The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? . Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." Which of the following during World War I proved the most direct threat to the perspective on civil rights in this excerpt? These crops were labor intensive, however. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." The end of the Spanish-American War B. Westward expansion C. The booming internal slave trade D. Increased manufacturing B Westward expansion 7. Proclamation addressed "To the Yeomanry of New England," Boston, 1854 The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? And third, even though all the colonists were British, they were all starting to get real tired of the crown. the ideas expressed by John C. Calhoun and others who shared his views on slavery had which of the following effects on emerging abolitionist movements in the years leading up to the civil war? Answer A: slavery was immoral A D: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, (cartoon) Advertisement Advertisement Make sure you read carefully and answer all parts of the questions. which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed? A: The spreading of violence associated with the Kansas-Nebraska Act . Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods B. in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution. The sentiments expressed in the proclamation would have been most widely condemned by White residents of To find out how the system of mercantilism operated, listen to historian John Fea's quick explanation. Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"? Whereas the colonists of New Hampshire were looking for new ventures and new horizons, those of Rhode Island were looking to escape religious persecution taking place in Massachusetts. Answer A: The interest in greater access to trade with the British colonies in the Americas "We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of holding them in subjectionnever of incorporating them into our Union C: The supreme court decision in Plessy v Ferguson, "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States, and as such become entitled to all the rights, and privileges, and immunities, guaranteed by that instrument to the citizen, one of which rights is the privilege of suing in a court of the United States in the cases specified in the Constitution? 22. A. What they did would become a model for the other 13 colonies. Which of the following occurred during Radical Reconstruction? But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. which of the following evidence was used by the American Temperance Society in the excerpt to explain why people would join the temperance movement? Lincoln's main purpose in the excerpt was to D: desegregation of the United States armed forces, Answer A: establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights. B. the excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? , , Transcendentalist Quote Identification Test. Decreasing tensions between White settlers and Native Americans because expanded United States territory undercut competition 1. Those who lived in Connecticut elevated religious purity to the highest level, similar to those in Massachusetts. These two things became a spring board for more of the other 13 colonies in New England to sprout from. . gain continued support for the war effort, "So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do.Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn. Which of the following conflicts raised the most similar concerns about the violation of civil rights as did World War I? Massive plantations began to develop, with tobacco, indigo, and rice being main products. ____________________________________________________. Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support? Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? Answer A: treaties made with American Indian nations When the British received the Dutch territories in 1664, the king of England used the land to pay off a debt. Which of the following best characterizes the "sectional reunion" Blight describes? Weve got the nitty-gritty dates and names of when each colony was created, populated, etc., but weve also organized each colonys history into easy to understand themes, including the analytical information youll need to know for the essay writing sections of the APUSH exam. The statement most directly reflects the following economic principles and contradicts which other are John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility, Adam Smith's free enterprise . James M. McPherson and James K. Hogue, historians, Ordeal By Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction, 2010 Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." renewed interest in the whole student and all students reflects widespread recognition of major gaps related to what schools do in facilitating learning and development and in addressing . (B) Grace could be bought and sold. b. the federal government sought to acquire more western land in North America. E: opposition to the draft, "We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep. Finding excellent water supplies and fertile land for agriculture, these settlers founded the colony in 1636. B This colony, right off the bat, was founded by a small group of Puritan separatists (who were also called Pilgrims) who were looking for a safe haven to practice their religion. 1. . Just remember for the APUSH exam, that New Jersey and New York or almost exactly the same. . Answer A: Conflict over the future of slavery Hi my name is Kyle and i was wondering what the colonys had to do to become a nation? Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? Its hard to find well-informed people on this subject, Catholics were commonly persecuted and being a Catholic himself, Lord Baltimore wanted his Maryland colony to be a safe haven for religious tolerance. The intelligence and organizational skills of its leaders: 37: 9199044217: 39. Just like New York, New Jersey was originally a territory of the Dutch. "On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. B. which of the following pieces of historical evidence from the United States census could best be used to support the argument in the excerpt? And finally, we will tie all this info together by providing you with specific examples of how the lovely people at the College Board have asked about the 13 colonies in previous versions of the APUSH exam. Answer C: Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the, passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act. the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States spring the first half of the nineteenth century? D: The belief in White cultural and political superiority, D The population trend described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following domestic developments in the nineteenth century? Answer B: creation of new agencies to ensure racial integration in employment Speech by Secretary of State George Marshall initiating the aid program known as the Marshall Plan, 1947 D. The devastating impact of the spread of deadly diseases. Involvement in the Spanish-American War E: Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men. Isolationism prior to the Second World War, B Their government was tied to the one in Massachusetts; they created small communities of farmer families, and relied on agriculture and timber for profit. This was Georgia for you. To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. Lets get the most obvious information out of the way first. C. The competition between Spanish and English colonizers. Citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war. And in several of