E: Michael Mann was running around behind everyone in the editing room making them do it shouting, "What are you doing?". Join Stevie, comedic director "Steelbird" and his "assistant" real life movie star Eric Schweig as they present these incredible live performances, in-depth artist interviews and hilarious comedic backstage antics with featured artists. Does he realize that all history is written from a viewpoint? It doesn't matter what kind of crooks they were! Fortunately, we have the type of material that forces you to be into it and serious, otherwise you would just come across as phony. As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. E: No, I don't! They were doing illegal tampering with time cards, skimming hours off time cards and the make-up artists went on strike. MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. Just HUGE games. want them to live like I lived from. you know. when I was drunk for 10 years.. Because it's ugly and it's not us. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS, ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG. Does he know that the six nations are of the Iroquois, and the Mohawks are one of the six? And he'd do that with everything. I'm not trying to be antagonistic. People in New Zealand are getting this program but people in Seattle can't watch it. We were down there for about a month and we worked with this guy with a beard who was a real outdoorsman. I: So you made the movie in Richmond: now what? ES: I liked killing all those guys on the side of the cliff. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS We went down to Columbus, Ga., for a month and trained in this anti-terrorist camp. of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. Did he really think the movie would "stink"? I know E: Yes, we all did, but I like to do as many stunts as I can, except falling off the cliff, of course! Mostly it was an hour and a half long sprint! like a sauna in the summertime. MP: Well, would that be something you would consider? You know, you gotta start somewhere and they're starting small but they're starting. I have done bit parts in Bordertown and The Black Stallion. Where's Marion? MP: Yeah, it was a good scene. infringement! She is the New York-based writer/podcast editor for Filmoria and film contributor at The Interrobang. ES: Yeah, it didn't have to be as epic as the battle scene in the valley there, but maybe with half the all the guys but not the inten [breaks off] let's have a hockey game! COURIER || So, beyond that, .. we gotta get with it. And I'm a damn hand with a harmonica! Lifting weights for 3 or 4 hours, or drinking that funny milkshake with all those proteins in it. Where are you? He seems like a good guy. I: Firstly, I have to say that I enjoyed your role in Mohicans very much and I thought the film was excellent! Guide book STILL It would be like a culture shock when Indians move into the city. I was homeless when I was a kid. He's extremely We're working on it. I told Vern about that. Some people don't know whether to love him or hate him. [Laughs] In case people liked ours better! Each mask represented various animals and they contained a lot I've never been, well.. they treated me like royalty. ES: If I'm not working, yep! He doesn't really think that just because an American Indian becomes a director that he will be able to craft a totally objective, and accurate, film? So, that's good to see. If you do good things, good things will happen. Eric Schweig was born in Inuvik, Canada, on 19 June 1967. So, they did film something and obviously you 1997 - 2020 by Did you feel close? What's he like on the set?" LINKS MOHICANS ES: Well, no. It's jacked up obviously for television so the story is more interesting. I: Well, that explains that! It wasn't too heavy. Sitting out there in a big flotilla and it was really windy. MP: Do you see that on the other end of the spectrum too, with the elderly? I can't remember which scene it was. ES: Yeah. We're curious about Jodhi May's mother. Unfortunately, people just eat that stuff up! Col. Dave Webster runs this thing out of Columbus, between walking around the different classes and hanging around the smoking area, it was .. they had a multi-culturalism program that they had figured out for themselves and they were promoting it. It was incredible. But we are running out of actors and we need new blood. MP: She's working with you with these kids? wasn't the only time he did that. We invite your comments on our comments, or on the interview, on the E: I've been with PRIME TALENT for about three years and they audition all over the United States and Canada. them have had really, really rough lives. to say the least. I wouldn't That's not to say we weren't He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. MOHICAN PRESS To Continue Reading Our Interview With Eric Schweig, Move On To: PART 2: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW. You can find some of his films, including his two favorites, "Tom and Huck" and "Pontiac Moon", listed A few final comments. ES: There's one. But I made the bottom of the mask protrude a little bit more. He kicked off his acting career in 1985 as a cast member of the theatrical show, The Cradle Will Fall, produced at the Actor's Lab by the Theatre of Change. life cycle. Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! for the running and other activities. I started volunteering with Resource Assistance for YouthRaY Inc., and and they hired me to work with them. MP: Please correct me if I'm getting the wrong assumptions here. No one wants to see this all the time. So, what they would like to know is what would ES: Yes. ES: Oh yeah, Lake James. And their dogs too. Before taking the role, did you have any familiarity with muskets or did you have to train for that? Copyright 1997 - 2020 by I had more fun in that one month than I did in principal photography! They made me dive from one canoe to another. E: No, I haven't. Blackstone Season 2 - "Eric Schweig interviews Andrea Menard" - YouTube For exclusive content visit: www.blackstonetheseries.com For exclusive content visit: www.blackstonetheseries.com. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? I lived in hostels and I was an alcoholic until 14 years ago. I don't know what Russell's up to. It's become a horrible reality. That's who they should be chasing but they don't. 10 followers . They both have the same kind of drive so it was pretty funny. He runs Many Hawks Special Operations Camp in Columbus, Georgia where he A lot of people said, "Why were you running up the hill when you hardly exchange a glance with the girl". them in the first place. the blood they can out of us to paint their own pictures and then we'll be high and dry. ES: Yeah. As award-winning actor Eric Schweig led a column of mourners yesterday to a sunburned patch of grass at Vancouver's Grandview Park (the place where a man called Curtis Brick spent his dying moments) the drama seemed like a movie scene.. S chweig has, in fact, appeared in similar scenes on screen many times.. A carver and actor born in Nunavut, Schweig's credits track like a highlight reel of . She wasn't as inward. There is no question that the American Indians have been one of the most mistreated peoples in history, certainly on this continent. But we took care of them! I really like it and I love shopping there. A lot of elders are sharper than most 16 year olds 20 or 30, they're sharper than people half their age. Eric Schweig has spoken freely about his alcoholism. I thought it would stink! Massive games; twice the size of a football field and we are, We don't have all of the character actors that we need, we don't have bad guys, we don't have comedians, and we don't have the bodies to fill all of the positions. Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Sarah Troyer, Jonathan Cherry, Eric Schweig Writer: Davy Perez, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Nina Lopez-Corrado . place? We got along with him. We just see the rushes. One in particular was your party's arrival at Fort William Henry. ES: No, I haven't. You know, he hung out and he talked to . anybody. You downgrade, or downplay, other situations in a movie in order to boost you know, like it or not Madeleine Stowe and Daniel Day-Lewis were the stars in that and that's what MP: I guess you believe that judgment on any society falls on how they treat their children and their elders? I: Have you seen the whole film unedited? You know, if you get beaten down for so long and then you MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. couple of days we had it down to 20 or 30 seconds. Do you see yourself as having an empathy with these kids, since you've walked in their shoes? I didn't know the Russians, the Europeans, came from the west coast. ES: Yeah, it's the same way. I: And I presume the Hurons were speaking French? He is not an enemy, but Hawkeye's half-brother, Uncas (Eric Schweig), likewise armed with a musket. ES: I got along with Russell. So, gradually it will get better and .. we won't be so misunderstood and maligned. COURIER || Does he know that, in fact, all these characters are not based on fiction? Their living conditions were bad, like one loo [bathroom] for 400 guys. Glad we did! ES: Yeah, THE INDIAN. Have you seen the movie? an Inuit duo! We should be running around and, . not running around.. but we should be in, you know, suits.. like everybody else. in normal clothes. What I thought about the movie was that it was sprawling. Could you tell him Eric said "hello"? A lot of these people are among your biggest fans, which is why many of them came to our web site in the first place. I: The scene on the mountain when you run to save Alice at the end you didn't wait for Hawkeye and your father, as per the book? I used to hate it but I got used to them after awhile. We sort of guessed at what they would E: The only stage shot was the waterfall and the cave. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and MP: To date, you've been in two movies with him, The Last of the Mohicans and The Broken Chain. We love his portrayal of Uncas. MP: What was your favorite scene in the movie? ignorance. If he is going to have all his hair there, then we should, too!" One of our problems is finding a voice and speaking up, speaking out really loud too, if you want to. Well, like I said, Red River has received a lot of attention in Europe and people have described it as beautiful. Who is Eric Schweig? Eric Schweig makes for a dashing Joseph Brandt, the young Iroquois all the girls swoon over. MP: Do any of the locations stick out in your mind as a favorite place? Yeah, you know, I am a good guy. But period pieces have always been, and always will be, because of their way of Basic description does not do this moment justice. They just. a lot of it was really dark but it was incredible. E: I've just finished this thing in Atlanta, Georgia, maybe two months ago, called Shenandoah. [Laughs] He was just I told everybody right from the beginning, listen man.. we better take advantage of this while it lasts because they're gonna flog it to death. MP: So, I get the impression you didn't like Red River much. It was great. [laughs] I don't know what Director: David Winning | Stars: Kevin Sorbo, Tom Sizemore, Aleks Paunovic, Ami Dolenz 2. ES: Yeah, as opposed to a few years ago, it's reasonably quiet, yeah. I love Asheville. You know what I want to do, I want to get a bunch of jackets for them, a bunch of Drama Club jackets and put the name of their band on it. It would never have happened! I didn't do a lot of talking. I haven't seen him in a bit, but I like to hang out with him once in a while but, that's about it. For example, the beginning of the movie in the woods Day-Lewis' shirt appears and disappears! MP: Throughout the film there is featured some terrific landscapes. I would. Your masks are recreations of traditional ceremonial masks of the Inuit. Day Lewis. He's the guy that showed us how to Available - Free Downloads Only! I: The editing in the film is a little off sometimes. The girls would have been scared of everything! At first it took us about a minute or a minute