Stat. A person younger than 21 years old still must wear a helmet approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation when operating or riding on a motorcycle. Signs indicating such prohibition shall be conspicuously posted in general areas where the riding of bicycles, is prohibited; No person shall ride a bicycle on a sidewalk, or across a roadway on a crosswalk, where such use of bicycles is prohibited by official traffic control devices; A person riding a bicycle on a sidewalk, shared-use path, or across a roadway on a crosswalk, shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian; and. A motorized bicycle is classed as a Motor-assisted Bicycle - a bicycle to which a small motor is attached. A Class 1 E-bike A class 1 E-bike can be defined as a pedal-assisted electric bicycle with a low-powered motor that boosts the rider's effort up to 20 miles per hour and then cuts off. Two motorized bicyclists may ride abreast of one another, but may not ride in the same lane as motor vehicles. Ohio does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. There is currently an effort by the California Department of Public Health to create a plate that would provide grant funding to bicycle advocacy organizations. Source: Ala. Code 32-5A-52; 22-27-90, Alabama requires that wherever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway. A motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle according to this law may partially cross the highway centerline or the dividing line between two lanes of travel in the same direction if it can be performed safely. Nevertheless, bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Except as provided by resolution or ordinance of a local government for sidewalks within the jurisdiction of such local government authorizing the operation of bicycles on sidewalks by persons 12 years of age or younger, no person shall drive any vehicle upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized driveway. [effective 8/1/21]. As a motorized bicycle rider, you must obey all traffic laws, including speed limits and rights-of-way. Code 46.04.670; 46.61.502; 46.61.790. However, at this time no Share the Road plates are offered. Oregon requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, except under any of the following circumstances: Oregon requires that a driver of a motor vehicle yield the right of way to any bicyclist on a sidewalk. 707-700; 707-702.5; 707-703; 707-704; 707-705. In Arizona bicycles are not vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles, but a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle as provided in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Title 28 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. State legislation has focused on three dynamics: The District of Columbia (D.C.) and 44states in some manner define an electric bicycle: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. In addition, no person shall leave a door open on a side of a motor vehicle exposed to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload a passenger. Indiana currently has the following law aimed at distracted driving: Indiana requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway except under any of the following circumstances: Indiana does not have a statute that specifically authorizes or prohibits the operation of a bicycle upon a sidewalk. Connecticut provides that the driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. Any licensee issued a restricted license shall not operate a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle. Texas requires that no person open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic, unless the door may be opened in reasonable safety without interfering with the movement of other traffic. The overtaking of a bicycle by a motor vehicle, or vice versa, is governed by general traffic laws and, in most circumstances, such overtaking must be done to the left at a safe distance. 41-6a-502; 41-6a-1102. ), whose maximum speed on a paved level surface, when powered solely by such a motor while ridden by an operator who weighs 170 pounds, is less than 20 mph. The federal law permits e-bikes to be powered by the motor alone (a throttle-assist e-bike), or by a combination of motor and human power (a pedal-assist e-bike). No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing earphones, which is defined as a device which provides the listener with radio programs, music, or other recorded information through a device attached to the head and which covers all of or a portion of the ears. Connecticut requires that any person fifteen years of age or under riding a bicycle, as an operator or passenger, must wear a protective bicycle helmet. The person is operating a bicycle on a one-way roadway with two or more marked traffic lanes, in which case they may ride as near as practicable to the left curb or edge of the roadway. When reasonably necessary to avoid unsafe conditions, including fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to ride along the right-hand edge or curb. Florida's law prohibiting driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances is written so that it applies to all vehicles and therefore applies to bicyclists. Hawaii protects vulnerable users by providing a statutory basis for tougher prosecution when a vulnerable road user has been substantially injured or killed due to negligence. Nevada authorizes a person on a bicycle to proceed through a red light after coming to a stop if the person waits for two complete cycles of the lights or lighted arrows and the signal does not change because of a malfunction or because the signal failed to detect the presence of the bicycle. Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Continuing straight at an intersection where the bicycle lane or path is to the right of a lane from which a motor vehicle must turn right. North Dakota does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. Oklahoma requires that when overtaking and passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction, a person driving a motor vehicle shall: 1) exercise due care; 2)If there is more than one lane for traffic proceeding in the same direction, move the vehicle to the lane to the immediate left if the lane is available and moving into the lane is reasonably safe; and 3)If there is only one lane for traffic proceeding in the same direction, the driver shall not overtake or pass a bicycle at a distance of less than three (3) feet. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute, which you can find here. Source: Ark. ), available here:, or here: This law preempts local regulation of bicycles, except for local regulation of sidewalk riding as specifically provided in the law. Ann. Michigan requires that the driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance of at least 3 feet to the left of that bicycle, or if it is impracticable to pass the bicycle at a distance of 3 feet to the left, at a safe distance to the left of that bicycle at a safe speed. tit. West Virginia currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: W. Va. Code 17C-14-15; 17B-2-3a. Source: Haw. However, California does require that traffic actuated facilities must be installed and maintained so that they detect bicycle traffic. New Mexico does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. If it is safe to do so, the driver of a vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceed in the same direction may overtake and pass the bicycle in a no-passing zone. Idaho currently prohibits texting while driving a moving motor vehicle, unless accomplished voice or a hands free device. Arkansas requires that the driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a roadway shall exercise due care and pass to the left at a safe distance of not less than three feet and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken bicycle. Minnesota Department of Transportation Bicycle law resources: Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota