Now, if I cannot say the first things because of diffidence, though they be true, yet can I say this, that I feel myself to be a sinner, that I loathe my sinnership, that I detest my iniquity, that I feel I deserve the wrath of God on account of my transgressions? He died for his murderers, for those that mocked and insulted him; for he commanded his disciples to begin preaching the gospel at Jerusalem, where they crucified him, to preach it even to those who had hounded him to his doom. To be begotten is something more than to be made: this is a more personal work of God; and that which is begotten is in closer affinity to himself than that which is only created. Here is the full receipt; the resurrection hath rent the bond in twain. "He was despised and rejected of men." And yet once more, another precious means of test in the first of Corinthians, the first chapter, and the ninth verse. What consolation then to be called: for if I am called, then I am predestinated. First, in 8:37 he says that "we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.". The ills of life are many, the trials of life are many, the temptations of life are more; O life, life, life here below, thou art, after all, little better than a lingering death! Come with me, believer, to your estates, and behold, just on the edge of your Father's great inheritance, lies the swamp and morass of affliction. O my beloved, do not ask the question. But anyhow, things present cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. I, for my part, take only one objection to it, which is that it is perfectly untrue and utterly unfounded, having not the lightest shadow of a pretence of being proved by the Word of God. I have thus given you the four props and pillars of the believer's faith. A fine title indeed if it belongs to every man! Martin Luther declared that he constantly preached justification by faith alone, "because," said he, "the people would forget it; so that I was obliged almost to knock my Bible against their heads, to send it into their hearts." He it is that leads our soul to cry, "though my house be not so with God, yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure." If any take up the gage of battle, and say, "We condemn you," we shall have this for our complete answer to every one, "It is Christ that died." Now, I consider these things as being a very mean display of wisdom, compared with what is to come in a hundred years, and very small compared with what might have been, if man's intellect had continued in its pristine condition. 20. What shall we say to that? When the Emperor Charles the Fifth went to war with Francis the First, King of Naples, he sent a herald to him, declaring war in the name of the Emperor of Germany, King of Castille, King of Aragon, King of Naples, King of Sicily, and he went on with many more titles, giving his sovereign all the honours that were his due. IV. It is Christ that died." This would be a very bold challenge even for a man who had been righteous from his youth up. No, there must be something done more than we can accomplish. We must not pry into it, but we know that he was verily of the nature of God. Those of us who have passed through any spiritual conflicts know that Satan is a terribly real personage. It is as though one bartered a diamond to buy a common pebble from the brook, or gave away an empire to purchase some foul thing not worthy of being picked off a dunghill. Methinks I see the fathers at their midnight lamps, the ancient saints in their much-frequented closets, the thrice brave preachers in their pulpits denouncing error, and the faithful pastors reproving wrong. A groan is a matter about which there is no hypocrisy. "The children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." "Thou madest him to have dominion over all the works of thy hands: thou hast put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, yea, and the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." the doctrine that man is guilty in all these things. Death is terrible to them; the tomb affrights them, they can scarcely understand the possibility of having any confidence this side of the grave. As surely as Jesus is a son, so surely are we, for the same Spirit bears witness to both, as it is written "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." We must keep on going forward; there is no such thing in the Christian life as standing still, and we dare not turn back. If you have faith enough brethren, you may this mourning be raised up to sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Did an earthly benefactor feed you, would you hate him? Prayers which are the offspring of great desires, sublime aspirations, and elevated designs are surely the work of the Holy Spirit, and their power within a man is frequently so great that he cannot find expression for them. I refer to the poets, men who stand aloft like Colossi, mightier than we, seeming to be descended from celestial spheres. Would it not be well for all the churches to hold special meetings for prayer concerning the deadly scourge of influenza? Say it, Christians, say it this morning; say it by your prayer, your deeds, your constant energy, say it by your benefactions, demand the earth for Christ, demand it for yourselves, for ye are "joint heirs with Christ." While we have an Almighty Saviour, the redeemed must be saved; until omnipotence can fail, and the Almighty can be overcome, every blood-bought redeemed child of God is safe and secure for ever. there is more joy even in the groan of a Christian after heaven, than in all the mirth and merriment, and dancing, and lewdness of the ungodly when their mirth is at its greatest height. Pentateuch and Other Historical Books of the Old Testament. Thine omnipotence is ours, O God, to be our defense. Then let me give you just one piece of homely advice before I send you away. All the troubles of a Christian do but wash him nearer heaven; the rough winds do but hurry his