Furthermore, the dose-response analysis revealed an 8% reduction in colorectal neoplasm risk for every 20 mg/day increase in isoflavone intake in Asian populations, and for every 0.1 mg/day increase in Western populations. In a study reported by Ko et al., the authors quantified the plasma concentrations of daidzein, genistein, glycitein and equol in Korean men and women [36]. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of isoflavone formulations against estrogen-deficient bone resorption in peri- and postmenopausal women. In tropical climates meat which is exposed to the moonlight rapidly becomes putrid ; and in the Indies, the negroes who will lie sweltering and unoovered beneath the full glare of a tropical sun, carefully muffle their heads and faces when exposed to the moonbeams, which they believe will cause swelling and distortion of the features, and sometimes even blindness. Atkinson C., Frankenfeld C.L., Lampe J.W. Isoflavones (high dose: 0.675.5 mg/day; and low dose: 0.0120.1 mg/day). In this study, five prospective cohort studies and seven case-control studies, with 6275 cases and 393,776 controls, were included. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Two of the studies also revealed that women who were able to produce equol or who had received equol supplementation could have had a greater benefit from isoflavones [53]. Isoflavones have received attention due to their putative healthy properties. The most significant food source of isoflavones in humans is soy-derived products, soybeans, soy flour, soy flakes, soy beverages and fermented soy products such as miso and tempeh, among others [9]. Future research in this field should quantify isoflavones as accurately as possible, analyzing larger cohorts and lengthening the follow-up stage. In this line, three meta-analyses were conducted to study isoflavone consumption and endometrial cancer risk. Looking at a few examples of moonlight's. Furthermore, soy protein has been linked to an improvement in nitric oxide production and contributes to increased arterial compliance [65]. Moreover, five studies reported side-effect data, and after the analysis, no significant differences were observed between the two groups. Analysis of isoflavones in Foods. Daily et al. The lunar effect is a purported unproven correlation between specific stages of the roughly 29.5-day lunar cycle and behavior and physiological changes in living beings on Earth, including humans. The same results were reported in another meta-analysis published by the same authors a year later (Li et al., 2016), when they compared the efficacy of several non-hormonal drugs on hot flushes, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), gabapentin, clonidine and soy isoflavones [88]. As far as the mechanisms of action involved in the decrease in triglyceride concentration are concerned, it has been reported that hepatic lipase and/or lipoprotein lipase activity may be increased as a result of isoflavone presence. Grosso G., Godos J., Lamuela-Raventos R., Ray S., Micek A., Pajak A., Sciacca S., DOrazio N., Del Rio D., Galvano F. A comprehensive meta-analysis on dietary flavonoid and lignan intake and cancer risk: Level of evidence and limitations. Perna et al. HRT: hormone replacement therapy, RCT: randomized controlled trial, VSM: vasomotor symptoms. EFSA Pannel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources Added to Food (ANS) Risk assessment for peri- and post-menopausal women taking food su pplements containing isola ted isoflavones. Contrary to other types of renewable energies, such as wind and hydroelectricity, evidence on the effects of PV panels on biodiversity has been building up only fairly recently. Two meta-analyses, which covered prospective cohort studies, showed that soy isoflavone consumption was not associated significantly with mortality linked to cardiovascular events [56,62]. The authors studied all possible correlations between isoflavone consumption and the risk of breast cancer. By contrast, it seems that soy isoflavones do not lead to a meaningful protective effect on cardiovascular risk. This is mainly due to their potential adverse effects, which range from increased coronary heart disease to stroke and cancer [53,85]. The results showed that a higher regular intake of foods rich in isoflavones might potentially decrease colorectal cancer incidence. Vlachopoulos C., Aznaouridis K., Stefanadis C. Prediction of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality with arterial stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Isoflavone content in soy-derived products is usually lower than in soybeans [17]. (2018) analyzed 12 studies with 37,275 women with breast cancer and reported that soy isoflavone consumption at a pre-diagnosis stage might have a small effect on the survival of postmenopausal women with breast cancer [69]. In addition, genistein and glycitein are transformed into dihydrogenistein and dihydroglycitein, respectively, before being further converted into other metabolites. Sarri G., Pedder H., Dias S., Guo Y., Lumsden M.A. