, CA - Grease Interceptor GT-500, Austin, Round Rock, Georgetown, Pflugerville, TX - Grease, Wichita Falls, Iowa Park, Burkburnett, TX - Grease Interceptor GT-, San Diego, San Bernadino, Highland, FEWD Program, Carlsbad, CA -, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, CA - Grease Interceptor. CU?E?W*Ut3>~ 5. Doing so may result in property damage, personal injury or death. Each compartment, 18 inches by 18 inches by 8 inches with 1.5-inch sink drain and trap. Interceptors prevent greasy substances from entering plumbing systems, septic fields, and waste water treat-ment facilities, where they are difficult to process, and can create environmental problems. The accumulation of FOG can escalate into blockages and sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) that disrupt wastewater treatment operations and increase costs. . 1 0 obj Condition: New. hVnF>Y$FvR5 We also offer tanks for Industrial Waste, PH Adjustment and oil & water separation. They are very important for public hygiene, and the NYC Dept. Aggregate volume is the maximum volume that can flow through the interceptor simultaneously, determined by adding the wastewater volume of individual fixtures plus any required margins. Click to change Location. Hydromechanical grease interceptors (HGI) (sometimes called grease traps) are installed indoors above or below the floor, or inground outside. In addition to NYC-specific requirements, grease interceptors are subject to national standards such as: The first step to specify grease interceptors is reviewing the kitchen layout and determining which equipment must be routed to grease traps. Download Free, High Quality CAD Drawings | CADdetails After initial installation, grease interceptors must be kept under optimal operating conditions. Model #GB-250-FO 100 GPM Grease Interceptor For Indoor/Outdoor Use . >> from the fixtures connected to each unit. Clean the trap sides, lids, and parts. Draw-off valve available. 2 0 obj stream Wash sink with one set of faucets. The GB-75 offers best-in-class certified grease capacity and 25% kitchen solids waste capacity. / 50 gpm item description recommended for removing and retaining grease from wastewater in kitchen and restaurant areas where food is prepared. of Environmental Protection website. Grease interceptors are used in establishments to remove excessive amounts of grease that may interfere with the proper drainage and treatment of wastewater. For example, you need at least 40 lb for 20 gpm. Mop basin, 24 inches by 24 inches by 6 inches, 2-inch trap, faucet at 5-GPM max. ^\kmtv\(iz~Rd;1pK]>KG@XXCno r!VtaM'N]eM#aM" wDn6"DY O;(hH|1 15EL:Snf&0iSJ4hll[q.FXn?a20I' VX J MvX=GmM dhJ]9G"r>q,O&t5(4hl-EU6F> yhhTfc4(p sR-|I x*sL!,@G =6 QpH GH'@E9FUH! Installation Detail - Golf with Pad Board/Curb Download DWG. Select a separator with a gallon-per-minute flow equal to the initial tank discharge capacity. ?eO[ao~~@77|*?-?}][}[WunWu_~ko-c9~|(Kze;M;Mw }_X7x~7-~-O=]X?ioUOWa_O7]/[=o7oYQ/8&{~o~~owW0"O~wyX~Gw};y]~Nnkw};!;o\|g:+/]w8e3'O=|x'sa,;'[o3[8z:PaB ysz}N7Z Restaurant Kitchen Stainless Steel Grease Trap Interceptor Silver High-efficient. Vegetable prep sink, 18 inches by 18 inches by 6 inches, 1.5-inch trap and 1.5-GPM faucet. Some dishwashers have lower waste openings than illustrated on the separators. The grease interceptor shall be constructed with a minimum of two baffles. Table I requires 14 lb of retaining capacity, Table II requires 20 lb of retaining capacity. Copyright 2023Zurn Industries, LLC. Installation Diagrams - Rockford Separators Protect waste lines against blocking and stoppages. Passive grease interceptors help food service establishments and food processing industries comply with EPA Sewer Pretreatment Regulations. GREASE TRAP - an interceptor of at least 125 gallon capacity which is designed and installed so as to separate and retain grease and which is generally installed below grade outdoors with pro- visions for above grade accessibility for cleaning purposes. of Environmental Protection. Also consider that the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) performs routine inspections to ensure that grease interceptors receive proper maintenance and cleaning. Restaurant Kitchen Stainless Steel Grease Trap Interceptor - eBay PDF Grease Interceptor Layout1 (1) Available in sizes from 50 gallons all the way to 2,000 