the 13 colonies, the idea of religious tolerance was seen as an important asset. Quakers, Jews, Catholics, etc. The benefits brought about by the Columbian Exchange. which of the following most contributed to the slaveholders such as Calhoun arguing in the 1830s and 1840s that slavery should be viewed as part of the Southern way of life? Answer C: opposition to states' rights But still nobody really wanted to live there, so the British army built a fort and Georgia became sort of a buffer between Spanish Florida and the British 13 colonies. The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? Increased fear of foreigners and immigrants, During the war, a government agency named the Committee of Public Information, headed by George Creel, was, the producer of a vast number of posters, pamphlets, and films, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, If a statement is $unambiguous$, it is___. "[E]very principle from which America has acted in the course of their unhappy difficulties with Great Britain pleads stronger than a thousand arguments in favor of your petitioners. Georgia is sort of the odd man out here. New York was also interesting because a lot like today, the people who lived there were from all over the place. shall ever be permitted to pass over, settle upon, or reside in. The belief in White cultural and political superiority, "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. D slaves lived better than northern factory workers. Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917? This meant that unlike the other regions, not one religion dominated and there was no single economic powerhouse characterized the workforce. (5) A friendly face appeared in a screen. The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? In what ways do you think Nixon was most conservative? Just like the other Middle Colonies, New Jersey had a long history of population diversity, from the presence of the Dutch, to the French, and even the Swedes in the region. c. as many people came to see slavery as a part of the Southern way of life, attitudes on both sides of the slavery argument hardened so that political compromise became difficult. Unfortunately this almost led to their demise. D Answer D: The American people shall decide where slavery will exist through a national plebiscite. Also unlike those to the south, the colonists who settled here were willing to listen to the native peoples, who ended up helping to teach them the best ways to hunt, fish, and farm the area. C: Manifest Destiny But what you should ultimately take away from this APUSH review is that Rhode Island became a safe haven for those who were religiously persecuted. First, religion played a key role. Q17: The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing ideal in the early nineteenth century that . The middle circle should be labeled Church and two circles should be attached to it and labeled Political Change and Culture Change. Involvement in the Spanish-American War, The trend shown in the map led most directly to which of the following? the Japan seas will soon be covered with our vessels. The Republican party originated in the mid-1850's as a sectional party committed to which of the following? From these two circle, draw more branches and circles in which you will include examples. The population trend described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following domestic developments in the nineteenth century? The declaration of war against Spain by the U.S. Congress. "I believe that each of us who has his place to make should go where men are wanted, and where employment is not bestowed as alms. Answer 4: D The values expressed in the above excerpt most clearly reflect individualism, as they emphasize the rights and freedoms of the individual to worship, express their opinions, gather peacefully, and associate freely with others. - Le sirve un caf a mis esposa, por favor. c. alcohol consumption damaged people's physical and emotional well-being. Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations C. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism It started off as a proprietary (these were colonies that the king of queen gave to allies and were ruled by people in place of the British crown) colony granted by the king of England in 1632 to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore. B And second, in 1619 the colonists created the House of Burgesses, which was the first representative form of government in the New World. how sectional tensions waned after the Mexican-American War ended in 1848. how the abolition movement gained political support in the 1840s. Come down, then, Sons of the Puritans: for even if the poor victim is to be carried off by the brute force of arms, and delivered over to Slavery, you should at least be present to witness the sacrifice, and you should follow him in sad procession with your tears and prayers, and then go home and take such action as your manhood and your patriotism may suggest. or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857 The Brits eventually beat them all out and built towns beginning in 1655. Participation in the First World War Motivated by the longing for fresh and cheap land, Southerners completed their occupation of a region as large as western Europe. Answer C: The expansion of manufacturing in the South The acquisition of territory in the southwestern region shown in the map intensified controversies in the United States about Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, Lincoln's main purpose in the excerpt was to, gain continued support for the war effort. which of the following was an interpretation of the speech by opponents of the goals Clay expressed in the excerpt? And eventually cotton would come to dominate. United States sale of disputed territory, (map) These are the foundations for both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Native Americans were a free people from whom much could be learned. Two events took place in the early years of the Virginia colonys history that would forever change the rest of the 13 colonies and the history of the United States forever. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following trends of the 1770s? C: propose expanded democratic voting rights A federal inspection system to ensure minimum standards for processed meats and food. (B) The United States had a duty to bring a new civilization and religion to the former Spanish colonies. Answer B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. Combine 9 and 10 by making 9 a noun clause (using whoever). Answer A: granting free land in the new territories Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! D: The forcing of American Indians onto reservations by the United States government following the extension of White settlement, B: The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War, "[I am] commanded to explain to the Japanese that. Senator John C. Calhoun, "Conquest of Mexico" speech, 1848 S, se los traigo. > LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE : la vue sur l'ocan ; Prix : 768000eur The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? . C D: the Mexican-American War, (map 2) Answer: A. . D A decreasing gap in wealth because land ownership increased among White citizens a. slaveholders became more insistent that maintaining the slave system was essential to protecting the South and its way of life. a. the political debates over economic development. The cartoon above is intended to express Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations c. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism d. Protecting them from American Indian attacks c . which of the following evidence did the American Temperance society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement? Dites combien co$\^u$te maison ou appartement. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? D: The passage of legislation by southern states intended to nullify federal laws, C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "We, therefore, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commoditiesare unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State." The ideology that supported the trend depicted in the map is most similar to the ideology that supported which of the following? brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo [Tokyo] in the ensuing spring with a much larger force." (A) The peoples of Asia had a right to govern themselves without outside interference. Answer C: The intention to assimilate Plains Indians into White society A. b. the debates over the federal government's proper role had intensified during the early nineteenth century. If you think about all 13 I these terms, youll get an idea of how different each region was, but also how similar. Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 They couldnt even vote in English elections, only their own. The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent, "[I am] commanded to explain to the Japanese that. When England gained the territory from the Dutch in 1664, it was to be governed by the Duke of York as well. This discussion will be a perfect segue for you to start studying the Revolutionary War (another obvious common topic for the AP US History exam!). a. the growing tendency among Southern slaveholders to justify slavery as a positive good. 1. . Answer B: Nativist sentiment Imagnate que trabajas en un restaurante como mesero (a). But cotton soon picked up in popularity and the plantation owners increasingly turned to slaves in order to make immense profits. Failures like this (even Jamestown almost starved itself into nonexistence!) . d. ravenous. Emerson's remarks in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments during the early nineteenth century? Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." . It was a battleground and nobody wanted to live there until the British took over and made it a colony in 1732. D: The period from after the Second World War through the 1950s, The period from after the First World War through the 1920s: C, "For a few years in the 1850s, ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue. The area of the Carolinas was actually rather massive, stretching all the way to Florida. Answer C: campaign by the federal government to eliminate poverty Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?" Finally, Virginia is the birthplace of representative government in America. So, remember these three central themes about the 13 colonies for your upcoming APUSH exam. Answer C: New political alliances united northern and southern members of the Democratic Party to win control of both houses in Congress. The conditions that contributed most directly to the conflict described in the excerpt included all of the following except: High prices for the newly imported slaves . The realization that without American aid, Hitler might conquer all of Europe. Stick with this ultimate AP US History guide to the 13 colonies and well get you that much closer to earning a 5 on your exam! ", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed a", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors". B: The compromise that resolved the election of 1876 Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt? Answer A: sought to prevent Japan from forming a naval alliance with the British empire The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? 1. Answer A: The period from after the Seven Years' War through the 1760s B: Popular sovereignty This would obviously become an important model for things to come. You now know that the Southern Colonies increasingly relied on cash crops like tobacco, rice, and eventually cotton in order to make profits. Without the 13 colonies there would be no AP United States History. The term for the decisive drop in the stock market at the end of October 1929. which of the following statements would an abolitionist claim supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? The ideas expressed in the cartoon above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history? So, in brief, for your APUSH review, remember that Virginia was founded as a money maker. "Therefore, as the United States and Japan are becoming every day nearer and nearer to each other, the President desires to live in peace and friendship with your imperial majesty, but no friendship can long exist, unless Japan ceases to act toward Americans as if they were her enemies. . Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? which of the following best describes a major purpose of the proposed amendment? Germany's violations of U.S. neutral rights, When the Zimmermann message was made public, most people in the United States, expressed nationalist anger against Germany. This excerpt is taken from journalist John L. O'Sullivan's 1845 essay "Annexation," in which he Not all owned or ever would own slaves, but most accepted slavery as a mode of holding and creating wealth." . . But how much do you really know about these early European communities and the governments that they created? It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land; but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. Bring Albert to your school and empower all teachers with the world's best question bank for: AP US History Course and Exam Description, Quickly review popular literary works like. The key things to remember about this colony for your upcoming AP US History exam is that the people of Massachusetts (and much of the rest of New England) were concerned with raising healthy, Christian families more so than making profit. Which of the following most effectively addressed the concerns that Upton Sinclair and others had for industrial workers? Answer B: The federal government removed troops from the South and eliminated aid for former slaves. Congressional leaders sought political compromise to resolve discord between the North and the South The position expressed by Clay in the excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following? I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. The free laborer must work or starve. (a) Note three aphorisms that deal directly with friendship. . Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 OK, so we have shown you in this APUSH review the ways that the three regions that made of the 13 colonies were geographically, culturally, and economically different from one another. What is most important about Pennsylvania is that this combination of rich land and religious tolerance helped it to become the most egalitarian of the 13 colonies. "Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, though they are hourly expected; and [the United States has], as an evidence of [its] friendly intentions . Which of the following was the most significant impact of the South's expansion described in the excerpt? But alas, the Dutch eventually took over anyways. Answer C: Progressivism which of the following groups would most likely have supported this proposed amendment? The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement, appealed to a varied constituency of reformers, The Prohibition movement was similar to other Progressive reforms because it, began on the local and state levels before becoming national. Internal slave trade D. Increased manufacturing B Westward expansion C. the booming internal slave trade D. 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