The basic concepts of trait and factor theory are two key ideas in trait factor theory. RT @freudpng: TRAIT THEORY Gordon Allport - Psychology of the Individual Raymond Cattel - 16 PF (Personality Factors) Hans Eysenck - Biologically based factor Theory McCrae and Costa - Five Factor Theory. Pola kemampuan dan potensi yang tampak pada seseorang menunjukan hubungan yang berlain-lainan dengan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang dituntut pada seorang pekerja diberbagai bidang pekerjaan.c. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. American Psychologist, 51(4), 397. Trait-factor counseling has been widely criticized on a number of fronts. Retrieved from b/holland-code- sparks.pdf?sessionID=dd55bd2f80768ef6b8baa5bc0f28f6c9652d6ecdhttp://www.nhes.nh .gov/elmi McKay, D. R., (2015, March 2). Diagnosis 4. How do we create opportunities for individuals (workforce novices, people overcoming barriers, and workforce incumbents)? Uploaded on Mar 07, 2012. Parsons' theory - Careers New Zealand Another major criticism of trait-factor counseling takes aim at the foundational assumption that given good information, individuals will make rational decisions. (1974). HWr}W)R"@$DJaYT7 n7*/ON.(h}KGdp9fA\ @'w`OANNL 63|?~zal8h|zx~Ee4zy0//-.Ox?C]F o1X$h-VEr^Yx>|zM${IM8x|zl8Mx;2^sa-#o2&d9TbNw|8eLc+cf,;fo?-+ZfBik,[{MD~]&7_y]*Vv?!pm*:o:ZjoFMVh%J%\k[fj&_{96K+ |b3WJ9E\JpmJi}>Tp^S|NREpo6"C]73&rz 0|3}S3eQ.ylC $g <> Analysis 2. Exploring careers with a typology: What we have learned and some new directions. Williamson from the University of Minnesota is credited with further developing Trait-Factor Theory. Once an individual understands themselves, they must understand the opportunities/disadvantages in the workforce. Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach (4th ed.). A fundamental assumption of trait-factor models is that given good information, individuals will make good (or rational) decisions. Trait and Factor Theory: Career Counseling Guideline This has led some to argue that trait-factor approaches are too prescriptive and too directive. 2012. The trait and factor theory operates under the premise: 1 It is possible to measure both individual talents and the attributes required in particular jobs. The official announcement of E.G. 0000001112 00000 n ), Career counseling (pp. Konselor atau Guru BK selayaknya memiliki kompetensi untuk memberikan layanan bantuan ini. Maksud konseling menurut Williamson adalah untuk membantu perkembangan kesempurnaan berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, serta tugas konseling sifat dan faktor adalah membantu individu dalam memeperoleh kemajuan, memahami, dan mengelola diri dengan cara membantunya menilai kekuatan dan kelemahan diri dalam kegiatan dengan perubahan kemajuan 1 0 obj Retrieved from Slide Share Web site: copy?qid=44162a15-a965-4aae-a89e-82c75b12123e&v=default&b=&from_search=1 Open Source Psychometrics Project. Ini tidak berarti bahwa proses perilaku bisa dihilangkan. Retrieved from Reardon, R. C., Lenz, J. G., Peterson, G. W., & Sampson, J. P., Jr. (2012). Frank Parsons' trait and factor theory is the fourth career theory to take the spotlight. Barangkali yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa buku ini bukanlah satu-satunya sumber bacaan atau bahan studi, oleh kerena itu sangat disarankan kepada para pembaca untuk lebih memperkaya dengan rujukan lainnya terutama yang ditunjuk pada daftar pustaka di setiap akhir bab buku ini. Consequently, much of the counseling effort is aimed at providing clients with objective information about self and jobs. (2015). Retrieved from Wong, W. (2014, May 18). Selesainya penyusunan buku ini tidak lepas dari kerjasama yang baik dengan berbagai pihak. 1908: Frank Parsons developed the Trait and Factor theory; a three step model that served as the foundation for vocational guidance. In part this is due to the scientific rigor that was devoted to developing both instrumentation and occupational classification systems. Makin cocok antara sifat individu dengan sifat persyaratan kerja, maka akan produktif dan puas seseorang dengan okupasinya atau pekerjaannya. In 1957, the Russians launched Sputnik. Though initially known as the talent-matching approach, the concepts he proposed would later be referred to as the trait and factor theory. This matching process involved using an accurate understanding of an individuals work-relevant attributes (skills, aptitudes, interests, etc.) Synthesis 3. Klien mendapatkan berbagai tawaran terhadap pilihan pekerjaan, kepuasan karir, dan solusi terhadap berbagai persoalan yang dihadapinya.d. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. I/"WX Karena okupasi-okupasi dapat digambarkan menurut tugas-tugas, menjadi tidak asing dengan tugas-tugas okupasional, maka konselor membantu klien mempelajarinya sehingga mereka dapat membedakan dan mengambarkan okupasi-okupasi.c. It is not coincidental that John Holland, whose theory of vocational personalities and work environments is the most widely used trait-factor model, spent his war years conducting military classifications and later become a University of Minnesota graduate. interests, aptitudes, achievements, etc.) Retrieved from phd.html choice.html#.VpqpLU2M3cs Sherman, B. Holland Code Presentation (8.2.13) [PDF document]. Penentuan kecocokan atau ketidak cocokan antara data tentang tuntutan programn studi dan data tentang individu lebih dapat diandalkan dari pada hanya perkiraan kecocokan atas dasar pandangan pribadi tentang diri sendiri dan sekedar kesan tuntutan program studid. Mengadakan peninjauan terhadap berbagai pekerjaan yang ada, dilengkapi dengan pengenalan sifat pekerjaan, keahlian yang dibutuhkan pekerjaan dan prasyarat lainnya, sehingga seorang konselor betul memiliki referensi, wawasan luas dan sempurna tentang pekerjaan dan jabatan yang ada.c. Menurut (Hadiarni dan Irman, 2009: 98).Di antara keunggulan yang dimilikinya adalah:a. Klien mendapatkan data yang akurat dan valid tentang dirinya, yang diperoleh melalui tes psikologi dan non tes yang dikerjakan oleh konselor secara ilmiah.b. Pilihan okupasioanal merupakan suatu peristiwa tunggal berdasarkan parson, pilihan diberikan penekanan yang terbesar dan perkembangan diberikan penekanan yang sangat kecil.c. E. G. Williamson was a champion of the Trait and Factor Theory and recommended applying it not only to vocational guidance, but also to normal developmental issues (Wedding & Corsini, 2014). Factors Traits are relatively stable and enduring patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. (2008). E.G. Williamson by Lydia Lowell Williamson was a prominent advocate of trait- and-factor counseling. Trait and Factor Theory entails three actions. Synthesis 3. The evolution of trait-and-factor career counseling: A person X environment fit approach. -skill and ability requirements It is also not coincidental that another very influential trait-factor approach, the theory of work adjustment, was also the product of University of Minnesota researchers. Kemudian juga tentang Pola Pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah, Masalah-masalah yang dialami siswa sekolah menengah dan diakhiri dengan bahasan tentang manajemen bimbingan dan konseling. The trait and Factor theory was originally started by Frank Parsons to help individuals find the best job or line of work for themselves. Trait-Factor Counseling - IResearchNet Three principles make up this theory: individuals fit into 6 types that represent distinct interests and values environments can be divided into six categories that are similar to the types that describe people people seek out . Ketiga, semakin besar kongruen antara karakteristik pribadi dan persyaratan pekerjaan, maka semakin tingginya kecendrungan kesuksesan. Career Choice and Development. In the 1930s, E. G. Williamson expanded Parsons' vocation guidance tenets and created the first guidance and counseling theory--the trait and factor theory. This theory states that a person will be able to do their work to the best of their ability if it fits with their personality and abilities. The company's weighted-average cost of capital is 15 percent. -skills & abilities TWA process model (adjustment styles and adjustment behaviors), -needs & values (Williamson & Biggs, 1979). Chartrand, J.M., & Bertok, R.L. Retrieved from Chartrand, J. M. (1991). Trait-and Factor theory