gallons. OR_WIL_16x9x8_GreaseInterceptor1000Gallon_266-2.dwg, NE_AVN_4x10x5_1000-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_27572.pdf, NE_AVN_4x10x5_1000-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_27572-1.dwg, NE_AVN_6x6x5_1000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27592.pdf, NE_AVN_6x6x5_1000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27592-1.dwg, NE_AVN_5x10x5_1500-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27612.pdf, NE_AVN_5x10x5_1500-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27612-1.dwg, NE_AVN_5x10x6_2000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27632.pdf, NE_AVN_5x10x6_2000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27632-1.dwg, NE_AVN_6x14x5_5-3-2500-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27652.pdf, NE_AVN_6x14x5_5-3-2500-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27652-1.dwg, NE_AVN_6x14x6_3000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27672.pdf, NE_AVN_6x14x6_3000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27672-1.dwg, NE_AVN_6x14x7_4000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27712.pdf, NE_AVN_6x14x7_4000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27712-1.dwg, NE_AVN_9x16x6_5000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27732.pdf, NE_AVN_9x16x6_5000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_27732-1.dwg, VA_FRD_4x8x6_1000-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_35422.pdf, VA_FRD_4x8x7_1250-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_35432.pdf, VA_FRD_4x8x8_1500-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_35442.pdf, VA_FRD_6x12x7_2800-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_35462.pdf, VA_FRD_6x12x8_3300-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_35472.pdf, UT_OGD_4x8x6_1250-Gallon-Grease-Trap-Base-w-Lid_41641.pdf, UT_OGD_4x6x3_430-Gallon-Grease-Trap_41651.pdf, FL_CC_6x4x5_ID-750-Gallon-Grease-Trap_43011.pdf, FL_CC_6x4x6_7-0-ID1000-Gallon-Grease-Trap_43021.pdf, Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. Grease interceptors have played an important role in preventing accumulated FOG from damaging the public infrastructure by collecting it at the source. }2U;OgC/VY;pHo4|lQ? Grease Trap / Fat Trap installation Details - YouTube NOTE: All PDI certified grease interceptors are required to bear a PDI issued Certification Plate, as depicted, containing permanent marking of: Manufacturer's Name; Model Number; Flow Rate; Inlet Size; Grease Capacity; and appear in the listings below. Soup and stock kettles that discharge into a floor drain count towards the Table II aggregate volume, even if floor drains are Table I fixtures. GB-75 | Indoor/Outdoor Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor - Schier Products PDF INSTALLATION GUIDE - webtools.schierproducts.com The following navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. Reinstall the grease trap. Interceptor shall be installed and connected so that it is accessible at all times for inspection, cleaning, and removal of intercepted grease. Grease interceptors can also have strainers for collecting solid debris, which reduce the amount of solids that settle at the bottom of the interceptor. ANCHOR KIT INSTALLATION DETAIL 2-1/2" Minimum Insertion Depth 4" Maximum Insertion Depth (into GB unit only) FIELD CUT RISER (24 SERIES) INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Tools needed: 7/16" Nut driver tool/bit (included), marker (included), tape Plumbing & Drainage Institute - PDI Certified Grease Interceptors The retaining capacity is calculated separately for the fixtures in each table and the two values are then added. Sizing - PDI Method Using Sink Dimensions, Complete Grease Interceptor Engineering Guide. Installation must conform to local code. 441 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2699F7281AEA5C4E9D5F13A8D243EA86><15504ED7A2B8C8499534A37D03AF58DB>]/Index[425 30]/Info 424 0 R/Length 92/Prev 293128/Root 426 0 R/Size 455/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 29 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 31 /H [ 1314 270 ] /L 478682 /E 423469 /N 3 /T 477984 >> endobj xref 29 44 0000000016 00000 n 0000001227 00000 n 0000001584 00000 n 0000001791 00000 n 0000002056 00000 n 0000002917 00000 n 0000003213 00000 n 0000003727 00000 n 0000004530 00000 n 0000004991 00000 n 0000005385 00000 n 0000005674 00000 n 0000006532 00000 n 0000006571 00000 n 0000007375 00000 n 0000008179 00000 n 0000008202 00000 n 0000027838 00000 n 0000027861 00000 n 0000046369 00000 n 0000046392 00000 n 0000058652 00000 n 0000058675 00000 n 0000070930 00000 n 0000070953 00000 n 0000083362 00000 n 0000083385 00000 n 0000095676 00000 n 0000095699 00000 n 0000108048 00000 n 0000108071 00000 n 0000121155 00000 n 0000124972 00000 n 0000126110 00000 n 0000130219 00000 n 0000130358 00000 n 0000130496 00000 n 0000418973 00000 n 0000420291 00000 n 0000422991 00000 n 0000423108 00000 n 0000423213 00000 n 0000001314 00000 n 0000001563 00000 n trailer << /Size 73 /Info 28 0 R /Root 30 0 R /Prev 477974 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 30 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 17 0 R /JT 27 0 R /PageLabels 16 0 R >> endobj 71 0 obj << /S 55 /L 179 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 72 0 R >> stream For calculation of grease interceptor retaining capacity, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection provides two tables, each with interceptor capacity values (in pounds) corresponding to aggregate volume from kitchen fixtures (in cubic inches). ]!P8?L r!T!> `OHc?