After putting gas in the boat, the boys use caulk to patch the hole with a food tray, however Darius points out that the caulk takes 48 hours to dry. At that moment, more compys approach them, while Kenji keeps throwing money at them. But then when they see a flock of Dimorphodons, Bumby attacks one in self-defense as he tries to attack the kids, and the trio manage to scare him off. Inside Darius Campbell Danesh's life before tragic death at 41 Yellow as a color has been associated with intelligence, honor, loyalty, joy, and optimism all of which describe Darius' personality. In season 5 they become brothers after Daniel Kon's arrest. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 5 Episode 12 Recap and Ending While the five head to the Med bay to save the younger dinosaurs with Darius's assistance, Darius keeps Kash busy with video gaming. Darius ignores him for being a loner, so they walk past him, unaware that there is a second individual. Hearing a roar, the campers discover that dinosaurs are caged in the clinic. He won the chance through beating a Jurassic World themed video game, winning himself the opportunity to participate on Isla Nublar in the winter of 2015. Just then, they witness what appears to be a campfire burning in the distance leading them to believe there are people. Seeing that Main Street and several other areas are unsafe, Darius suggests going to the Camp Cretaceous ruins, as it has amenities like a freshwater creek, supplies to build a shelter, and would be the first place rescuers would look. The group decides to try and sneak away while his back is turned, as Darius creates a diversion to lure him out. The Carnotaurus smashes its face against the grille, leaving a gash, while Kenji taunts him, referring to him as 'Toro'. Darius goes to get more water for Kenji's shower, but calls out to the group when he discovers that the creek has apparently dried up. Kenji quickly disperses them, as he and Darius make their way up to their finished camp. After Mitch and Tiff run away from her with the weapons, Darius and Sammy see that Rexy is about to head back to the nest, but turns around when she smells them. Having grown up in a world where dinosaurs (previously extinct) lived and breathed, Darius developed a deep interest and admiration for these magnificent beings. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. The group's discussion is stopped by the approach of the Carnotaurus advancing through the tunnels. In season 5, Darius continues to lead the group against Mantah Corp, but he is deeply hurt by Kenji's betrayal, revealing that he considers Kenji to be his best friend. Narrowly escaping the predator, the group manages to escape to the tunnel branch closest to the docks. The Brachiosaurus that was saved by Ben runs off and is caught by some BRAD-X's and taken to Kash and Darius, where Kash injects the control chip in to control the dinosaur, much to Ben's and Darius's horror. However, the two rexes get out of control and attack each other, much to the confusion of Darius, Sammy and Mae, with the latter having a BRAD tranquilize them. The Mosasaurus begins to surround them, so the campers head for the safety of the spectator stands. So was everyone else You did this!" Sinking to the concrete, Kenji bursts into silent tears. He calls somone, but is stopped by Kash who takes the phone and ends the call. The plan, however, is complicaed by a pack of Pteranodons attacking. Luckily they regroup with them after the sandstorm ends. Kenji and Darius later became friends and always got in trouble. Their relationship started off rocky due to Kenjis arrogant nature. Luckily Darius and the group manage to get away. Darius and Ben reach a spot by a river, where he pulls out a can of gasoline. When they find what they need, a Monolophosaurus tries to break into the attic, and they barely manage to close the door, blocking to buy time. 17. level 2. "My dad and I were on vacation when that Indominus thing escaped. Darius Campbell Danesh has died at the age of 41. Darius, Sammy and Kenji encounter an injured Little Eatie (Big Eatie's daughter), much to their discomfort. After his father's passing, Darius wanted to fulfill their shared dream of visiting Jurassic World. Rexy appears, causing the pilot to ascend in a panic just as she bites the helicopter and pushes it down. They realize that the place is a veterinary clinic and decide to free the dinosaurs since they were abandoned. Watch and. Shortly after they manage to evade it using the van and eventually find and seek refuge in the Genetics Laboratory. On their way, they come across a Monolophosaurus. He is then informed of Roxie and Dave's warnings to stay at the camp. Kenji turns on the gas burners on the stove, causing the animal to roar in agitation, as they try to leave, only for Blue to lunge at them. Sammy is injured when the tail sweeps against her, and the campers are cornered by the electrified fence, as the Scorpios roar at them. Darius I (Old Persian Drayavau): king of ancient Persia, whose reign lasted from 522 to 486. Kenji runs to pick up Darius and Sammy on a motorcycle and quickly catches up with them. It is revealed to be a pair of Ouranosaurs. