All counties have approximately the same number of people. are in the same box the next time you log in. The new constitution also included a significant change in the qualifications for office holding in the state, a change that made it easier for newcomers to obtain office. ()(Which of the following are not generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees? Which statement is correct accordingto the 2000 census? The only exceptions were those excluded in previous constitutions--those in asylums or prisons, convicted of felonies, unsound of mind, and anyone disqualified from voting under the Constitution of the United States. The percentage of Texans living in poverty is approximately. The framers of the Constitution of 1876 created a rigid and highly detailed document that provided clear instructions for how government should operate. Article 2 of the Texas Constitutionlimits government powers based on which principle? In March 2010, Congress passed ______, substantially altering the nations health care system. Which of the following cities currently has a city government with a strong mayor-council form of government? The constitution did have some restrictions on voting rights and required a voter to live in the state for at least one year and in the county where he voted for sixty days. 1 0 obj The current Texas Constitution was adopted in 1876. The policies of the national government influence Texas, but, for the most part, large segments of public policy, such as education, infrastructure, and legal matters, are state and local matters. It was the. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Which of the following statements regarding the Texas lottery is true? Please sign in to share these flashcards. We'll bring you back here when you are done. Politicsin the Texas Republic period were a conflict between. Your email address is only used to allow you to reset your password. It is known as the implied powers clause The Texas Constitution of 1869 was created, The Constitution of Reconstruction created. No state has a tax burden over 6%. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. b. Texas was responsible for paying all foreign debts it incurred while independent.c. It also increased the term of senators from four to six years. The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) is chaired by the, The National Research University Fund (NRUF) was established through a constitutional amendment to provide a source of funding for. One important consequence of the law of capture concept is that it. Exam 1 Flashcards | a policy of minimizing the cost to Texas while maximizing the use of federal dollars. Texas had to accept the abolition of slavery. were helping to create a dysfunctional underclass of people who depended upon it for survival. The bureau was to be headed by a superintendent appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Which of the following statements is true? Theyare poorly written and, as a result, are interpreted to be overly restrictive. Which principle of government is the key to understanding the drafting of the Texas Constitution of 1876? The job of serving legal papers at the precinct level of a county goes to the ______. b. Texas created the first tricameral legislature. b. election judges. They are a regional board meant to coordinate local planning and economic development. was still a problem in urban public schools with a large minority population. Examples of "piecemeal revision" of the Texas constitution since 1974 include, sunset review, county-wide property tax appraisal, and extending criminal jurisdiction to the Courts of Appeals, The principal means by which constitutional change has occurred in Texas since 1876 is, The process for amending the Texas constitution is proposal by, two-thirds of the membership of each house of Legislature and ratification by a simple majority of voters casting ballots on the amendment, contains a provision guaranteeing equal rights to womensomething not found in the federal Constitution, places the lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law-interpreting powers in distinct departments of government, In the American federal system, local governments are, {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"Chapter Two Quiz","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/chapter-two-quiz-2365690","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v12.0","language":"en_US"}}. The number of justices on the Supreme Court was reduced from five to three justices. The Constitution of 1869 made all of these judges appointees of the governor, although they held their place with the advice and consent of the Senate and they could be impeached. The Constitution of 1866 previously required members of the Senate and House of Representative to have lived in the state for five years and in their county or district for one year. Davis was, which statement best describes Texas politics for Angols during the administration of E.J. District Judges also were elected and served for a term of eight years. Which statement best describes the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence?. a. Carl H. Moneyhon, what are the 3 political philosophies represented in how Texas views the role of government and politics? Which of the following statements is accurate? While previous constitutions committed Texas to the development of a public school system, the new constitution provided explicit directions regarding what that system should look like and how to fund it. If you change your mind, you can easily unsubscribe. The lottery is played by large numbers of people from all social classes. Govt 2306 Flashcards | Among of states in the UnitedStates, Texas ranks near the bottom in all of the following categories except. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The constitution did provide for a reinstatement of voting rights for the latter should their disqualification be removed by Congress. As an instrument subordinate to national authority, the new constitution provided that it could be changed only with the consent of the national government. The chief law-enforcement officer in county governments is the. Which of the following statements about the commissioner form of government is false? See our Texas voters in the areas that will be covered. It concentrated power in the counties. School boards can do all of the following EXCEPT, The Permanent School Fund (PSF) was created in. Texass first female governor sinceMiriam Ferguson was. Powers assigned to both the nationaland state governments are called concurrent Texas and Oklahoma are the onlystates that have which of the following? Davis, The successful end of the Texas Revolution in 1836 saw the ___ culture dominate Texas culture and politics, Texas secessionist vote to secede from the Union was branded illegal by Sam Houston but upheld by the, Due to the growth by migration from other regions and nations, Houston street signs can be seen in, According to Daniel Elazar which of the following distinct political subcultures does not exist in texas, which is a true statement about political participation due to Texas political subculture, participation in politics is not highly regarded as in those states with a moralistic subculture, which of the following is not correct about modern south texas, the Rio Grande is now one of America's least ecologically endangered Rivers, Texas's first female united state senator was, The first hispanic elected to a statewide office was, Which region is called the "core area" of texas, Powers that are given to the national government and are listed in the constitution are known as, According to lecture, there are two sources of policy making power in the state of Texas, they are, The United States Constitution The Texas state Constitution, The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution states that, the state gov cannot use their reserved powers to go against national policy, Where would you find the general rules for the admission of new states, ways of ordering relations between central and municipal governments, The texas constitution establishes an amendment process that features actions, first the legislature and then by the voters, which, if any, are incorrect statements regarding the constitutions that have governed Texas, Texas, like California, is the only state to have been governed by two Constitutions, The doctrine of separation of powers is incorporated into the Texas Constitution and is used by, assigning lawmaking, law enforcing, and law adjusting powers to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, respectively, According to the outside readings on the Texas Constitution, who were the framers reacting against when they drafted the Constitution of 1876. According to our text, what determines the amount of tax revenue generated from oil and natural gas produced in Texas? while the Mayflower Compact is the first constitution of the United States</p> Why must the Texas legislature maintain a balanced budget? Under the separate but equal doctrine in the 1920s and 1930s, the amount of money that the state of Texas spent on black students was ______ the amount spent on white students in public schools. The ______ transformed the way in which the United States handled poverty and implemented welfare policy. It decentralizedthe Texas public school system. two courts of final appeals The Constitution of 1869 also attempted to impose controls on the labor system. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. As to slavery, the new constitution declared that except as punishment for crime the institution would no longer exist. Following a legislative decision in 2003 to reduce state funding to higher education, which source of university revenue began to increase most rapidly? B)popular sovereignty. )()Compared to other states, which statement regarding revenue sources for the state of Texas is true? )((Who pays the greatest portion of their income in property taxes? To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity. the election of judges. When comparing the Texas Constitution to the United States Constitution, Texas constitution much more rigid than federal Main purpose of Texas Const is the restriction of power and gov authority Texas Const has no implied powers like the US Const, which allows the gov to meet demands w/o adding a new amendment to document Texas Const has excessive amount of detail and becomes quickly outdated, granted too much power to government in general granted too much power to legislature perceived to be of questionable legitimacy, Constitutions are expected to do all the following except, establish major governing institution place limitations on government assign constitutional power, Opposition to the 1875 proposed constitutional overhaul centered on all of the following except, a central gov with primary constitutional authority, A constitution promotes ____ if the general public agrees that the gov has the right to govern its citizens, The Constitutional Convention of 1974 was divided over which issue, a right to work provision to restrict organized labor, which is not encompassed by the principle of