passage across the straits of this life to the port of eternal peace. How will your broken leg work for your good?" See the victim of justice the sacrifice of atonement for your transgression. A thousand sources of joy are opened in that one blessing of adoption. As to his humanity our blessed Lord, when he came into this world, underwent a birth which was a remarkable type of our second birth. But there are times when the heir of heaven is as sure that he is God's child as he is sure that he is his own father's son. It is Christ that died. He had not seen many of those whom he addressed; yet they were known to him, in the Spirit, as partakers of one glorious and blessed hope, and, therefore, he called them "brethren." Still, true as it is that we are free agents, yet the Lord is the potter and we are the clay upon the wheel, and it is his work, and not ours, that makes us like to Christ. Provision for Christian living is in the Person of the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit of God enable me to expound to you this most blessed portion of God's Word. Man! But one more word, and that circles the argument, namely, that the work of the Spirit in the heart is not only the mind of the Spirit which God knows, but it is also according to the will or mind of God, for he never maketh intercession in us other than is consistent with the divine will. Catalogue of Commentaries & Expositions. Say, "I count it to be my joy to be permitted to be a partaker of the sufferings of Christ. You have heard of Regulus the Roman general; he was taken prisoner by Carthagenians, who anxiously wished for peace. He sees things he had not dreamed of even in the shades of night. When we know the matter of prayer, we yet fail to pray in a right manner. "Brethren, we are debtors;" what I have is not my own, but God's; and if it be God's, then it belongs to God's poor. Oh! Has the Spirit operated in my heart in a manner to which flesh and blood never can attain? Has it lifted up your tastes, so that they are no longer grovelling, but you choose the things that are of God? "All things work together for good," but not to all men; they only work together for the good of "them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Now in proportion as God's determination has been carried out in us, we also act to God as children towards a loving father, and whereas the children of darkness speak of their own, and like their father, who is a liar, speak the lie; and like their father, who is a murderer, act out wrath and bitterness, even so the children of God speak the truth, for God is true, and they are full of love, for God is love; and their life is light, for their God is light. It cries for something, and it makes very odd and objectionable noises, combined with signs and movements, which are almost meaningless to stranger, but his mother understands him, and attends to his little pleadings. I have such a happy house, I do not like to be out of it." You will be "a jolly good fellow" while you join them in their folly; but when you give up their ways, their habits, and their society, then they will say that you are melancholy, and no longer fit company for such, "hail fellows, well met", and they will turn away from you. 14. You have perhaps received an increase to your wealth, and after the first flush of pleasure which was but natural, you have said, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity; this is not my joy." When bowing before his throne we can boldly say "Abba Father." The thoughts are too great to need to be spun out, or you can do that in your private meditations. Come on thou world in arms! And now I press forward to notice that in order that we may know whether we are partakers of this high this royal relationship of children of God, the text furnishes us with a SPECIAL PROOF "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. A shopmate asked, "What's the matter?" The snow is numbing his limbs, and his soul is breathed out with many a groan. What! I go to one brother, and I say, "Brother, there is such-and-such an office in the Sabbath-school; will you take it?" God bless you, ye sons of God, and may those of you who are strangers to him, be convinced and converted by this sermon, and seek that grace by which alone you can have your prayer fulfilled: Delivered on Sunday Morning, July the 28th, 1861 by the, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, THE APOSTLE has proceeded through a simple but exceedingly forcible train of reasoning till he gains this glorious point "Joint heirs with Christ." Our text begins by the expression, "Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate," and many senses have been given to this word "foreknow" though in this case one commends itself beyond every other. as the Lord liveth, there may be but a step between you and death; and if you have no Christ, and have never tasted of his love, you are running awful risks even in going one step further. He gave to us his person, it has become our meat and our drink; we eat his flesh and drink his blood. You remember the case of Samuel; the Lord called Samuel, and he arose and went to Eli, and he said, "Here am I, for thou calledst me." It is astonishing how much gratitude a man will feel to you if you have been only the instrument of doing him good; but how little gratitude he feels to God, the first cause of all! There is much to sadden us in a view of the ruins of our race. Climbing the lofty Alps, or wandering through the charming valley, skimming the blue sea, or traversing the verdant forest, we have felt that this world, however desecrated by sin, was evidently built to be a temple of God, and the grandeur and the glory of it plainly declare that "the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." Furthermore, this conformity to Christ lies in relationship as well as in nature. "Brethren, ye have been called into liberty." Blessed is the man to whom this reasoning is not abstract, but