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Is the Franchise's DARKEST Story - CBR "You did this You did this" As the Compy returns to his pen, Darius protests that he didn't take a closer look, but Dave tells him that they will soon. Darius tells him to check here first and says that baby dinos can't work elevators, in order for the others not to be caught. As Darius rides, he quickly discovers that Brooklynn is too engrossed in losing social media followers to focus on the dinosaurs or Darius. While walking through the jungle, Kenji and Darius have a hard time getting through the jungle. After Ben sees something shiny, the six head out to find what it is. "Listen to me. The group decides to take the monorail to get to the docks in time, but they are interrupted by Toro's arrival. Before his death he gave his son a Velociraptor tooth necklace, to match the one he got for himself. Returning to camp the children discuss and evaluate which escape plans worked and which didn't and also what their next course of action will be. They discover that the shiny thing is really just a metal rectangle, much to their disappointment. Kenji leads the rest of the group to assure them that he is the one who helped the group survive and that they must work together to get through this. Darius was born sometime in 2003. As the group stumbles out of the rubble, they are surprised to see that Toro has also survived, although he is heavily scarred from the explosion. As they exit the limo, Darius speculates that the two Scorpios possess asexual reproduction due to the tree frog DNA encoded within them. They spot some Pteranodons, proceeding cautiously to make sure they don't get attacked. Before bedtime, campers see the herbivorous dinosaurs as they are led to their enclosures, and everyone gets a chance to zip-line and settle into their camp bunks that night. Like he clearly isn't a priority in his dad's life, and tries to take an original Statue to recover it for him. Kenji claims to be a frequent visitor to the park and tries to bribe Darius. The carnivore tries to follow her, and Yaz slips and falls, about to be eaten, but the other kids distract Rexy long enough for her to chase after them. After briefly deliberating on going for the phone or stopping the fight again, he gets the phone and destroys the BRAD. Gender Once they enter the compound, Kenji and Brooklynn argue, causing Brooklynn's phone to fall into the pen. Darius fought several foreign wars, which brought him to India and Thrace. Hearing the sirens warning of the evacuation of the park, the campers decide to head to the South Pier to catch the last ferry that leaves in two hours. How much of a "teen" are they? He didn't make it. Darius gives Yasmina a role and she manages to escape in the confusion, but Darius himself and Sammy are quickly recaptured. Meanwhile, Mitch, Tiff, and Darius watch some Compys, and Tiff approaches them causing them to attack her, but Darius quickly distracts them by throwing a candy bar at them, informing the two that Compys are poisonous. Wu arrives and orders the mercenaries to clear the entrance. Hawkes gave them two hours to give him Wu's laptop in exchange for Brooklynn. Darius disagrees with Brooklynn, he is upset with her, however, Brooklynn crosses the line when she claims that he may be biased. Kenji again puts Darius on the spot to come up with a new plan, and Darius decides to go to the Genetic Lab they had previously visited. As the campers traveled to camp, they introduced themselves to each other. She lunges, grabs the weapons, and causes the group to scatter. He becomes one of the campers at Jurassic World's Camp Cretaceous. Kenji is reluctant to enter the park, he considers the "park to be haunted" but Darius doesn't believe him, then tells Yaz to make him understand, but she even says that John Hammond had died there because of the Compys and Kenji is to scare, but Darius reassures him by saying that the original owner died of natural causes, then they are forced to search the place after seeing a compy enter. Maybe he doesn't die, but instead gets kidnapped by Biosyn and season 5 is a rescue mission. Family Realizing that the hybrids method of reproduction and their extreme aggression would have catastrophic results for Isla Nublar and her dinosaurs, Darius and Ben decide to find a way to stop them and tells Ben that they will go back to