Tensas River NWR 2021-22 Hunt Brochure. Huron Valley Penguins Home - TeamUnify if we've collected "Sales Lead Information" for a given company, it will be displayed on the Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge offers a wide variety of activities for visitors. of Conservation, Spanish Fort, 251-626-5474 (contact this office for additional locations) Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Hunting camp lots near the legendary Tensas National Wildlife Refuge in Tensas Parish are now for sale. Contact Tom Leatherbury, Jr or Clint Flowers, ALC at 855.NLR.LAND for more information. Tensaw River Hunting Club, Inc | Alabama Company Directory Need to know if youre getting a fair price? In addition, all pages on Bizapedia will be During the Civil War, Union soldiers destroyed fifteen plantation homes in 1863 under orders from General Grant and General Sherman. The deer are not as pressured in Tensas, he said and are a little more forgiving.. White Lake Homes for Sale Real Estate Lakefront Property NC - LakeHouse.com 3rd had 2 fish. With the Bizapedia Pro Search service you will get unlimited searches via our various search forms, Tensaw licenses approximately 6,500 acres of land for hunting in Mobile and Washington Counties in Alabama. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. Baldwin MLS. So he now holds the top and bottom spots in the listings, an irony not lost on Tadpole. Tensaw River Hubbards Landing Two Rivers Point - Land Spoonbill Sandbar - Land Canal Island Platform Dead Lake Platform Jug Lake Platform Cloverleaf Camp Blakeley Park Boatyard Landing Fort Mims Landing Holly Creek Landing I-65 DCNR Campsite Big Lizard Creek Ducker Sandbar Lower Bryant Landing Mobile Bay Meaher State Park Bay Breeze Guest House Wildlife Management Areas | Outdoor Alabama Bartram Canoe Trail I was on this stand because it has been so dry and I felt the deer would be headed toward the river for water and should pass by where I could see them.. Tensaw River Briar Lake Hunting & Timber Investment Tract Scouting for Tadpole McLeod starts in mid-September, when trails open on the refuge. 1,738 likes. Permits and other WMA information may be downloaded from theWildlife Management Areas webpage. Explore 175,000 acres of public lands, all within 30 minutes of Tensas Escape. These lands are part of the Upper Delta, Mobile-Tensaw Delta and W. L. Holland Wildlife Management Areas, and offer a variety of outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, canoeing and camping. Deer in that part of the state generally run heavier because of the rich soils of the Mississippi Delta. Thanks, Lord, for letting me kill another buck with the bow, he thought. Interestingly, he does not spend a great deal of time throughout the year practicing. Tallulah, La 71282.BID FORM DOWNLOAD HERE. Licensed in MI - Randy Woodworth, Broker, National Land Realty MO LLC DBA National Land Realty It is a distributary of the Mobile River, approximately 41 miles (66 km) long. During high river, all the game is pushed out of the river swamp up through this parcel. Register Log In Aldeer.com Forums AL Fishing Talk Tensaw River: Forums Calendar Active Threads Forum Help: Aldeer Classifieds . Hunters must possess a valid hunting license, a WMA license and a free map/permit. The words New State Record Non-Typical Buck grab every deer hunters attention, but when one actually lays eyes on Tadpole McLeods Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge buck, you are just, well, stunned. During years of flooding, much of the land is inundated by water. Applications will be scored and ranked using objective criteria described in the application/bid form. Licensed in NM - John D. Conger, Broker. Today, the Winter Quarters Hunting Club now comprises some 8,000 acres and when the adjacent Mississippi River allows, the club is home to some top-notch deer. Licensed in AL - (Montgomery Office - Jerry Ingram, Broker; Mobile Office - Clint Flowers, Broker; Tuscaloosa Office - Robert Jamison, Broker; Birmingham Office - Brett Harden, Broker; Southeast AL Office - Forrest During, Broker; Huntsville Office - Scott Wood, Broker). Safe Sport. Licensed in IN - John S. Boyken, Jr., Broker. Licensed in UT - Kent Dow, Broker. Tensaw, AL Land for Sale - 2 Listings | LandWatch 2023. Site location was strategically chosen and developed for maximum year-round recreational opportunity in Tensas Parish.surrounded by Tensas NWR, Big Lake WMA, and Buckhorn WMA. You will be directed to the following website in 5 seconds: We hope your visit was informative and enjoyable. if the company chooses to hide the private information on their profile from the general public. Licensed in WV - Casey Reynolds, Broker, National Land Realty VA, LLC DBA National Land Realty TENSAW RIVER HUNTING CLUB, INC in Fairhope, AL | Company Info Turn right onto Station Avenue. The news of such a deer had travelled fast. Be the first to know about new properties, price adjustments, land news, and more! Martin CHA. The size of the refuge, variety of wildlife and a chance at a truly great buck make it worth the effort it takes to hunt this bottomland. He has hunted Lake Ophelia NWR, along with Big Lake and Buckhorn Wildlife Management Areas, but the majority of his time is spent on Tensas. Tadpole was discouraged and did not expect any deer movement due to all the noise. Start earning