and a half when we first got a hold of them to get them ready to fire. [Laughter] "Hold on! Or WE start making films of our own, which a lot of us has. mask each and every time? Usually they paved the way so we didn't have much of a problem. COLLECTIBLES || The more the merrier. MP: We've read that you have been involved in a children's drama group. That, perhaps, is petty stuff. ES: After I left the Mohicans, I said, "I hope I never see him again." Mohawks all over the place! MP: Okay. ES: Basically, yeah. Eric Schweig. Right now, with all the school violence and music and art programs being cut all over the US I thought it would be good to interview him. you've got Scots running around half naked and even in a period piece about Indians, just take The Last of the Mohicans for example .. You've got European born actors recreating roles from over 200 years ago. MESSAGE BOARD, STOREFRONTS! That's because people listen to them. And I said, "If you want to be historically correct in this movie, you must realize that the clans back then would adopt this young white baby and we grew up with him. And they put in all kinds of unnatural fears into kids' minds, or potentially can. Would it be accurate to say you're attracted to the arts in general? Return To Part 1 Of ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW, See Eric As Uncas, From The DVD-version: UNCAS & ALICE, A cause dear to his heart, read: That's one of the nicest small towns I've ever been in. That's why we had, sometimes, 15 or 16 hour days. It is up front and it is brutally honest. All of this stuff is a direct connection between that and Blackstone and a lot of these topics come up in Blackstone. AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. And we have hired more Native journalists in the past year than any news organization and with your help we will continue to grow and create career paths for our people. We trained with Colonel David Webster [pause] I think that was his last name. What is it like working with Blackstone's all-star cast? ES: [Laughter] Yeah! MP: Uncas. MUSINGS || SCRIPT || And so, it has to start with YOU. Because, since that is their national sport, the Mohawks, and it has been for hundreds of years, they should've focused on that and made a REALLY big deal out of it. MP: Cast as the Indian all the time, but you'd prefer to be offered a role because you're a good actor? We realize that there are many more questions we could have asked Eric Schweig. So, the more contemporary films we can do and be allowed to be a part of society and society's subconscious, then the better it will be. Eric is certainly a personable, well-spoken & easy-to-talk-to person. By the way, you did a play called The Cradle Will Fall. Want To Purchase One Of Eric's Videos? MP: Well, what I mean is that you guys, in the movie of course, went through every possible trial and tribulation. That's why they cut that love scene out. He's pretty likeable. I am an outreach worker in real life. MP: Granted, we've held this film up to extreme scrutiny, but how do you reconcile this meticulous behavior with some of the flaws, like the blue cap and megaphone at Massacre Valley, that made it into the final cut? Tell us about Andy Fraser, the character you're playing. He is such an integral part of our favorite movie. I think it's called Across Continents, something like that, but it's [picture of the mask] right on the cover of it. They worked everybody like dogs, so that was the only beef anyone had. As you've read in the interview, a film project is likely to materialize. I'll never forget his annoying voice. If you cultivate that, when he is 30 years old he would be the best possible asset for his community. After studying traditional Pacific Coast carvings Eric refined and directed his talent toward the recreation of the traditional masks of his ancestors, the Inuit. Available - Free Downloads Only! I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? So. you know, we've got to take advantage of it and they'll have nothing left short of Last of the Dog Men which is a ludicrous concept for a film about time or was it just.. you know, "I'm just doing this"? It is hard to do this if someone is not interested in itmind, body and soul. It was an alternative school for troubled teens who couldn't cope with a regular school curriculum so they booted them all out and put them all in a big building. to see that kind of ugliness but it's the truth. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS Well, it's one of the biggest small towns. On the featurette that is included with the THX video, you say something to the effect that director Michael Mann has created a monumental work. He's pretty intense. MP: Is this role already accepted or is it something you're considering? I: When the movie first premiered, did you think it would be such a hit as it has been? Was that difficult to achieve? MP: When you watch the movie it seems as though you guys had bonded. All three of us stood there with them. Myself and a bunch of other Canadian actors went out there and played 9-hole golf in the ice. It's cool, everything's cool. well, it's getting better, They sort of fashioned him after Tony Soprano, I think. Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! Making it more subtle? ES: Uhmm. No, it wasn't a sex scene. They were in the islands? Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. Accessibility or. ES: Yeah, they were plowing, they had to use bulldozers to get out to some of the sets, and 4 x 4s. MP: Regarding the children's drama group that you're involved in . your girlfriend's name is Gail? Sometimes on the set they have raunchy attitudes and I'd rather be away from it. What was the most trying on you personally? I: Do you think European women would have been able to stand such a life style? Faye Marie. He was just all work, then go home. I've read a couple of scripts that were on the money. And who they focus on and who they promote is gangster rap. In Just go ahead and tell me how you feel about that. 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