experimental. As an old countryman once said to me, from whom I gained many a pithy saying "Ah! Did you ever want to hire a horse in a market-town? I do fear, my brethren, that very often when we consider our state, we think not so much of the guilt as of the misery. That bereavement is working for thy good. The words which Jesus uses are various in different cases. Who enters the lists against the believer? "The carnal mind is enmity against God." That old preacher Solomon once said as much as that. He looked forward with glad anticipation to the time when the wain should creak beneath the sheaves, and when the harvest home should be shouted at the door of the barn. Some may say, "It is the prospect of bankruptcy." He goes on to say, "Heirs of God;" for if they are heirs they inherit their Father's property. In heaven's logic it is true, "if children, then heirs.". Very gently did He lead me into this unthought-of service, and most graciously has He hitherto sustained me in it; first giving me in my own heart the joy of His Word, and then enabling me to minister of that rejoicing to others. Debts of honor, as we call them which are no debts in some men's eyes we can discharge; but the great and solemn debt we owe to God is ofttimes passed by, neglected and forgotten. Yet more, I fancy that. Oh, yes, I am sure ye ought. When Paul had alluded to that consoling subject he turned to the next ground of comfort namely, that we are to be sustained under present trial by hope. Oh! Beloved, what a different view of prayer God has from that which men think to be the correct one. Our first birth gave us humanity; our second birth allies us with Deity. The children look up to the firstborn. I do not believe that the Bible is to be understood except by receiving these doctrines as true. It seems to be, so far as we can judge, much more painful than the first, and has an anguish in it of the severest sort. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: but that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But this know, O man, whatever thou sayest of this doctrine, it is a stone upon which, if any man fall, he shall suffer loss, but if it fall upon him it shall grind him to powder. Commentary on Romans 12:3-8 (Read Romans 12:3-8) Pride is a sin in us by nature; we need to be cautioned and armed against it. say you? He is the ambassador; he it is who can make peace through his blood; and though you came in here an enemy, it is possible you may go out through that door a friend yet, if you can but look to Jesus Christ, the brazen serpent which was lifted up. In verses 1-11, Paul contrasted those "who live according to the flesh" with . I have been able again to revise a sermon without assistance. This day, if we do not break fish and barley loaves, we bring you better food; this day, if we cannot give to men opened eyes and unstopped ears, yet in the teaching of the gospel of Jesus, by the power of the Spirit, the mental eye is cleansed, and the soul's ear also is purged; so that in every child of God, in proportion as he labors in the power of the Spirit for Christ, the works which he does bear witness of him that he is the son of God. Christ is entering into Jericho to preach. At least, they seem to have lost their first love to him far sooner than they did to his servant. though that bell hath the very sound of heaven, and though all men do in a measure hear it, for "their line is gone out into all the earth and their Word unto the end of the world" yet there was never an instance of any man having been brought to God simply by that sound. Now, when effectual calling comes into a house and singles out a man, that man will be compelled to go forth without the camp, bearing Christ's reproach. When he had kept all his Master's law he was but an unprofitable servant; he had done no more than he ought to have done; he had no surplus, no balance. and do we not feel that we shall lay all our honors, whatever they may be, at his dear feet, who hath according to his abundant mercy predestinated us to be conformed to the image of his Son? Are you intelligently persuaded not only that God is love, but that God loves you? I think it was Bishop Hall who once said, "I thank God I am not of his counsels, but I am of his court." 1 & 2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $13.20 $22.00. And all between is full of grace and truth. I want nothing more. If all things work together for good (all events, all circumstances, all trials, all happenings, etc. Is it not my duty, as well as my happiness, to ask whether there be a way to be reconciled to God? "Complete the sentence, lictors;" and their heads are smitten off in the father's presence. It is enough; he has the cause, nor would we take it from his hand even if we could, Well did the apostle say, "To the very uttermost he is able to save them that come unto God by him, because he ever lives to make intercession for them.". Who is he that condemneth." If we now suffer the good vessel of gospel truth to be drifted by adverse winds upon the rock, if we keep not good watch to her helm, and cry not well to her great Master that she may led to a prosperous end, surely those who are to succeed us will look on us with scorn, and say, "Shame on the men, who had so great and glorious a mission, and neglected it, and handed down to us a beclouded gospel and an impure Church." In Romans 11:2 , we read, "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknow," where the sense evidently has the idea of fore-love; and it is so to be understood here. One man has ten talents, and oh how proud he is, and how he looks down upon another who has but one, and says: "Ah, you are a mean man; I have ten talents." Are your arms about the neck of the great Father? How can we do that, say you? let thy waves and thy billows roll over me better an ocean of trouble than a drop of sin, I would rather have thy rod a thousand times upon my shoulders, O my God, than I would once put out my hand to touch