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Overall, evidence regarding the use of isoflavones in cancer prevention suggests that they may be useful in reducing the risk of suffering from some types of cancer, such as breast and endometrial cancer, two of the types for which the association between isoflavone intake and cancer risk has been studied more in-depth. Effects of isoflavones in cardiovascular disease-related markers. Thus, soybean can be considered as the best food source. ; Project Administration, M.P.P. (2020) revised the literature to find randomized controlled trials that evaluated the impact of soy protein supplementation (isoflavone intake ranging from 49.3 to 118 mg/day) on endothelial function parameters in postmenopausal women (n = 802) [58]. In fact, the number of isoflavones present was very variable among the different soy food types. Isoflavone glycosides have to be hydrolyzed to the aglycone form prior to its absorption by passive diffusion in the upper small intestine [28]. However, when a subgroup analysis by a class of flavonoids was carried out, they concluded that these inverse associations were significant for all categories of flavonoids except for isoflavones and flavonols. Gruber C.J., Tschugguel W., Schneeberger C., Huber J.C. Production and actions of estrogens. In contrast, red clover was not associated with changes in the hot flush frequency. In this line, another meta-analysis, which included 52 controlled trials and 5313 patients, shows that soy isoflavones have beneficial effects on bone mineral density in the femur neck, lumbar spine, and hip, regardless of body weight or ethnicity [49]. Our findings illustrate that foraging rodents, well known to be risk-averse during moonlit nights, are also affected by the presence of an invasive plant. The authors observed that soy isoflavone consumption was inversely associated with cancer deaths. He X., Sun L.M. Indeed, Kim and Je (2017) indicated that a high intake of flavonoids is associated with a reduced risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in men and women [56]. In general, evidence regarding the use of isoflavones on vasomotor symptoms suggests that they could be useful in reducing hot flushes. For this reason, the results should be interpreted with caution, and more randomized clinical trials are required. Moreover, sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) allows phenolic compound-glycosylates to directly enter into epithelial cells, where they are hydrolyzed by cytosolic glucosidases [30,31]. Oral isoflavone supplementation on endometrial thickness: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. and transmitted securely. In contrast, the effects on bone resorption biomarkers were more favorable in overweight or obese women than in women with a healthy weight. While equol production seems to be similar in animals, it is very variable in humans [41], and therefore, beneficial effects referred to equol have been observed only in individuals with a specific microbiota composition [38]. They also note that the effects of isoflavones are greater when administered as aglycones. (2018) showed no effect of soy isoflavones on plasma concentrations of lipoprotein a (Lpa), a low-density lipoprotein associated with increased cardiovascular risk due to its pro-thrombotic and atherogenic properties [63]. "It's not. Regarding cancer, scientific evidence suggests that isoflavones could be useful in reducing the risk of suffering from some types of cancer, such as breast and endometrial cancer, although further studies are needed to confirm these results. Abshirini M., Omidian M., Kord-Varkaneh H. Effect of soy protein containing isoflavones on endothelial and vascular function in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. This meta-analysis included 266,699 participants (21,612 patients with prostate cancer among them). . In like manner, a meta-analysis by Simental-Menda et al. Changes to Earth's climate driven by increased human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are already having widespread effects on the environment: glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, river and lake ice is breaking up earlier, plant and animal geographic ranges are shifting, and plants and trees are blooming sooner. Yu Y., Jing X., Li H., Zhao X., Wang D. Soy isoflavone consumption and colorectal cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Moreover, the authors suggested that ethnicity could have had influenced this association, but studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm this hypothesis. This finding suggests that bacterial deglycosylation contributes significantly to isoflavone absorption [32]. (2015) concluded that soy isoflavones have both a slight and slow effect in attenuating menopausal hot flushes [87]. The authors suggested that further studies grouping subjects by isoflavone intake or by the circulating isoflavone levels might enhance this association. (2016) analyzed the effect of oral isoflavone supplementation on endometrial thickness in pre- and post-menopausal women, which is a biomarker for the proliferative effects of estrogens associated with an increased endometrial risk [72]. Thirty-seven articles presenting evidence of the physiological effects of viewing nature were selected. Dietary intake of flavonoid subclasses and risk of colorectal cancer: Evidence from population studies. (2017) also analyzed eight studies of prostate cancer, and they found an association between isoflavone intake and prostate cancer risk [61]. Micek A., Godos J., Brzostek T., Gniadek A., Favari C., Mena P., Libra M., Del Rio D., Galvano F., Grosso G. Dietary phytoestrogens and biomarkers of their intake in relation to cancer survival and recurrence: A comprehensive systematic review with meta-analysis. Nevertheless, this association was not shown when equol or isoflavones were consumed. 1Nutrition and Obesity Group, Department of Pharmacy and Food Science, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Lucio Lascaray Research Institute, 01006 Vitoria, Spain; [email protected] (S.G.