%z$Tk_ An example is the Blakeslee dishwasher with a 3 center line waste outlet and with the new dry recirculating pump which requires that the static water level in the separator be lower than 9. Grease Interceptors - Crest Precast Concrete The retained FOG should be regularly removed or pumped out of the interceptor. Grease interceptors are installed on "gray" water drain lines and are designed to remove fats, oils and grease (FOG) from wastewater. Get expert engineering tips straight to your inbox. Height FT / IN 0' 12' Width FT / IN 0' 11' Length FT / IN 0' 18' Agency International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Product Line Strata Materials Concrete Manufacturing Plant If water is present in oil removed through gravity draw-off, Grease interceptors are used in restaurants and other facilities. cHl a4 3030`\ (|0bE^lRL)/8 U? Any comment with external website links will not be published. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. NYC Dept. Details and Specifications M.A.G. Please take a moment to complete a short survey to provide your input, *For older versions of the Mesa Standard Details and Specifications please contact Engineering-Admin@MesaAZ.gov, M.A.G. Interceptors may be specified individually or for multiple fixtures at once, as allowed by the available space. Partial Inspection #2: Haunched pipe, backfill, cleanout and sampling port shall be inspected prior to pipe backfill. SIDE VIEW DETAIL INSTALLATION (1 of 2) page 3 of 5 WARNING! An ideal cleaning cycle can be established after the ,Ma0kiE"[*cb\ivF}ntC~\>a{.6y PDF Smith Interceptors Technical Data 43 CAD Drawings for Category: 46 25 23 - Grease Traps. 7. Lard and other high-viscosity fats can also solidify as they cool down, trapping other solids and blocking sewage pipes. 75 GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor. However, wastewater from food preparation contains more oil than in other applications, and the waste from multiple commercial kitchens can overwhelm water treatment systems and cause spillage. Solids settle at the bottom, and the separated clear water escapes under an outlet baffle. GREASE INTERCEPTOR SIZING PDI METHOD THREE COMPARTMENT SINK 1st - determine the cubic content of the fixture by multiplying length x width x depth. % Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. 48 State Delivery. Looking for a quote for your project? By working with qualified design engineers, you can ensure your grease traps are specified properly. PGIs are designed to remove large quantities of sewer-clogging fats, oils, and grease before it's discharged into a municipal wastewater treatment system. For example, scullery sinks and meat preparation sinks produce large amounts of grease, oils and solids. hbbd```b``f+A$S9d@$&T.@$WX X: "^ IA v8l>#E 3 Where to buy. You also need a grease recovery device that costs $3500 to $6000 estimated. Cleaning and grease removal must a part of routine maintenance, and the units should be accessible for inspection by the NYC Dept. Select a separator with a gallon-per-minute flow equal to the initial tank discharge capacity. Do not install interceptor backward. 2nd - divide that by 231 (231 cubic inches = 1 gallon) to get the gallon capacity of the fixture. GB-50 | Indoor/Outdoor Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor - Schier Products On-the-floor installation - G Series Typical applications include commercial wastewater, institutional kitchens, and food processing plants. 4800 series. Pot sinksFood preparation sinksScullery sinksFloor drains used only for washdown, Scraper sinksWoksAutomatic dishwashersAny fixture where soup and stock kettles are discharged. Heavy-duty aluminum overlays are available for high traffic areas. As the waste stream flows through the orifice in the flow control device negative pressure is created, drawing in air from the air intake which is intended to mix with the waste water as it enters the grease interceptor aiding in separation efficiency. PDF Procedures for Design, Construction and Installation of Interceptors Jensen Precast - Gravity Grease Interceptors - Standard US $51.30. Make sure your grease interceptors are specified correctly. shown in Detail "A". Cleaning (5000 and 5100 Series) The frequency of cleaning is determined by the use load factor and the capacity of the installed interceptor. endstream endobj startxref ReWa Grease Interceptor Detail QUESTIONS? hb```,@(q')D~ RI+0 s|$K2vt0p40 HyX |s63ETUksU)3iF H$, Hi1(c0 / A certain oil content is normal in wastewater, and it forms a thin floating layer once it reaches septic tanks and water treatment facilities. On a dishwasher with three tanks, bypass the final rinse cycle when permitted by code. Oil/sand interceptors In general, the same design shall be used for oil/sand . %PDF-1.6 Please note, we update our standard details on a regular basis, so check back often to ensure you have the most recently published version. Ashland PolyTrap. PDF GB-35 Technical Data Package - Star Mechanical Supply The tables can be viewed directly in the NYC Dept. Product Information. Gravity Grease Interceptors (GGI), also commonly known as a grease trap, work on the buoyancy principle. Grease Interceptor Sizing and Installation Guidelines
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