that which is forbidden, or allow my foot to run in the way of gainsayers." PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON Romans 8:1-39 . Now, at the present moment all things work. poor Abraham, as the world would have had it, what a trial his call cost him! And lastly, I see here, an answer to every accusation arising from sin. God dwelleth in us, and we are one with Christ. Thirdly, we are to be conformed to the image of Christ in our experience. We call them innocent, and so they are of actual transgression, but as the poet says, "Within the youngest breast there lies a stone." There is a third thing in which we are deficient, namely, liberty, the glorious liberty of the children of God. The pinch of faith always lies in the present tense. Great men get the blessing, but poor men bring it down from heaven. God loves Christ, and we love Christ, so we have a meeting-place; we love the same blessed Person, and that brings us to love one another. Nay, his law never asked for more than human righteousness divine. And now my hearers, let me just utter this personal appeal to you. "Sentimentalism!" There were no obedient creatures in the world of that sort, knowing good and evil, in the days of Eden's glory. Well, if not in this text, there is in another. The apostle challenges the whole world, and heaven and hell too, in the question, "Who is he that condemneth?" So must we be, for we shall be made like him. for if not, inasmuch as you reject one part of the inheritance you reject the rest. a. He cannot reverse his grace; it cannot be that the throne of condemnation shall be exalted on the ruins of the cross. Let me attempt a second simile: he is as an advocate to one in peril at law. And, then O ye people of God, let this last thought abide with you, what condescension is this that Divine Person should dwell in you for ever, and that he should be with you to help your prayers. In his light shall we see light: I pray, therefore, that we may be helped of the Spirit while we consider his mysterious operations, that we may not fall into error or miss precious truth through blindness of heart. You were not as some who were mere drudges to sin. Can he still be valiant, and maintain his ground, calling out, "Who is he that condemneth?" This was pictured by the high priest of old. A dying Saviour brings more glory to the love of God, ay, and to the justice of God, than any mortal sinner could have done; more than any perfect man, though he lived throughout eternity, could have done. That prayer which came from heaven will certainly go back to heaven. We always want to be putting in some little scrap of our own virtue; we want to be doing something. What shall I do? A man has to deliver a piece which he has learned; but his memory is treacherous, and therefore somewhere out of sight there is a prompter, so that when the speaker is at a loss and might use a wrong word, a whisper is heard, which suggests the right one. I repeat it, there is nothing in the highest heaven which Christ has reserved unto himself, "for all things are yours, and ye are Christ's and Christ is God's.". It is the challenge of a justified sinner protesting with holy and inspired fervour that his character is clear and his conscience clean, even in the sight of heaven. Hope is the grand anchor by whose means we ride out the present storm. I am not so much afraid of dying as I am of sinning; that is ten times worse than death. We have, indeed, in the death of Christ, a great atonement; an atonement so great, that none can measure its height and depth, its length and breadth. Their anchor goes within the veil of the waters into the deeps of the sea; ours goes within the veil of glory, into the heights of heaven, where Jesus sits at the right hand of God: "within the veil;". Even so did our Lord Jesus Christ. And oh, would you be ashamed to die for Christ; methinks, if you are what you should be, you will glory in tribulations also, and count it sweet to suffer for Christ. but another thought comes up, "You know that he died; but then you have slain your Lord. The influences of the Holy Ghost at times pass through the soul like winds through an Eolian harp, creating and inspiring sweet notes of gratitude and tones of desire, to which we should have been strangers if it had not been for his divine visitation. "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". We may say of the prayers which the Holy Spirit works in us that they are prayers of knowledge. You do not know the love of Christ. And here I am met upon the very threshhold by the opposition of certain modern theologians, who hold that sonship is not the special and peculiar privilege of believers. You said to yourselves, "We have no doubt we ought to be there; that is our debt; nevertheless we should like to gratify our curiosity for once, by hearing this singular preacher, who will be sure to say something extravagant that will furnish the occasion for a joke for the next fortnight." And as I look on them, and they on me, I turn to you all and say, "Brethren, we are debtors." Sound conviction of sin, deep humiliation on account of it, and a sense of utter weakness and unworthiness naturally conduct the mind to the belief of the doctrines of grace, while shallowness in these matters leaves a man content with a superficial creed. There are few people who sincerely believe this. Let us mark a yet more positive passage, Romans ix. The enemy is to the right and the left of us. In the second place, very briefly, WHAT OUGHT WE TO DRAW FROM THIS DOCTRINE, that we are debtors? In the midst of his agony on the tree, he still had full understanding concerning his sacrifice: "Knowing that all things were now accomplished," he bowed his head, and died. When the Spirit of God writes a prayer upon a man's heart, the man himself may be in such a state of mind that he does not altogether know what it is. The first is, that this body of ours is not delivered. Oh! If any text can be more conclusive