where it all began, as he will. The fight between the two hybrids knocks the car over until it stands almost upright against a nearby tree. Darius turns off his radio as he goes to find him. As the laptop is in the process of deleting all of Wu's research, Kenji, who is losing his patients and concerned for Brooklynn's safety, decides to take the laptop himself and hand it over to Wu, the others realizing that Kenji ran off with the laptop and they chase after him. "How did you end up on that island Darius?" Alexis asks. His character is voiced by Paul-Mikl Williams . As Mitch and Tiff stalk them, the pair try to bargain with them. When Darius furiously asks Kenji if he hasn't hurt the dinosaurs enough, Kenji answers that Darius isn't mad at him because of the dinosaurs but because of Kenji not being there to support Darius when he should have, meaning that he should have listened to Darius and his other friends' warnings about his father. However, before they can, some helicopters appear ordering them to return to the island and Darius wondering "who are they?". These moments are quite sentimental and offer an emotional respite from the kids being chased by monsters, which adds a dimension not really explored in the movies. What matters is that you keep goin' for the people who need you most. The kids run to the safety of the Kayak River, even as Bumpy isn't running, Darius and Ben pick her up and struggle to get to the Kayak River. Reaching the top of the platform, they catch up with the monorail as it arrives, only for the announcement system to loudly alert the Carnotaurus to their presence. The predator chases after him but has difficulty climbing the stairs, tripping and falling midway. ", much to the shock of Darius and the other campers. Before going to bed, Darius sneaks off and tries to explore the camp area, but is discovered by Kenji, who boasts that he is rich and his father owns condos on the island. He is twelve years old.[2]. Running to the ferry Yaz falls to the ground as his ankle is still sore and Darius decides to find a shortcut, asking Kenji to take them to the maintenance tunnels hoping one will take them to the docks. Sammy argues that if they don't release him, they have to feed him every day. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Meanwhile, Brooklynn tries to pick a lock, even when Darius accidentally bumps into her, informing her that the dock area is not safe. Darius gets the idea to get the Stegosaurus' attention, even when Kenji tries to push him away, before deciding to help him. However, Fredrick became seriously ill. For the next several weeks, Darius stayed with his father, who, in his final moments, told him that things don't always turn out the way you want them, that "everything falls apart" but to go ahead with his dreams and pursue them no matter what. Still desiring to help the dinosaurs, Darius tells Mae they are in. However, the two eventually reconcile after Kenji risks his life to free Toro from his father's mercenaries and promises never to abandon what he mostly cares about - the dinosaurs and especially Darius - ever again and the two friends hug each other. The group would find a van and decide to use it to get to the lab with Bumpy accompanying them, but they are attacked by the Indominus. They return to the cable car and use one of the gondolas to create a makeshift bomb at the overlook with the gasoline and light it. Darius now accepts Ben's decision to stay on the island, but tells him that he should at least say goodbye to the others, which Ben agrees to do and the two run back to the dock. Darius and Sammy flee down Main Street, splitting up in an attempt to evade them. Darius gets the idea to build a tree house and Yaz creates a drawing for it. Darius and Kenji are chased away by a pack of Dilophosaurus and end up catching up with Ben, Mae and Pierce. Tiff says that they should head back to camp because of Hap's response to the phone call, as they determined that he would take care of Brooklynn and Kenji. In spite of being unsure and not knowing what to do for every situation Darius displayed courageousness to protect the other kids, with the others (excluding Ben who was presumed dead) eventually telling him that he is the reason they have survived. After that Darius has a nightmare that Ben is still alive and he blames him and wakes up sweating for Yaz. After learning from Mae that it is impossible to make phone calls on the island, the group stays at Mae's place. Mae then goes to monitor the a mother and daughter T. rex eating habits, with Darius and Sammy following her. As they leave, Hawkes one of the mercenaries captures Brooklynn, but not before he hands over the laptop to Darius. Darius becomes scared when Kash discovers that the platform was used. However, before