Compilation of laws: Minnesota Safety Council Compilation of laws: City of Minneapolis Bicycle Law resources: It is unlawful to harass, taunt or maliciously throw an object at or in the direction of any person riding a bicycle. Colorado provides that its traffic laws shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, except those streets and highways that are parts of the state highway system, from regulating the operation of bicycles and requiring the registration and licensing of same, including the requirement of a registration fee, consistent with state traffic laws. Source: Mich. Comp. 21-1207.1, Maryland, in conjunction with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, offers Share the Road license plates. Michigan currently has the following law aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Michigan requires that a bicyclist, traveling at a speed less than the speed of traffic, must ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except as follows: Michigan allows bicycles to operate on sidewalks subject to the following rules: Michigan does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. New Mexico does not have a statute that specifically authorizes or prohibits the operation of a bicycle upon a sidewalk. Wyoming does not provide any modifications to the requirement to come to a complete stop when directed to stop by traffic control devices and does not authorize bicyclists to disobey traffic lights that fail to detect bicyclists. Find local events, classes, bike shops and more. Montana does not have any vulnerable road user laws at this time. West Virginia does not specifically provide for local authorities to regulate the operation of bicycles or require registration of bicycles, although such authorities may regulate the operation of bicycles through the exercise of their other legal powers. Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. When approaching a place where a right turn is authorized. Montana Department of Transportation Bicycle Safety page: Missoulians on Bicycles Compilation of laws: No person shall use a handheld wireless communication device to read a written communication, manually type a written communication, or send a written communication while operating a motor vehicle which is in motion; The holder of an LPE-learner's permit shall not use any type of interactive wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle on the highways of this state; and. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute,which you can findhere. These include: Massachusetts currently has the following laws aimed at distracted driving, subject to limited exceptions: Source: Mass. A bicyclist approaching a steady red traffic control light shall stop before entering the intersection and shall yield to all other traffic. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing that movement; When the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair; Upon a roadway divided into three (3) marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon; or. In Colorado, bicycles are defined as vehicles. There are currently no national standards for laws protecting vulnerable road users, but the League of American Bicyclists has drafted a Model Vulnerable Road User statute,which you can findhere. Arizona does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. To see current specialty plates please visit: North Dakota does not require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal vehicular traffic lane. Nevertheless bicycles should not be operated while intoxicated. Indiana has no helmet law. No law was found in Michiganthat requires persons opening the door of a motor vehicle to do so in a reasonably safe manner that does not interfere with the movement of traffic. Code Ann. Nebraska does not offer Share the Road license plates at this time. Missouri Department of Transportation Compilation of laws: St. Joseph Area Transportation Study Organization Bicycle pamphlet: Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation Legal resources: Intentionally interfere with the movement of a person who is lawfully riding a bicycle; or. In Wisconsin bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle under Chapter 346 of the Wisconsin Statutes, except for those provisions that by their express terms apply only to motor vehicles and those provisions that by their nature can have no application. tit. A person operating a bicycle on the sidewalk is required to yield the right of way to pedestrians and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian. Code), available here A segway; or13. No operator of a commercial motor vehicle shall engage in texting while driving. Maine specifically provides that its traffic law governing where a bicycle should ride does not apply in a municipality that, by ordinance approved by the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Transportation, makes other provisions regarding the operating location of a bicycle on a roadway. Nebraska repealed its law that required the use of a sidepath in 2016 thanks to LB716. In Virginia bicycles are vehicles according to the statute that defines vehicles and a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle, unless the context of a provision clearly indicates otherwise. ), available here: California requires that the driver of a motor vehicle shall not overtake or pass a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on a highway at a distance of less than three feet between any part of the motor vehicle and any part of the bicycle or its operator. Wyoming has no helmet law. Stat. Code tit. At the federal level, a 2002 law enacted by Congress,HB 727, amended the Consumer Product Safety Commission definition of e-bikes. Connecticut defines a vulnerable user as: Connecticut provides protection to vulnerable users by providing that any person operating a motor vehicle on a public way who fails to exercise reasonable care and causes the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable user of a public way, provided such vulnerable user has shown reasonable care in such users use of the public way, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars. Regulate and license the riding of bicycles and other similar vehicles upon or along the streets, alleys, highways, or other public grounds within its limits; Construct and maintain bicycle paths or roadways within or outside of and beyond its limits leading to or from the city or town; Establish and collect reasonable license fees from all persons riding a bicycle or other similar vehicle within its respective corporate limits; and. Of which, at least eight, including Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming, have enacted specific e-bike laws without such requirements. Georgia requires that whenever a usable path has been provided adjacent to a roadway and designated for the exclusive use of bicycle riders, then the appropriate governing authority may require that bicycle riders use such path and not use those sections of the roadway as specified by such local governing authority. Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bicycle Rules: Compilation of Bicycle laws by Wednesday Night Bike Rides: Compilation of Bicycle laws by Sheboygan County: Direct link to Title 31-Article 7-Bicycles. Utah defines a vulnerable user of a highway as a pedestrian, including a worker upon a highway or providing emergency services; a person riding an animal; or a person operating any of the following on a highway: (1) a farm tractor or implement of husbandry, without an enclosed shell; (2) a skateboard; (3) Roller skates; (4) In-line skates; (5) a bicycle; (6) an electrically-assisted bicycle; (7) a moped; (8) a motor-driven cycle; (9) a motorized scooter; (10) a motorcycle; or (11) a manual wheelchair. Where a right turn is authorized use of a commercial motor vehicle, unless accomplished voice a!, California does require that bicyclists use any lane or path other than a normal traffic... 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