than this against universal sonship, I must confess I know of none, and unless these words mean nothing at all, they do mean just this, that believers are the sons of God and none besides. It is proven to a demonstration in our own lives; it is a fact which runs like a golden clue through all the labyrinth of our history "All things work together for good to them that love God." and silence reigns through earth and heaven. No Jew was ever content with the first-fruits. ", I. Then he mentions angels, principalities, and powers. As for the child of God, he knows no more about his immediate future than you do; but he knows this, that there is nothing in the future that can separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. IV. The trumpet of the gospel sounds aloud to every man in our congregations "Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Did not they, by bitter suffering, achieve our liberty for us? It does not always follow in human reasoning "if children, then heirs," because in our families but one is the heir. Yet was he stern in the denunciation of all evil; so should we be. Wherefore, since it is only our Judge who can condemn us, and since he is the very Person who has paid our debt for us, and put our sin away, we dare to repeat again, with additional emphasis, our ringing challenge to all the universe, "Who is he that condemneth?". He shows us where our deficiencies are, what our sins are, and what our necessities are; he sheds a light upon our condition, and makes us feel deeply our helplessness, sinfulness, and dire poverty; and then he casts the same light upon the promises of the Word, and lays home to the heart that very text which was intended to meet the occasion the precise promise which was framed with foresight of our present distress. There have been many who have been won from drunkenness by hearing the preaching of God's Word even under myself, and those persons have been ready to carry me on their shoulders, from very gratitude, for joy; but I would be bound to say they make a far more feeble display of their thankfulness to my Master. All that the Church wants to-day is courage and devotion. The other might have said, "Ah, you pretend to be a happy man, and here you are groaning." They are gone, and gone for ever! Then it appears if we are called joint heirs with Christ, we legally and strictly have no inheritance apart from him. Why, one would have thought you would rejoice to take your Master for better or for worse, and to be partaker with him, not only in his glories but in his sufferings. Self-righteous man, I can tell thee in the tick of a clock, whether thou hast any evidence of election. "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus," declaring as it seems to me, and rightly enough, that all believers, all who have faith in Christ are the children of God, and that they become actually and manifestly so by faith in Christ Jesus, and implying that those who have no faith in Christ Jesus, are not God's sons, and that any pretence which they could make to that relationship would be but arrogance and presumption. This will appear in two ways. Our little debts we can pay. The Holy Spirit has a wonderful power over renewed hearts, as much power as the skillful minstrel hath over the strings among which he lays his accustomed hand. He has come on purpose to put away our sin, and when he died, he made an end of it. Here is another test. I recommend that we should, each one of us, have but one hope of salvation. And, brethren, we are debtors to the future. Now, God will one day change our bodies and make them fit for our souls, and then he will change this world itself. his Allmightiness is ours. When I think of my sin, it seems impossible that any atonement should ever be adequate; but when I think of Christ's death it seems impossible that any sin should ever be great enough to need such an atonement as that. "We have," says the text, not "we hope and trust sometimes we have," nor yet "possibly we may have," but "we have, we know we have, we are sure we have." Hark! His works bore witness of him. The face of Jesus is more lovely to God than all the worlds, his eyes are brighter than the stars, his voice is sweeter than bliss; therefore doth the Father will to have his Son's beauty reflected in ten thousand mirrors in saints made like to him, and his praises chanted by myriads of voices of those who love him, because his blood has saved them. (2) They may have thought him to teach that we should sin in order to get more grace (6:1) and, therefore, may have made his teaching of justification by faith an excuse for immoral conduct. I do not much wonder that thou shouldst despise spiritual good, for thou art yet "in the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity;" a stranger to spiritual things, and let thy despising of spiritual things teach thee that thou art not spiritual, and therefore thou canst not understand the spiritual, because it must be spiritually discerned. I. Let us do what we may, it is but a farthing in the pound that we shall ever be able to pay of the debt of gratitude we owe to God. You had a share in his death. It needs no stretch of imagination to conceive this place to be a Roman amphitheatre. Tell me, oh, tell me, if ye know, seers and prophets, is my name recorded in that book of life? You went to the house of God, not to pray, but to laugh. what can destroy thee if omnipotence is thy helper? Beloved, if you would be saved, you must be persuaded of this truth; and when you are persuaded of it, you will know the joy of it. A carnal man draws the inference that if God has ordained an event we need not pray about it, but faith obediently draws the inference that the God who secretly ordained to give the blessing has openly commanded that we should pray for it, and therefore faith obediently prays. The glorious liberty of the flesh, these are not the children of the nature of in. 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