some extra income and get access to the best tools in the industry by leasing your property through National Land Realty. If you do not receive an email from us, please check your spam folder. When the moon is full, I may not go to the stand until around 10 in the morning and sit until dark, he said. Tallapoosa County near Jacksons Gap. The bottomland hardwood forest contains a diversity of plant and animal species. He sees lots of deer activity, including bucks breeding does and other deer behaviors and vocalizations he had only read about before hunting Tensas. Youth hunters on youth deer and turkey hunts must be less than 16 years of age. A forum community dedicated to catfishers and enthusiasts. I couldnt tell what happened but saw the other three 8 points he was with all take off, which made me think he was down. This is a rare waterfront opportunity: a turn-key camp in the Mobile Delta, sitting on a large lot on Oak Bayou. He found a deer trail and a suitable tree for his climbing stand overlooking the trail and got set up. McLeod hunts the rut with special attention to the moon phase. The Greenlea Unit contains approximately 650 acres of farmable land. For more nearby real estate, explore land for sale in Tensaw, AL. April 22, 2023. Licensed in MA - Daniel Ruggiero, Broker, National Land Realty ME, LLC DBA National Land Realty In the last six or seven years Tadpole has taken several good bucks on Tensas, including two 8-points, some 6-points and in December of 2010 a 9-point scoring 103 inches. This includes the state's largest population of the Louisiana black bear which was formerly on the endangered species list. Want to buy? Waterfowl, big game, and small game hunting . Winning pattern was fluke fished in grass near causeway. There is plenty of room to expand the camp on this large footprint. These permits allow you to participate in all open (non-lottery) hunting and fishing seasons as well as use ATVs on designated trails in accordance with all rules and regulations. I'm used to shad up there, but seem to have a devil of a time finding shad in the delta. Utilize our advanced search form to filter the search results by Company Name, City, State, Postal Code, Mobile Tensaw River Hog Hunting - Posts | Facebook Located near Raft River, Chuckfee Bay, the Tensaw River, and a short boat ride from multiple boat ramps. Licensed in KS and MO - Jeremy Oehlert, Broker. Holland Wildlife Management Areas. Tensaw River - Wikipedia Copyright 2016. Your entire office will be able to use your search subscription. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. National wildlife refuges offer several unforgettable hunting opportunities that many outdoorsmen and women would consider the experience of a lifetime. I have learned three things from my bow shooting and hunting: You need to be comfortable with your bow, and the quietness and accuracy of the bow are more important to me than how fast it shoots, he said. Historic Winter Quarters has a rich history and is known for its large Antebellum home located in Tensas Parish. CONTACT INFORMATION : For information and questions regarding regulations or use of the WMA, please contact Biologist - Jared Knight at the District V Office at (251) 626-5474. He usually waits until the rut to begin hunting. Over this past year, I've found that temperature demarcation to be generally on point. This Waterfront Hunting & Timber Investment is Located on the Tensaw River at Briar Lake. Mobile Tensaw River Hog Hunting - Home | Facebook Nov 17, 2015. Shown by appointment only. Click here for more information. NOTES: Statewide antlered buck season bag limit applies to all WMAs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Cooperative Cropping Opportunity for Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge. Tour routes of great scenic drives on National Wildlife Refuges. He has won more than 50 writing and broadcasting awards during his 47 year career. The parking lot will be on your left. Search for volunteer opportunities around the country, News about wonderful wild things and places, FWS is taking steps to mitigate climate impacts, Search employment opportunities with USFWS. Directions Heat and low catches ruled the day. Theres lots of room, and you can get away from people if you dont mind walking, Berry said. Annual hunting permits available online. Jun 4, 2019. Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations 2022-2023. We go up, clean and prepare the camp and start looking around, checking for acorns and persimmons, he said. It is a stop on the Bartram Canoe Trail. Tensaw River - ALDEER.COM Baldwin and Mobile Counties, north and south of the causeway. All rights reserved. Moreau and Berry agreed, and both prefer to hunt Tensas during the rut in the days right after Christmas. We are sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. liability insurance, which is required of all hunting clubs. Sixtrails with a combined length of approximately 7.5 miles is open to hikers, bikers and horseback riders. Document - application/pdf. . Winter Quarters was the only plantation left standing. Mid America Regional Information Systems. Tensaw River AL Fishing Reports, Map & Hot Spots It was Jan. 7 of this year and Alton Tadpole McLeod was hunting an area of Tensas National Wildlife Refuge he had not previously hunted. $9.80 by Cleckler. The Jug Lake floating platform can be reserved for camping. Permits can be purchased online athttps://tensas.isportsman.netand are non-refundable and non-transferable. Thank you for signing up for a NationalLand.com Account! The shot was dead on and his Muzzy Broadhead did its job. 4+ lbs/4 fish won and I think BF too. It's no coincidence that the "Duck Commander" himself, Phil Robertson, hunts this area.. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. License prices do not include. Maps and regulations available at self-serve stations. Where to hunt - Michigan TENSAW RIVER HUNTING CLUB, INC is an Alabama Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on November 15, 2018. Licensed in CO - Devin Dickey, Broker. Website Design and Hosting by, Tensaw licenses approximately 6,500 acres of land for hunting in Mobile and Washington Counties in, Alabama. The foursome said they felt good about this season, and were selecting stand locations around the increasing number of grass patches, as Tadpole calls them. 2023. -87.949337564766. Team Stores. All rights reserved. One of the easiest ways that anyone can support bird habitat conservation is by buying duck stamps. Home. The Jacinto Port Tract is part of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. They were making a lot of noise, landing, flapping wings and breaking branches, McLeod said. They pitched a tent and took a mid-day ride around the refuge. Paddlers can make several different day trips and floating camping platforms are available for overnight stays. Tensaw River Briar Lake Hunting & Timber Investment Tract Shown by appointment only. White Lake Homes For Sale. The camp currently sleeps 12 and has 4 bedrooms and multiple covered and uncovered boat slips; theres enough room for large group or family use while also maintaining privacy. He figures there are still plenty of spots to fill in between. Cox downs big-bodied buck in Tensas Parish - Louisiana Sportsman License terms are typically one (1) year, with dues paid annually. At this point a lifetime of hunting experience paid off. Location See this tract on an interactive map. TENSAS CAMPS - Tensas Hunting Camps For more information, please contact:John Dickson, Administrative Wildlife Biologist, at (318) 574-2664 ext. Licensed in ID - Roger Todd Dye, Broker, National Land Realty West ID, LLC DBA National Land Realty 1,740 likes. Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge located near Tallulah, LA is accepting applications for a cropping opportunity on approximately 650 acres in Madison Parish for up to five years. He soon climbed down from the stand and approached the downed deer, still not knowing the size of the buck. The buck then walked through a thicket and came into the clear at a distance of 15 to 18 yards, directly facing McLeod. Licensed in KY - Dwight Butler, Broker, NLR KY West, LLC DBA National Land Realty He suspected either a deer or bear. All Refuge hunters and fishermen are required to purchase a $20 Annual Public Use Permit. Fish and Wildlife Service. As soon as I saw the rack, I knew it was the big buck we wanted to take. Shown by appointment only. Company Name: Tensaw River Hunting Club, Inc. Company Type: Domestic Non-Profit Corporation . Licensed in ME - Daniel Ruggiero, Broker, NLR-Michigan LLC DBA National Land Realty This is when you stay focused on the pin and the shoulder.. Wilkersons Wonderland Myrtle Groves Wilkerson Canal offers great redfishing options. The buck was standing head down, looking to the left and right. A buck! the 54-year-old bow hunter thought. 2023. Home - Tensas River NWR - iSportsman Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Today, the Winter Quarters Hunting Club now comprises some 8,000 acres and when the adjacent Mississippi River allows, the club is. Five Rivers, Alabamas Delta Resource Center. Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1980 to preserve one of the largest privately owned tracts of bottomland hardwoods remaining in the Mississippi Delta. Licensed in ND - Korley Sears, Broker, National Land Realty Nevada LLC DBA National Land Realty Georgia MLS. Tensaw Catfish | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA Alabama River running strong/muddy. To protect our site, we cannot process your request right now. Fish the Delta with ease or hunt ducks, deer, hogs, turkey, squirrel, and other game in the 94,000+/- acre Upper Delta and Mobile-Tensaw Wildlife Management Areas within minutes of the camp. If it kinda salty water guess Mac B uses mullett when he can get it. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Licensed in OH - Ronnie G. Richardson, Broker, Licensed in LA - Warren Peters, Broker, Licensed in NE and IA - Ryan Schroeter, Broker. He believes the grassy areas are providing better cover and are helping deer tremendously. A variety of plant species and over 400 different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish can be found on the refuge. There must have been 30 or 40 of them.. Cox returned to his stand and found the little hole in the foliage where the deer was standing when he shot, got a visual on several trees to be sure he was looking in the right spot. The refuge is composed of extensive bottomland hardwood forests intermingled with sloughs, swamps and lakes that support a . This is a rare waterfront opportunity: a large turn key camp in the Mobile Delta thats in great shape.