they can resolve the conflict, Brooklynn tells them to run as a Baryonyx emerges from the forest to chase them. Seeing an opening, the group tries to escape, only to realize that Sammy is missing. Kenji is deeply ashamed over his actions and tries to make it up with Darius, but he continues to avoid Kenji. Before leaving, Darius comforts a worried Ben, who fears that even finding an adult won't solve their situation. The group questions their apparent rescuers, the first two being Mitch and Tiff, a married couple and ecotourists, and the other man Hap, their tour guide. Fredrick is Darius Bowman's father, and is a fellow dinosaur enthusiast. Fortunately, Mae gets an alert that the plane will be coming, much to the campers joy. After overhearing his conversation the mercenaries, the trio surmised that Wu want to reclaim his private laptop that contains his research on the Scorpios rex so he could make more hybrid dinosaurs. Kenji runs back to the visitor center, hitting the vending machine with a stick, releasing coins which he uses to distract the Compys. They go to the Discovery Walk attraction together, even as Darius has a sudden flash of inspiration upon seeing a display that mentions camouflage, he realizes that the beacon might be disguised within a part of the Main Street attractions. Camp Cretaceous Season 4 Ending & Jurassic World: Dominion Links Explained Why does he get kidnapped? Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous - Wikipedia "You did this," guilt hisses. Hearing a rustling in the undergrowth, he freaks out, until it turns out to be just a Sinoceratops that has been injured by one of the Scorpios rex's venomous spikes. Instead of attacking the children, the two hybrids proceed to attack each other. . Darius and the group learn that the woman is named Dr. Mae Turner, who is a Behavioural Paleoneurobiologist, whom Darius is a fan of. The Indominus continues to stalk the campers through the boxes, even as Bumpy once again inadvertently pinpoints his position to the panicked predator. Darius wanted to come to Isla Nublar with his dad, but he passed away before they could go together. Hawkes leads Brooklynn to the other mercenaries, while keeping her under surveillance and chasing after the other campers. The group returns to camp, while Yaz and Sammy copy the contents of the laptop onto a USB stick of Sammy's from the camp, so they can give it to the Costa Rican authorities to jail him, Darius comes up with a plan on how they will return the erased laptop from Wu, while Ben provides a distraction with the help of Bumpy's pack. Narrowly escaping the predator, the group celebrates that they are finally going home, as the monorail continues toward the south docks. But deciding to prevent this from happening, they first decide to steal his laptop in hopes of turning it over to the authorities to prevent any more hybrids from being created, and race to try and get to the lab before Wu does. To stop them, Darius and Kenji head to the airlock. Portrayed by The Scorpios circle the pack looking for an opportunity, even as Darius stops Ben from running to Bumpy's defense, but the Scorpios finally give up and leave. The campers rush to tend to Sammy, who is still badly poisoned by Scorpios rex. But what matters is how you choose to keep moving forward. However, the Indominus manages to break the tower, along with the zip line, causing the campers to fall to the ground. Fortunately, Darius and the others stop Sammy. Unbeknownst to Darius, Brandon vows to find him and leaves their house. Kenji questions why Darius is so committed to documenting his experiences in the notebook and Darius begins to explain but is ignored. You were only thinking of yourself. That night, Darius tells a story about a Tyrannosaur stalking some people before being interrupted by the other campers, around a campfire, but suddenly it started to rain and they were forced to go inside. The men almost discover the vent, but a compy distracts them and they move on. And unlike Dr. Grant, Darius reclaimed his necklace. The campers run back to camp and reunite with Kenji and Yasmina, as they seek shelter in the trees to escape the stampede. When he climbs down into the raptor paddock to help save Kenji in the first episode, he remembers what helped him in the game and yells for Kenji to "find a raptor skull." Darius then realizes that this is a trap. The six, Mae and Pierce see a group of BRAD-X's, Kash and the boss approach them. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. However, Darius's friendship with Kenji is now strained, due to the latter being angry that he was willing to risk Brooklynn's life. At one point, Darius admits that he's struggling with the idea that he's changed so much from all the life or death situations and being forced to choose between a bad choice or a worse choice. He also wears light blue jeans, black and white sneakers and wears a raptor tooth necklace (was mention in Things Fall Apart, that he left it behind at the camp during through the Indominus rex Outbreak). The campers' lack of coordination results in the Sinoceratops sending Darius and Brooklynn's gyrosphere into the bulk of the herd, causing all the dinos to stampede. Darius Bowman They meet up with Eddie, a scientist who stayed behind, but he soon tries to steal his truck to escape after being informed by Darius that they drove there. But after the two survived an encounter with Toro, the two had a begrudging respect for each other. The Ouranosaurs try to board the boat, but the campers manage to scare them off with fireworks, all the while cheering in celebration. However, the kids narrowly escape the Stegosaurus, only to encounter a Ceratosaurus. Also, unbeknownst to Darius and the others, there seems to be something on the ship that roars in the last scene. Unbeknownst to the campers, this was caused by a hybrid called Scorpios rex, created by Dr. Wu and the one Kenji accidentally released from cryogenic sleep in season 2. RELATED: Jurassic World: Summer Fun Turns Deadly in Camp Cretaceous Trailer. Darius finally reunites with Ben, but is worried about Bumpy's whereabouts and tells Darius to go back to the boat if he wants, but he follows. He ends up becoming Kenji Kon's adoptive brother. The hybrid initially go through the door, before bursting through the room. However, Darius crashes the gyrosphere, causing it to lose energy. That despite all the hardships you never give up", Fredrick Bowmans favorite dinosaur is the. Darius, Sammy and Yaz with Mitch and Tiff go back to camp only to see Brooklynn and Kenji gone. After everyone is reunited, the group runs back to the yacht, Kenji managing to distract the Ouranosaurs with roman candles, while the group tries to cover the hole with duct tape and things from the boat to escape. After Sammy finds something in the rexes food, the three head back to her place and a suspicious Mae is now curious on what Mantah Corp is doing to her dinosaurs. The radio and controls are broken and they determine that he is almost out of gas. The tall dark and handsome Scot grew up in the Bearsden neighbourhood of Glasgow with two younger brothers. However, Darius stands his ground even when the pair approaches him. The lead, Darius, has a very somber arc as he lost his terminally ill dad and is now living their dream of experiencing the park together. The Scorpios Rex stalks the perimeter of the camp, brushes against the electrified fence and flails, attacking the fence and causing the campers to scream. Darius agreed, resting for the night, and waking up in the early morning as he had a sudden inspiration, reaching into his library for background information on how to beat the game. Darius and Sammy manage to fool the hunters with an umbrella and Brooklynn's cutout to give a false impression of their real position. Mitch and Tiff prepare to shoot, but Darius decides to alert the dino by whistling to avoid being killed. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous / Tear Jerker - TV Tropes However, the animal charges the cart, sending the tanks flying everywhere and starting a fire. Dejected, Darius returns to the island with Brooklynn they meet at the docks with Kenji, who collapses exhausted by the motorcycle and the rest of the campers and Bumpy. As they argue, Brooklynn hears the buzz again but is ignored. Things fall apart. Contents 1 Biography The campers return to the yacht without further incident. Later that night, the group wakes up and notices a saber-toothed tiger in a bush, with Darius remarking what it is. Darius realizes that they need to change tracks or stop the monorail to avoid a collision. As the adults try to attack them with electric shocks, the children quickly throw a shelf on them and scatter, taking their weapons with them. Shadows 62.1K subscribers Comments 332 I guess Kenji's father will first be shown as evil but then he realises his mistake and pave the path for the good and then suddenly somehow he dies either. Darius convinces Kash to stop the fight by stating that the dinosaurs are expensive. Blue jumps on one of the hybrids as the other roars, and the kids try to bring down the Visitor's Center, as a three-way fight breaks out between the two hybrids and Blue. The Indominus rex suddenly approaches, ambushes the employees and eats them. As the attack continues, several air tanks are pushed against the wall and Darius sees an opening to throw the dinosaur prod at the tanks, causing an explosion that destroys much of the tunnel. The kids run into Blue several times throughout Camp Cretaceous and their dispositions