checks and balances, confirmation of appointments given to the House of Reps (it's actually given to the Senate2/3 vote consent), when state gov misuse their powers, the response is usually to, place constitutional limitations and restriction on those powers, which is a true statement about the powers of the national gov, how much power the national gov has depends on the interpretation of the "necessary but proper clause", which is the correct statement about the texas const of 1845, the const of 1875 was opposed by all the following groups with the exception of, which is the correct statement about the 10th amendment, in spite of this amendment the us supreme court in mcculloch v maryland permitted federal action through implied powers, the implied powers of the national gov are designed to do whatever is necessary to, carry out the expressed powers of the national gov, the 24th amendment to the us constitution forbids states from, enacting poll tax laws as a condition for voting in a national election, Article I, section 8 of the US constitution contains a statement that has been used by Congress and the courts to expand the sphere of federal authority. In addition, the constitution forbade the creation of any system of peonage that reduced workers to practical bondage, a response to the potential abuse in the tenant labor system already emerging in the state. Texas spends less on state-federal programs than most states do. The earlier constitution had asserted basic state sovereignty, declaring that the document represented the extension of political power inherent in the people of the state. a. Texas has always had a unicameral legislature. A Texas secessionist vote to secedefrom the Union was branded illegal by Sam Houston, but upheld by the. 1. The Texas governor would request the New Mexico governor to return the fugitive, to which the New Mexico governor would agree. C. It centralized power Privacy Policy and (Hint: Look at the charts and graphs in Chapter 1. Davis? The Texas Constitution of 1869 provided for all of the following, except a. annual legislative . Responding to previous uses of the school fund to support railroads and other corporate development, the constitution specifically prohibited the appropriation of the school fund for any use other than support of schools. Which component of the current Texas Constitution was designed to prevent future governors from. TSHA | Constitution of 1869 - Handbook of Texas (Points: 1) Which of the following was not a goal for those writing the Texas constitution? The commissioner form of government is currently popular among the largest cities in Texas. It also proposed a more active role for state government in supporting the economic and social development of the state through the gift of lands, education, and the promotion of immigration. 45 under the constitution of 1869 how often were - Course Hero endobj Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Which statement is true regarding poverty in Texas? The mayor-council form of government is most common in. Since independence from Mexico, Texas has had a bicameral legislature. In large Texas counties, the ______ prepares the county budget. A 1983 report by the National Commission on Excellence in Education was called. by deleal05, Davis was a Democratic Confederate sympathizer who frequently clashed with the federal, Davis tried to return Texas to independence rather than reenter the Union after the Civil, Davis was a Republican who used the centralized powers of the governorship to maintain. not excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, )()The funds generated by the Permanent School Fund are distributed to school districts across the state. Settlers engaged in seizing lands that traditionally belonged to Native Americans . )It describes why the colonists wanted to be free from Britain and what led to their decision to fight against British rule . A. Davis sought to decentralize government in Texas, moving toward a policy of home rule. Which of the following individualssought to make history by attempting to become the first Hispanic governor ofTexas? Revised by Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Chapter 2 Flashcards | Quizlet :S?Mevem5 In the articles of confederation, the governing system was know as the confederal system, which gave the states the majority of the power, while the national Texas is still a strong conservative state whose values have still remained the same. The number of amendments to the Texas constitution between 1876 and 2002 is, The Texas constitution is lengthy and detailed primarily because, too much policy is spelled out in the constitution, The 1845 Texas constitution provided for all of the following except. Which statement best describes Texas politics for Anglos during the administration of Governor E.J. The implied powers of the nationalgovernment are designed to do whatever is necessary to, The regulation of commerce among theseveral states by the U.S. Congress is an example of a(n), Powers of the national governmentstated in the United States Constitution are called. )In what ways might Texas' politics change in the, 1. B. the power to appoint sheriffs. S. S. McKay Which statement best describes the structure of the Texas, In federalism, an individual citizen lives under the direct, the regional government and provincial government, the national government and supranational, the central government and regional government, the provincial government and subnational, Under the Constitution of 1869, how often were.

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