Sparta fell because it had two challengers: Athens and the helots. Moreover, education was vital to the Spartans. The Romans conquered many territories and took on their cultures as well, in particular the Ancient Greek culture. In this colony, the Spartas only vision was bloodthirsty war and violence. The men in Sparta had no choice of their future. The oligarchy structure in Sparta enabled it to keep war as a top priority. This Mini-Q asks you to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of Spartan education. At the age of seven, boys were taken from their parents and sent to live in the military barracks. The men who have the strength and ability to, go forward to expand their specialization in strength and got on to the army. The government had an elaborate system of checks and balances to make sure that no branch had more power than another. 2 0 obj Another disadvantage of Sparta's military is that the boys only learned reading and writing to a certain extent, since their military was their main priority. In his Republic, Plato also criticizes oligarchy, saying of Spartas government, A government resting on a valuation of property, in which the rich have power and the poor man is deprived of itAnd then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money. In order to keep control of their economy while maintaining a strong military, the Spartans relied heavily on slaves. Their, education they needed to understand that. StoryboardThat is a trademark of Clever Prototypes, LLC, and Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The Ancient Greeks influenced the social structure, religion and military strength of Ancient Rome. In Sparta power was given to citizens through the assembly which consisted of all male citizens in Sparta, but in theory anyone could participate. Sparta: a place known for its vast military skills and knowledge. They also allowed girls to get an education. There are lots of reasons why we should explore ourstrengthsand weaknesses. In this article, we describe why employers ask questions about your strengths and weaknesses and how to . Ancient Greece is a land consisting of many city-states, called poleis. You live with your family for several years until one day you are taken away from them to become a soldier and when you come back your parents may be dead. The Spartan-like training and leadership style of Ancient Greek war heroes formed the, In comparison to other states of ancient Greece, Spartans were less cultured, due to their nominal interest in material possession. There are many reasons why Sparta is more superior to Athens. The Spartan education had some good ideas but there were more bad ideas about it. In document A it states,Only the rudiments of reading and writing were taught. Athens and Sparta, located between the Aegean and the Ionian Sea, allied with each other in the Greco-Persian war. Education in Sparta: did the pros exceed the cons? Sparta government was ruled by two kings and three Ephors, and a Council of Elders this government was called oligarchy meaning its ruled by a small group. With Athens and Sparta fighting for power and territory, it brought about the Peloponnesian wars that lasted thirty years, leaving the two city-states in their own shadows. When you look at Sparta compared to its rival city-states, is it really as great as we think it is? There are many factors to support how Sparta dug its own grave, but the main reasons are because of their lack of education, abusive ways, and their overpopulation of helots (Slaves). Most people would assume that larger muscles produce the most force. Once the children left the agoge, most of them went on to be great soldiers in the army forces. "The grace and power of God interlock with human lives at the point of mortal weakness," writes Barnett (op. Moreover, they differ from the concepts of a well trained or educated society and a well built military, but share similarities in their government format. There are many factors to support how Sparta dug its own grave, but the main reasons are because of their lack of education, abusive, peninsula Began to grow. How to Discuss Strengths and Weaknesses in an Interview - Career Karma Education in Sparta: DBQ Flashcards | Quizlet Education in Sparta: did the strengths outweigh the weaknesses? They also allowed girls to get an education. They were encouraged to exercise and remain fit to bear and raise healthy children. Sparta Strengths And Weaknesses Essay | Education In Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? A problem one might suggest is that the Spartans were only taught the basic skills of reading and writing. Much of the physical activity the children practiced could injure them. It's not. The Romans conquered many territories and took on their cultures as well, in particular the Ancient Greek culture. Athens and Sparta are two rival cities in the ancient Greece. G%qg'! The Spartas were first located in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. They both share similarities towards their cultural background but had different views in creating an ideal society in addition to their states place in the world. In this essay, I would like to answer and discuss the following questions: How did the people in Athens and Sparta obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community? This would happen if you lived in Sparta. Meanwhile, Athens was busy focusing on creating democracy and making famous literary works, like it was no big deal. The strong belief in Gods and oracles in Ancient Greek shaped the religion of Ancient Romans. Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? Athens and Sparta, located between the Aegean and the Ionian Sea, allied with each other in the Greco-Persian war. Next, make a list of weaknesses (or underdeveloped strengths) that would be helpful to achieve your goals. They also went with only one garment for a whole year because this made them able to . Yet, having harsh military training, abusing children, and lacking in education shows that Sparta's stregth's outweigh their Show More Susan B Pomeroy Spartan Women Summary They worked the farm plan and without them society could not function. Sparta was a strong city-state on the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece. You could start taking classes or working on getting your. Its time we get an answer! Spartas weaknesses definitely outweighed its strengths. The slaves in Sparta were actually known as helots who were lower class citizens. Also contrary to popular belief the Spartans treated there slaves bette than the Athenians. Most people volunteered at the ages of seven which was the starting, until twenty-one. Athens, a democratic and well invested political city found apprehension with their neighboring municipality Sparta, a highly dense military society. In document B it says " [Lycurgus] encouraged them to steal to get their Premium Human Abuse Crime 439 Words 2 Pages Good Essays Read More At the age of seven, a young boy is removed from his family and is expected, from his 8th to his 21st year, become educated to a brutal military-like discipline. Each of us was a zygote and then grew up in to a person. Although their priority relied on military and combat over anything else, in many ways intelligence and knowledge were also important to succeed in war. Sparta was very violent and all they thought about was having the strongest military. Education in Sparta DBQ.docx - Education in Sparta: Did the strengths The weaknesses of Sparta outweigh the strengths because the Spartans lacked education, boys were taken away from their families at a young age, and they were very abusive. Strengths include knowledge, attributes, skills, and talents. 2. Thus, females were encouraged to do physical activity and get physically fit. Although their main job is still child-bearing, this job held much more honor and respect because in theory, a Spartan women gave birth to strong, Spartan boys who would in turn become strong and successful soldiers for Spartas renowned military . Sparta is better than Athens because their army was powerful and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. In Ancient Greece, Sparta, had laws that when you were born you were to be examined for any defects. Did The Strengths Outweigh The Weaknesses Of Sparta | What are strengths and weaknesses? If youve heard of Sparta and think its fantastic, think again. Therefore, regarding the education in Sparta, the weaknesses outweighed the strength because the Spartan's didn't value family morals, the basics of reading and writing were taught, and the upbringing of Spartan boys was cruel and painful. The government had an elaborate system of checks and balances to make sure that no branch had more power than another. Athens has numerous social classes in its government, they are known for their strong navy, they have democratic values, and Athens has a bigger population than Sparta. Sparta's weaknesses definitely outweighed its strengths. Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? They were also taught how to take care of themselves and not depend on other people to do their work for them. Do not underline articles. The Ancient Greeks renowned use of democracy influenced Ancient Romes government structure. Ancient Greece, a thriving country consisting of nearly 100 city states from within. The fact that they abused children was another reason why the weaknesses outweigh the strengths of Sparta. Spartan males were taught that their main purpose in life is battle and they were trained for any type of fighting. Risks included krypteia mindlessly killing Helots to prevent them from rebelling. Ultimately geopolitics and the US dollar's strength driven by interest rate hikes are overshadowing China's economic recovery. Sparta was never big it was located on peloponnesus peninsula in greece. This can help you zoom in on what you're really good at. Sons of nobles went to high school for four more years of learning about the sciences and the arts and politics and government. (Doc B) Due to the fact that Athens taught women basic domestic skills this allowed men to focus on the advancement of the economic climate, such as trade on the Aegean Sea because they didnt need to worry about their homes. While the country thrived, they also had much tension from within caused by its two leading cities, Athens and Sparta. In the oligarchy system, few people has the power to rule. The Spartans devoted all their time to the military, partaking in military training, hunting and war battles. Like the man, Spartan women engaged in athletic exercises in the nude. Therefore, regarding the education in Sparta, the weaknesses outweighed the strength because the Spartans didnt value family morals, the basics of reading and writing were taught, and the upbringing of Spartan boys was cruel and painful. To quote, but only free, native born males (p. 29). By allowing God's strength to be made perfect in our weakness, we have the opportunity to display God's glory flawlessly. After all, the women that lived there were granted more rights than most that lived elsewhere. Or, if you're a well-being entrepreneur or coach. According to Document D, The Spartans learned to read and write for purely practical reasons: but all other forms of education they banned from the country, If an man wasnt interested in fighting and wanted a strong education, he was simply out of luck since in Sparta, killing others was more important than schooling. :22*Y2TDJ6uGE4 `-]; Sparta was a small city-state in southern Greece on a peninsula called Peloponnese. The weaknesses of Sparta outweigh the strengths because the Spartans lacked education, boys were taken away from their families at a young age, and they were very abusive. Just as boys were trained to become soldiers from a young age, girls were taught to be the mothers a militant Sparta. It would also teach them music, reading, writing, philosophy, and, Spartas women were known for their promiscuity and boldness . Strength training and hypertrophy training (or muscle building) do not necessarily have the same goal or outcome. At the early time when the education system switched to focus on the body, the world, not only Sparta, was getting attacks and invasions from outsiders and the physical educational system was surely. They both share similarities towards their cultural background but had different views in creating an ideal society in addition to their states place in the world.

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