toward each other evolve after each encounter. As night falls, the hunters ready their weapons, even as the group sees a Stegosaurus enter the clearing. Brooklynn and Darius drive quickly through the jungle, heading for the dock where the ship is. Darius wakes up shortly, as the campers are still disoriented. However, when Yaz suffers a panic attack after hearing Big Eatie and Pierce roar at each other, Darius decides to go and get the phone by himself. Role Darius is happy that they have left the island, but there is still some tension between Darius and Kenji, as Kenji is still angry at him for putting Brooklynn's life at risk. The Pteranodons break free, crash the helicopter, killing Masrani and proceed to chase the group. she's hurt because she was the one who stood up for her, but Sammy really was lying this whole time. Fredrick appears in the Netflix series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. Kash then notices that the other dinosaurs are gone and asks if Darius is behind this, but Darius denies. They explain the situation with the E750 to Darius and inform him that there is another hybrid dinosaur on the loose on the island. After learning about an emergency distress beacon from Sammy, Darius decides that this would be their best bet for rescue, and the group scatters in an attempt to find it. After overhearing his conversation with the mercenaries, the trio surmised that Wu wanted to retrieve his private laptop containing his Scorpios rex research so he could make more hybrid dinosaurs. Shareena's Trips: Camp Cretaceous S3E1 - DeviantArt Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous / Fridge - TV Tropes (Passes the cards to the kids) Kings' high! Despite there being tension between him and Kenji for putting Brooklynn's life at risk, their friendship is restored after Kenji saves him from the Mosasaurus. During this time, Darius tries to confide in Ben about the latter's problem, but he is generally brushed off. Darius along with Ben run into the jungle to create a distraction, while Kenji and Brooklynn stay behind to take care of Sammy, and Ben takes Darius to a place he knows from his travels with Bumpy. At that moment, Darius realizes that when they changed tracks, the monorail is returning to the starting point. Darius I: An Archaeological Biography - Bible Archaeology Report They fail to remove the tree at all, as they hear a roar which turns out to be two Stegosaurus fighting. Trying not to let go Darius tries to lift Ben however his grip slips and Ben falls off the monorail. Darius and Brooklynn are separated from the group and encounter the Sinoceratops. They then see up ahead, that the Pteranodons are attacking another monorail that has broken down in the middle of the track. However, Brooklynn's account contradicts them, so they are warned that they have one more chance or they will be expelled. Sammy and Darius are at odds over whether to release him or leave him. Darius is a withdrawn geekish kid who is passionate about dinosaurs. The group say goodbye to Ben and hug him, as they decide to set sail as another storm approaches. Ben calls the group to the balcony, seeing that Bumpy is extremely agitated, noting that it is a sign of danger. Darius initially offers to be the one to go but they discover that Ben has volunteered and had already exited the train at the top. Because he/ the bois have the USB drive with E750 research on it. Although Darius is obviously the most passionate of the campers and the only one interested in dinosaurs. As they prepare to leave, the group gathers up broken pieces of wood to defend themselves, while Darius and Sammy notice a Stegosaurus plaque on the ground. Just then, the campers realize that the explosion created an exit passageway, they exit the tunnel branch and run towards the docks only to see that the ferry has already left leaving Darius and the other campers stranded on Isla Nublar and marking the start of Season 2. The two then find a waterfall that appears to have no water. Afterwards, Darius tells them that he's been waiting all his life to visit Jurassic World and wants to take advantage of it so he wants to go to the Compy compound to see and the two decide to sneak out with him and sneak into what they assume is the Compy compound. I've been on my own ever since." Darius says sadly. He gives them his impromptu field guide, which they find fascinating. Episode 11 opens with the group of friends celebrating that they have trapped Kash. His character is voiced by Paul-Mikl Williams. As they continue on their way, Kenji steps forward and states that he must make decisions as he is leadership material, then quickly delegates all responsibility to Darius. HOTLINE +94 77 2 114 119. judith harris poet

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