has been one of the most enduring theories of career counseling. Using trait-and-factory inventories will help to determine the strength of these traits and then help match the individual with the ideal situation. The Trait-Factor theory of career development goes as far back as the early 1900's and is associated mostly strongly with vocational theorists Frank Parsons and E.G. Here, these uncertain parameters are taken as fuzzy. Lawrence K. Jones, Ph.D., NCC., The Career Key. Bahwa pekerjaan dan jabatan yang dilalui oleh serorang individu dalam hidup dan kehidupannya merupakan panggilan asasi yang lahir dari hati nurani dan jiwa paling dalam. Show the computations. Traid factor dimaksudkan agar individu mengalami : (1) klarifikasi diri, (2) pemahaman diri, (3) penerimaan diri, (4) pengarahan diri, (5) aktualisasi diri. Develop ment of Trait and Factor Theories. Associated with Parson and Williamson. Konseling: Konselor membantu klien untk memahami, menerima dan menggunakan informasi tentang diri dan okupasi-okupasi.f. This theory was known as the Minnesota Point of View or trait and factor theory. Trait Factor Theory - [PPT Powerpoint] - VDOCUMENTS One of the efficient theories used in career counseling is the trait-factor theory that Parsons pioneered. Untuk pengambilan keputusan kerja Parsons mengemukakan 3 hal serangkai yaitu pribadi, pekerjaan, dan kecocokan (pribadi dengan pekerjaan). E.G. Study with the several resources on Docsity, Prepare for your exams with the study notes shared by other students like you on Docsity, The best documents sold by students who completed their studies, Clear up your doubts by reading the answers to questions asked by your fellow students, Earn 20 points for each uploaded document and more additional points based on the downloads get, Get download points for each document you share, Help other students and earn 5 points for each answered question, Earn Premium Points for no-holds-barred downloads of shared documents and Store documents, Connect with the world's best universities and choose your course of study, Ask the community for help and clear up your study doubts, Discover the best universities in your country according to Docsity users, Download our free guides on studying techniques, anxiety management strategies, and thesis advice from Docsity tutors. Parsons dalam (Thomason, 1999) menyatakan prinsip- prinsip mengenai pengembangan karir sebagai dasar Trait and Factor Theory sebagai berikut: 1. %PDF-1.7 trait chapter two trait and factor, developmental, learning, and jurnal internasional (trait and factor) 2, chapter 9 developmental theory: life course and latent trait, chapter five trait theory - grantham university. Parsons developed the idea that an ideal career is based on matching personal traits like skills, values and personality, with job factors, such as pay and work environment. Also contributing to the ongoing influence of trait-factor models is that even at the end of a thoughtful and thought-provoking career counseling process, there is often still a need for well validated, objective information about how well one could expect to fit into those occupations that are of most interest. Winkel, 1997: 338). thru objective measures (psychological tests) and then makes comparisons to factors required for successful performance in a given career area E. G. Williamson suggested that career-counseling clients as usually presenting with: no choice Its harshest critics have labeled trait and factor counseling as test and tell and three sessions and a cloud of dust. Because assessment and interpretation require high levels of counselor expertise and input, the knowledge and power differential between counselor and client tends to be highlighted. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Satu tipe orang untuk setiap pekerjaan.e. endobj The Story of Trait Theory About Leadership, Trait Theory, Skills Theory, Servant Leadership, Charismatic Leadership | LDRS 1015. PDF Eg williamson trait and factor theory In general, these parameters are not crisp and hence we get an uncertain neutron diffusion equation. Dimana adnya satu tujuan untuk setiap orang dalam pemilihan.4. Teori Dan Perkembangan Karir: Trait and Factor Theory (2015). Chen, P. D., & Simpson, P. A. 3968 Views Download Presentation. The research of factors, influencing product range and volume of international trade, allowed the Swedish scientists E. Heckscher and B. Ohlin in 30-s of XX century to clarify and supplement the key points of the comparative advantage theory and to formulate the concept of factors of production. Career Development Theory: Definition and Introduction - Indeed xL1c\Z|Fl]o/C?n @hl.f@Bg Hollands Theory. Holland's Theory of Career Choice and You. Secara garis besar, setidaknya ada empay langkah yang diterapkan konselor, yaitu:a. Mengenal klien, dengan data yang akurat dan lengkap sehingga data kien menjadi modal awal bagi konselor untuk melakukan proses preventif, kuratif dan diploment.b. The trait and factor theory operates under the premise that it is possible to measure both individual talents and the attributes required in particular jobs. Ini berarti bahwa pengetahuan seseorag dan pola lingkungannya bisa digunakan untuk memberitahukan orang tentang kemungkinan dari kepuasan dan peningkatan dalam perbedaan pendidikan dan seting pekerjaan. Klien akan lebih puas apabila mendapatkan karir sesuai dengan analisis sifat dan factor. The notion of using standardized tests to track students according to ability caught on in the United States. 6EgP8L4uMFH,:(& H8 SBwcOHi:e At PD2q`WZFco>xYCE0;G^0m/8R>W7 O|/|oNX8TL3Z.KWeI00[:3usf;lmKS^$B=1)9*F ^bv*KiWv4 D.5+ Y/QDw362O.q2;2&3X Hal yang mendasar bagi konseling sifat dan faktor adalah asumsi bahwa individu berusaha untuk menggunakan pemahaman diri dan pengetahuan kecakapan dirinya sebagai dasar bagi pengembangan potensinya. Abstrak Menurut Munandir (1996:111) teori trait and factor (sifat dan faktor) ini tidak terkait dengan nama atau tokoh tertentu, akan tetapi pikiran-pikiran ini bermula dari gagasan F.Parsons, dan kemudian tokoh-tokoh lain seperti D.G. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Diagnosis: Masalah dan sebab-sebabnya dikemukakan. Winkel 1997: 388-389) : sejumlah asumsi yang mendasari trait-factor counseling adalah :a. Setiap individu mempunyai sejumlah kemampuan dan kompetensi, seperti taraf intelegensi umum, bakat khusus, taraf kreatifitas, wujud minat serta keterampilan, yang bersama-sama membentuk suatu pola yang khas untuk individu itu.b. Trait Factor Theory - [PPT Powerpoint] Williamson ikut menyumbang perkembangan dari teori trait and factor. Melakukan konseling dengan klien dan mendiskusikan perihal sehubunggan dengan data diri dan pekerjaan, untuk melakukan pilihan, keputusan diri dan berbagai solusi terhadap masalah yang dialami klien. Retrieved from Theory Notes WF ED 560, Spring 2016 Pope, Mark (2000). Trait and Factor Theory.pdf - Trait and Factor Theory One You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Interactive version of the IIP RIASEC Markers Scales. (SKRIPSI) Problematika dalam konseling multikultural antara konselor dengan konseli berdasar perb, LAYANAN INFORMASI PRIBADI SOSIAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN, Buku Ajar Pengembangan Pribadi Konselor.docx, SMP/MTs |Modul Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru BK/Konselor, MAKALAH UAS KONSEP PENGEMBANGAN PROFESI BK, contoh laporan model konseling trait and factor, MODUL DIKLAT PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI GURU BK/KONSELOR SMP/MTs, 1-modul-1-kurikulum-2013-dan-profesionalisasi-bk, BAHAN AJAR ASESMEN DAN PEMAHAMAN INDIVIDU.docx, PROCEEDING KALIJAGA CAREER GUIDANCE CONFERENCE 2018. Theories and strategies in counseling and psychotherapy (5th ed.). Karena Amerika muncul sebagai negara industri memiliki kekhawatiran tentang bagaimana untuk menempatkan pekerja. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This will help to match the right individuals to the ideal occupation/field. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Although both models have great depth and sophistication, their most basic concepts can easily be explained to clients. Trait-factor theories: Traditional cornerstone of career theory. Kedua, orang akan bekerja dalam lingkungan yng berbeda dalam kereliabelan, bermakna dan cara yang konsisten, ini bukan berarti bahwa satu tipe orang bekerja dalam satu pekerjaan. About E.G. distance to trait optimum is a crucial factor title: linking issue stances and trait inferences: a theory of assalamualaikum wr.wb teori trait and factor. ?0GhSGKvN[g?G{Ufht({7)={1| HSdui~[OD9_,#5dZND>a/,{d2?