~ If you answered TRUE four or more times to questions 25 through 30, then you're most likely a WISE ONE. A promising sign to check if you are an Earth angel is when you still feel your values are not put up to. Atlantis, Ancient Egypt)? Despite the imperfections and shortcomings, you still consider them. 3. You are highly intuitive and can read people very well. And thats what you see. Your values have crashed several times. The glow and radiance of God's grace in Earth angels make them look younger than their real age. You believe you need to make a change in the modern world. If you'd want to learn more about how to use salt bath to cleanse your spirit, check out this post on spiritual bath. Webearth angel or starseed quiz. Yet I have nearly all of the signs of an Earth Angel. FREE SPIRIT describes me 100% I'd feel freer if my survival pursuits weren't so consuming. expanded consciousness All earth angels are sensitive. Spreading optimism everywhere is your main goal. Two Earth Angels traveling together? But, Earth angels tend to be sensitive when it comes to negative stuff, including violence. I have deep spiritual knowledge that didn't come from any books or teachers. Humans are ambitious beings, but Earth angels are not. ascension forecast Youre here to teach people how to co-exist peacefully.Appearance, If you answer yes to the majority of these questions, your soul has many spiritual Earth lives (i.e. Its like you have this maternal instinct where you want to protect and support those around you. Under 18 Years Old 18 to 24 Years Old 25 to 30 Years Old 31 to 40 Years Old 41 to 50 Years Old 51 to 60 Years Old Does the abuse of Mother Earth enrage you? Do you try to rescue people, and end up in co-dependent relationships? 14. If you love to do alone time more often than average, then it could be possible that you are an Earth Angel. As earth angels I feel we gravitate towards our own and can easily recognize others that have the same characters and abilities that we have. An archangel is a sort of "chief angel," one who has authority over other angels. Do you love codes, symbolism, runes, and sacred geometry? There are many different types of Earth angels, but some of the most common include: Healing angels . You have a deep love for humanity and all life forms. Im the avatar angel XD: Ready for your result? Click on the Donation buttion below. Are you deeply spiritual, but not religious? Now that you know the signs to check whether you are an Earth angel or not, you've confirmed that you are one. Do you have unusual eyes (colour, shape)? If they think they need to help someone, they do it right away. When youre angry, can you throw fire balls at people? The only way to nurture others is to nurture yourself first. Please comment and like, thank you! A person's eye is what captivates one's heart. an angel who is tasked with protecting holy relics. WebFor many years, I assumed that these four categories were the only realms from which Earth Angels originated: Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpersons, and Walk-Ins. angel healing Earthbound angels are similar to Archangels, but they do not have wings. Have you ever felt like you didn't belong (on earth). An Earth angel's look will show pureness, sweetness, and innocence. Como t dices, dos ngeles viajando juntos en la Tierra. Secluding themselves from the world is their way to keep their healing energy at par. Since you believe there is always a good thing in every situation or person, you tend to be optimistic at all times. Angelic Do you have an addictive personality? You can be taking care of a family or even just pets, but a caregiver earth angel will always show utmost concern; no matter who the recipient is. I tend to easily put on (or lose) extra weight, or I'm currently over (under) weight. error to be accepted. Aya 1 6 What do you look like? They could also be strangers that you encounter during the course of your day. Do you have a hard time establishing boundaries and saying no? Remember, the healthier you are, the more people you can help and reach! But do you have a deep desire to know which of these old souls YOU are most like? I have a hard time saying no. When conflicts arise, you tend to take a step back and just let tensions die down. Also, pampering yourself is not a bad thing. You know that there is always something to be grateful for if you just look! jumping timelines Count the number of TRUE answers for each successive grouping of six questions, beginning with the first six. To some people, they refer Earth angels are guides and spiritual healers that walk the Earth. SURVEY . I am actually a Crystal child and it said I was indigo.. For 70% you are: Ready for your result? Your email address will not be published. The purity of Earth angels radiates that it rarely shows in them. To be able to reincarnate as human forms, these angels lowered their vibrational energy to fit the earthly dimension. Merely wanna remark that you have a very decent website , I like the design it actually stands out. Take this fun quiz below by answering the questions for each category of Earth Angel. Doing such will go a long way. It means that you can be a songwriter who creates music, or a carpenter who builds a house. Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right; Click on the Button Above 15. The light that is usually seen when an angel is around will be an off-white color and the blond hair thing is just what people thought they saw back when angel paintings were extremely commonplace). I really would like to go home now, because I know that Earth isn't my home. 23. Spread positive vibration to the entire humanity and Earth. The old adage of it takes one to know one comes to mind. Do you resemble an elf, pixie, fairy, or other member of the elemental realm? They carry enlightenment, love, and peace. This is why you spend most of your time taking care of pets, or volunteering at a shelter. The angel What was the name of the angel that came to visit the Virgin Mary, according to the Bible? Embrace life, and above all, trust in your Angels. To put it, Earth angels have their path to walk on compared to other people. All three guested on the show during its nine-year run, all appearing as themselves. February 18, 2020 Ari and Edward Elric Don't Play. As discussed earlier, saying no is one difficulty that most Earth angels experience. Their strong spiritual side makes them very powerful among others. You can also be drawn to art that features natural landscapes. Saying a prayer to Archangel Michael during the night can be effective. But do you have a deep desire to know which of these old What Crystal energy do I take in during a Pyramid Session? You will be an EARTH ANGEL! You may be one or combination of these, or you might be another type of Earth Angel not mentioned here. Compared to normal humans, they are more genuine. Earth angels are generous givers, and they don't expect anything in return. Earth angels want everything in place, even in small things, such as getting along or arguing. No. Do you always follow your gut when you need to make a decision? You dont even need words. If you are an Earth angel, know that you are not alone! They can make mistakes, they can feel burned out, and they can be disengaged with the world at times. Do you believe in the essential goodness of people? Your inner radar is highly developed, and it helps guide you through life. They can easily get in tune with the frequencies of their surroundings. But, despite feeling distinct among others, Earth angels see the good in everything. Self-love is essential, especially when you nurture yourself to be better for others. Pass Your Exams With Our 5 Crystals For Success! Any maltreatment to them upsets you very much. Your higher purpose will become clearer, and your mission will be revealed to you. When you choose which truth to believe, do you still have a strong intuition and follow it? Hawkins Road It doesnt matter whether its just a fictional character or a friend in front of you, seeing waterworks got some effect on you. These are the four main groups of Earth Angels. You still see them as your kind friend, your cheerful sister, or your loving partner. health care; teaching)? You know that each individual on the planet is simply trying to lead their most beneficial life. Have you always been interested in space, UFOs, and ETs? What do you/would you do if you notice(d) someone being bullied? Powers fight back against evil spirits that would cause chaos on heaven and Earth. Thank you! When people are already on the verge of giving up, you still extend your patience. Though you may be quiet by nature, when you do speak up, your words carry weight. Love and appreciation come from oneself. A great way to cleanse and protect your energy and balance is to do spiritual hygiene. What is the Soul Star Chakra and Stellar Gateway? You have no desire to hurt anyones feelings with gossip or mean words; you only want what is best for all beings. It is there he teaches many what those with disabilities can do given the chance. You cant quite explain it, but having them around brings a sense of calmness. Even if there's a criminal standing in front of you, you believe that that person is not as bad as other people think. Registered in England and Wales No 04109672 Do you work outdoors, in nature (i.e. You just cant help nurturing your surroundings! Putting your shoes in someone elses is all too real for earth angels. Do people give you angel art or figurines as gifts? 30 seconds . Are you strongly affected by the cycles of Moon? The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Whats an Earth Angel? So even when things are shaky, your respect for a person does not waver. Are you interested in ancient cultures (i.e. Are you extroverted? Hypnic jerk spiritual meaning: You might not know this! 19 24 Walk Humans find it weird for someone to be very kind. Thus, it is crucial to take a rest and love yourself to recharge. Are Earth angels' real angels? vibration Thus, they hurt or bully those types of people. 