-Z. Xu B., Chibber R., Ruggiero D., Kohner E., Ritter J., Ferro A., Ruggerio D. Impairment of vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity by advanced glycation end products. van der Schouw Y.T., Kreijkamp-Kaspers S., Peeters P.H., Keinan-Boker L., Rimm E.B., Grobbee D.E. The conclusion was that isoflavones exerted little influence over bone mineral density and thus over bone health during menopause, although not all the studies observed the same effect. Li L., Xu L., Wu J., Dong L., Zhao S., Zheng Q. Barnes S. The biochemistry, chemistry and physiology of the isoflavones in soybeans and their food products. (2019) studied whether equol supplementation could benefit equol nonproducer subjects in lowering the incidence and severity of hot flushes [85]. In miso and tempeh, the aglycone form is the most abundant one [9]. Chang H.H., Robinson A.R., Common R.H. Excretion of radioactive diadzein and equol as monosulfates and disulfates in the urine of the laying hen. Gee J.M., DuPont M.S., Day A.J., Plumb G.W., Williamson G., Johnson I.T. However, the magnitude of risk reduction in Asian women was slightly larger than in non-Asian women (22% vs. 18%). However, in the meta-analysis, a minor enhancement in flow-mediated dilation after soy protein supplementation was found. Isoflavones are found in several vegetables, mainly in legumes (Fabaceae family) such as soy, white and red clover, alfalfa and beans [9,10]. The work reported by Lambert et al. However, a limitation in this field is that there is still a great heterogeneity among studies. However, the authors stated that they could not reach definitive conclusions due to, among other reasons, the lack of inclusion in the review of randomized controlled clinical trials focused on the treatment of osteoporosis in early menopause. The mean age of women ranged from 49 to 58.3 and 48 to 60.1 years in the placebo and phytoestrogen groups, respectively, and women were followed up for a period of 3 to 12 months. Finally, it is important to mention that despite the fact that potential isoflavone adverse effects have been widely studied, little is known about the side effect of the bacterial metabolite equol. The improvement was greater in treatments lasting more than one year and in subjects with normal weight, probably because subjects with excessive body weight have a lesser risk of bone loss. Focusing on the overall intake of isoflavones in humans, several studies have reported varied results. (2018) published a meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies (two studies from Japan with 241 cases and 503 controls, and five studies from Europe with 2828 cases and 5593 controls) [75]. Prospective study on usual dietary phytoestrogen intake and cardiovascular disease risk in Western women. The effect of the moon on planting times is stated as a matter of fact in such popular publications as The Old Farmer's Almanac and books such as Gardening and Planting by the Moon 2018, and, of course, calendars such as The Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar 2018. U.S. Department of Agriculture Database for the Isoflavone Content of Selected Foods, Release 2.0. The aim of the present review is to gather the scientific evidence existing nowadays on the main beneficial effects of isoflavones on health: bone health, cardiovascular risk, cancer and menopausal symptoms. Lambert M.N.T., Hu L.M., Jeppesen P.B. Regarding blood pressure, inconsistent results were reported in three further interventional studies (n = 406 healthy, postmenopausal or obese participants aged 5079 years) either in diastolic or systolic blood pressure, after a supplementation with soy-protein. Although smaller in quantity, isoflavones are also present in chickpeas, nuts, fruits and vegetables [11]. The main forms of conjugates in soybeans are the malonyl derivatives [14]. In this regard, it has been reported that isoflavones have a higher affinity to the -estrogen receptor [7], which, contrary to the -estrogen receptor, inhibits cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis [84]. Abdi F., Alimoradi Z., Haqi P., Mahdizad F. Effects of phytoestrogens on bone mineral density during the menopause transition: A systematic review of randomized, controlled trials. Four meta-analyses have been reported to address this issue. Simental-Menda L.E., Gotto A.M., Atkin S.L., Banach M., Pirro M., Sahebkar A. Consensus: Soy isoflavones as a first-line approach to the treatment of menopausal vasomotor complaints. Schmidt M., Arjomand-Wlkart K., Birkhuser M.H., Genazzani A.R., Gruber D.M., Huber J., Klbl H., Kreft S., Leodolter S., Linsberger D., et al. Franco et al. Treutter D. Significance of flavonoids in plant resistance and enhancement of their biosynthesis. The water in the ocean on the side of the Earth closest to the moon experiences a larger gravitational attraction than the water on the opposite side. Of those, 35 have 4 / 3, which can be demonstrated by having a computer generate the 3375 combinations and count those that satisfy the criterion.Therefore, by chance alone, one would expect 35/3375 or about 1/96 studies to exhibit as good a coincidence with the full moon as that observed by the authors. In a study conducted by Karr et al., the authors analyzed the urinary excretion of genistein, daidzein, equol and O-DMA in fourteen young men and women [47]. In this meta-analysis, 32 randomized controlled trials were analyzed with a sample size of 4165 women over 45 years, with a diagnosis of natural menopause. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Among these, vasomotor symptoms comprising hot flushes and night sweats are the most common and bothersome, which, in turn, have a negative impact on womens quality of life. Karr S.C., Lampe J.W., Hutchins A.M., Slavin J.L. ), 2CIBEROBN Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, Institute of Health Carlos III, 01006 Vitoria, Spain, 3Bioaraba Health Research Institute, 01002 Vitoria, Spain. Effect of soy isoflavone supplementation on plasma lipoprotein(a) concentrations: A meta-analysis. (2017) conducted a meta-analysis with 21 case-control studies and two cohort studies, with a total number of 11,346 cases and 140,177 controls [77]. [12,42]. The latter is the most common form in foodstuffs, with the exception of fermented soy products, such as miso and tempeh. Moreover, a higher intake of soy isoflavones was associated with a lower risk of mortality from gastric, colorectal, and lung cancers. No association between isoflavone consumption and gastric cancer risk with the highest versus the lowest categories of dietary isoflavone intake, 30252 perimenopausal or postmenopausal women/report (1753 in total), Reduction of hot flush frequency (vs. placebo), Slight and slow attenuation of hot flushes (vs. estradiol), Slight and slow attenuation of hot flushes (vs. non-hormonal drugs), Soy isoflavones: 33200 mg/day and 6 g soy extract/day, Equol or isoflavone in equol-producers more effective than placebo, Reduction of VSM (hot flushes and night sweats) compared to placebo, Reduction of hot flush frequency by means of dietary isoflavones and supplements), 51403 menopausal and postmenopausal women, Beneficial effects of isoflavones (vs. placebo), 40403 menopausal and postmenopausal women. CVD: cardiovascular disease, LDL: low-density lipoprotein. Daidzein, genistein and glycitein occur naturally in the aglycone form, and thus their absorption is faster than that of others. The tides are crucial to life: tidal pools, sheltered and renewed in rhythm with these cycles, catalyzed some of the first stable ecologies and still represent unique niches. Ingram D., Sanders K., Kolybaba M., Lopez D. Case-control study of phyto-oestrogens and breast cancer. So long ago as 1880 Siemens showed that continuous exposure to arc lamps promoted luxuriance of foliage . With regard to the published meta-analysis, the studies included were restricted to randomized controlled trials. and A.F.-Q. THE effect of light on plant life has been the subject of many scientific investigations. Abstract BELIEFS that phases of the moon have a differential effect on the rate of development of plants are both ancient and world-wide. Since hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase hydrolyze triglycerides into their constituents glycerol and fatty acids, their activation results in the delivery of the fatty acids to tissues such as muscle and adipose tissue. Acid rain leaches aluminum from the soil. In the same line, in European men, isoflavone concentrations did not affect the risk of developing prostate cancer. This result has implications for granivory and perhaps plant demography in invaded and restored coastal habitats. Indeed, some authors speculate that hepatic and lipoprotein lipase activity may have been altered after variable isoflavone intake from soybean, although no experimental data were provided [67]. Scientists often disagree about certain things. Man B., Cui C., Zhang X., Sugiyama D., Barinas-Mitchell E., Sekikawa A. In fact, all the body fluids, as the tides, were controlled by the lunar phases. The six meta-analyses show a slight improvement in the frequency and intensity of hot flushes. Regarding this topic, three systematic reviews and three meta-analyses were analyzed (Table 2). Another meta-analysis explored the effects of several pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in the relief of vasomotor symptoms, taking into account not only hot flushes but also night sweats [89]. Efficacy of phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms: A meta-analysis and systematic review. It supports the evidence that isoflavones can moderately attenuate bone resorption in women with low estrogen levels, primarily at the level of the lumbar spine and the femoral neck. Chen L.R., Ko N.Y., Chen K.H. Yan Z., Zhang X., Li C., Jiao S., Dong W. Association between consumption of soy and risk of cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Zamora-Ros R., Knaze V., Rothwell J.A., Hmon B., Moskal A., Overvad K., Tjnneland A., Kyr C., Fagherazzi G., Boutron-Ruault M.C., et al. The unabsorbed isoflavones reach the colon, where they are absorbed after suffering structural modifications by colonic microbiota (Figure 3). Hormone replacement therapy has been proven to be effective in reducing vasomotor symptoms, although isoflavones have gained popularity as an alternative treatment to hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms. Considered as the tides, were included significantly to isoflavone absorption [ 32 ] isoflavone. Of randomized placebo-controlled trials, no significant differences were observed between the two groups finding suggests that bacterial deglycosylation significantly... The published meta-analysis, the effects on bone resorption in peri- and postmenopausal women Day,. Potential adverse effects, which range from increased coronary heart disease to stroke and cancer [ 53,85 ] the. Evidence of the effects on bone resorption biomarkers were more favorable in overweight or obese women than in soybeans 17! ) concentrations: a systematic review and meta-analysis, in European men, isoflavone concentrations did not affect the of... 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