% ?5G-q#YY|X}2M]Kk-M`crUV}_h_}1uW9"O`~lTU hogLQb\LhT`;5`lcR gY?8Rq>DRpa$vaf4i)es//~{UZ^;a9qNM:-l,$ D#,svDF, stream Sedangkan menurut Williamson (WS. HlS]0|c.v'y`|:AuN j-"03JQ#G3(EiWo:cM Z?U? From trait-and-factor to person-environment fit counseling: Theory and process. Williamson; 6 steps for career counseling: analysis (collect data), synthesis (organize/summarize data), diagnosis (describe client problem - no choice, uncertain choice, unwise choice, discrepancy between interests & aptitudes), prognosis (predict degree of success), counseling (identify options), follow-up Holland Code Trait and Factor Theory The trait and Factor theory was originally started by Frank Parsons to help individuals find the best job or line of work for themselves. The theory of trait and factor was developed by Frank Parsons. Trait and factor theory detailed analysis - Grades Hero The Trait-and-Factor Theory focuses on identifying an individual's characteristics and factoring these traits into informed occupation decisions. (`q_DMKKo]'0g{ C5B$b~,;Q{2kLz-)mVM C?=oSE#%C_o=mg07ng($1$d T_tDqB&DqgeoQfwG&_3JW?&zsA?g@;wIEY,>L,PE.dY~GFvhSst($$0$.'fN8k7U_y*Ouo4g-+p^K\lLDKN&y5~[y6v6+vy XFU!ysvknuVXA{!&Z J3 Pl5y 6| mAufje[)p|bLon;yBQ}9l> ;J,&Y3f_GY8f+_JfyuR%p`W9QaT8o|ak`4(8q2mF m'uQbc (Ams{1Hu3[]K2qm7b!Chg 8~!m _gz5Rxd8pdMUdY\% PzDRDpB >_YlC4k( C\I\dEJOx.M=m$ZR@MLQ/4460iW:B'U/84dK0sl8TN:X; Eua#|bcr W:bdAu,_nIt4*. 0000001420 00000 n Theory Notes WF ED 560, Spring 2016 Indvidual Aptitudes Abilities Workfoce Advantages Disadvantages Informed Job Decisions Theory Notes WF ED 560, Spring 2016 Heather Ward & Meghan Tanner Trait-factor Theory & Career Typology Theory Bibliography Career Typology Theory Holland, J. L. (1996). There are equity issues in relation to information being readily available to all people. Rounds, J. Trait and Factor Theories. Method Makalah Makna, Posisi, Sejarah, Dan Urgensi Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Praktek Pendidikan. Psychology of Leadership Theories: Traits, Frankenstein Philosophers Tabula Rasa Theory. 2. BASIC ASSUMPTIONS: Every person has a unique pattern of traits made up of their interests, values . Holland theory of vocational types. Both benefit by retaining the intuitive, commonsensical appeal of Parsonss original notion that the more similar the gifts and needs of an individual are to the requirements and rewards a job has to offer, the better the outcome. As shown in Figure 1.4, natural disasters have a significant impact on migration flows: not only because livelihoods (Development Centre Studies Tackling the Policy Challenges of Migration : Regulation, Integration, Development. Trait-factor counseling approaches assume that career choice may be facilitated and career outcomes optimized through a fairly straightforward process of matching an individual's most relevant work-relevant characteristics (abilities, interests, values, etc.) 2 0 obj From a theoretical perspective, the O*NETs model clearly draws upon Hollands theory of vocational personalities and work environments and the theory of work adjustment. Despite the criticisms discussed above, trait-factor counseling has been and continues to be widely influential. The term "factor" refers to the level of efficiency required for professional achievement. iii . Williamson The Trait & Factor theory states that: Every person has a unique pattern of traits made up of their intrests, values, abilities & personality characteristics . 