5. If earth angels are serving humanity, does this mean they are higher/different from humans? But, despite feeling distinct among others, The Truth About Dark or Fallen Angels: That No One Tells You. Tags: Question 11 . You dont need wings or superpowers either; just being around others who need healing will bring them comfort. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Since you have a strong will to support and guide the people who surround you at all costs. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. It can spread love and gratitude towards others that don't instill such in their hearts. Yet, people use it as an advantage against you and make it your weakness. Your dream is to see the world become a better place by restoring peace and justice for people. Sorry I did that pattern just showin you my work. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? The first type is the archangel, which is a high-ranking angel who rules over other angels. This is because they are sensitive souls who want to be with someone who understands them. I have a strong feeling were ment to work together on something very significant that will have a positive affect on many. You wont worry so much about things that dont matter in the grand scheme of things. But there are different types of angels, and among them are Earth angels. Earth angels are natural givers. When you are in a room or around people, they often feel happier, more at ease, and more peaceful. What is a Crystral Pyramid Light Transmission? If so, what type of earth angel are you? Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. But these bad days are short-lived, and do not represent who we truly are. Types You can treat yourself to a good massage from time to time to keep your blood circulation at par. The 10 types of angel. They know youd offer the best solutions. Earth angels have powerful intuition. There are two types of angels in the Bible. Are you technologically savvy? Type 2 - Guardian Angel. Being selfless, caring, and loving in this cruel world makes one deviant, among others. shaman, priestess). Your dreams often give you messages. As long as you see a resemblance of nature, you feel alive. You feel attracted to a particular purpose. Aside from healing, Earth angels also love to teach, help, and serve other people. Do people think youre somewhat aloof and guarded? The existence of so-called "guardian angels" is hotly debated in religious circles. This is because earth angels are one of the highest-level empaths. Do your finances tend to swing from abundance to scarcity? Quiz: Am I a Lightworker Dominions. Injustice has no place in the lives of these earth angels. Do you have a fiery temperament? Types Humans have high trust issues whenever someone shows off kindness at all times. Earth angels still live a humane life, and they walk on this Earth, like any average person. How to Call Angels for Help: You Don't Have To Shout Or Dial 911. For the success and recognition you deserve? Sometimes, youd walk into a room and youd know exactly if there is tension in the air. You may be in tune with the Universe and dedicated to living a soulful life, but what does this make you in spiritual terms? I hope you get it as your result! Your presence can be quite powerful, even if you dont realize it. You can pick up on what theyre going through without them having said anything at all just by being near them or talking with them briefly! You will know you have an Earth angel soul when you find it difficult to ask others' help. If you have most of these signs, theres a good chance you are an earth angel! Things may be hard at the moment, but an earth angels energy is meant to radiate hope especially for people who may be struggling. If you're depressed or ill, you won't be able to help others. They are more than just the cheerfulness, the positivity, and the generosity. Updated on March 17, 2017 1. Anger isnt something youre familiar with. alternate reality You are accepting of everything and everyone. Earth Angel Quiz Clayhut Healing Blog I tend to easily put on extra weight, or I'm currently overweight. The responsibility of keeping the Earth healthy and safe is on your shoulders, and it is your pleasure to do so. You are deeply in touch with your feelings? Mother Earth Earth Angel What earth angel are you - Make Your Own Quiz Are you a Trekkie? If you fall under this type, it means that you are someone who is involved in progressive movements big and small. Are you fond of sweets? Whatever the situation is, they always follow what they feel they have to do. You understand that people cannot be at their best everyday. What that is Im not sure of yet, but I feel it none the ess.