1 = Liberal, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Conservative). The Holland Code: What is It and How Can You Use It to Choose a Career. Dalam pendekatan trait dan faktor, individu tersebut telah mengerti pola dari perilaku seperti ketertarikan, tingkah laku, pencapaian, dan karakteristik kepribadian, yang dikenal melalui maksud yang objektif, seperti biasanya tes psikologi ataupun inventori, dan profil yang mewakili potensi dari si individu tadi. Retrieved from Theory Notes WF ED 560, Spring 2016 phd.html types.html#.VpqoRU2M3cs Lawrence K. Jones, Ph.D., NCC., The Career Key. values. Journal Of Higher Education, 86(5), 725-750. Artikel yang sangat informatif, Terima Kasih. Pendekatan trait dan faktor ini beranggapan kesamaan pekerjaan, hal inilah merupakan terdiri dari faktor yang dibutuhkan dalam kesuksesan performa kerja yang bisa diprofilkan berdasarkan kepada banyak trait yang dibutuhkan individu tadi.Menurut CH Miller (1974, p. 238) dia memberikan asumsi yang membawahi pendekatan trait dan faktor terdiri dari:1. PDF The Challenge to Change from Guidance Counseling to Professional School 3 0 obj By identifying specific traits/aptitudes/abilities in individuals, the opportunity is created to match these individuals to ideal occupations/fields. Does Personality Matter? The testing movement collided with the vocational guidance movement, and what emerged was the Trait and Factor Theory, which promoted the use of diagnostic and standardized assessments to identify individual strengths and preferences. During this decade, Edmund G. Williamson was appointed director of the University of Minnesota Testing Bureau (now the University of Minnesota Counseling and Consulting Center). Parsons developed the theorem based on the rapid urbanization, immigration, diversification of the business world and the developments in human and behavioral sciences in the United States. This straightforward approach to counseling contained six sequential steps: 1. 23 Apr 2023 00:35:27 From the perspective of this theory, How does performance improvement occur? Dengan bertambahnya pengalaman, maka proses penyesuaian menjadi lebih efisien. -style variables (celerity, pace, rhythm, endurance), -reinforcers The three mentioned postulates of the trait and factor theory are used even in modern times. Within a decade, the methods and technologies developed at Minnesota were applied to the monumental task of classifying armed forces recruits and assigning them to appropriate positions as the U.S. military rapidly expanded during World War II. Journal of Career Assessment, 1(4), 323-340. doi:10.1177/106907279300100401 Crites, J.O. Trait and factor matching theory relies on tests and assessments to match traits, aptitudes, and interests with a given occupation. This movement greatly increased the number of guidance counselors in schools and established counselor education programs in universities across the nation. The neutron collision inside a reactor depends upon the geometry of the reactor, diffusion coefficient, absorption coefficient, etc. Later, Williamson and his colleagues were associated with their directive or counselor centered approach to school counseling, which Judul yang sama dengan mata kuliahnya yang kami pakai pada buku ini menyarankan berbagai kajian tentang materi seperti: konsep dasar bimbingan dan konseling berikut urgensinya di sekolah; pengetahuan wawasan bimbingan dan konseling yang mencakup tujuan, fungsi, asas, prinsip serta orientasi bimbingan dan konseling. `e`ZAs)8Fg?V.p3p 4nUfz@ ?i7 endstream endobj 113 0 obj 249 endobj 104 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 97 0 R /Resources 105 0 R /Contents 110 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 105 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F2 107 0 R /TT2 108 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 111 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 109 0 R >> >> endobj 106 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -167 -307 1009 1007 ] /FontName /TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 >> endobj 107 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /Courier-Bold >> endobj 108 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 48 /LastChar 57 /Widths [ 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 106 0 R >> endobj 109 0 obj [ /CalRGB << /WhitePoint [ 0.9505 1 1.089 ] /Gamma [ 2.22221 2.22221 2.22221 ] /Matrix [ 0.4124 0.2126 0.0193 0.3576 0.71519 0.1192 0.1805 0.0722 0.9505 ] >> ] endobj 110 0 obj << /Length 579 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream

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