Our remaining events are as follows: Any changes to these events will be communicated on our scheme webpage and on social media. Lane closures: Lane one will be closed. LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be investing $82 million to rebuild I-496 and perform maintenance on the 17 bridges between Lansing Road and Grand River. You can subscribe to be alerted by email when we update this webpage in the future. For further information about the scheme or the consultation please contact us using the scheme email address A46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000. Newark traffic conditions - incidents & roadworks Boost business productivity and economic growth by providing a more reliable road network and improved local access, Increase capacity, reduce delays and incidents, and improve journey times. Thursday 3 March 2022 from 9am to 1pm at the Lord Nelson pub, Gainsborough Road, Winthorpe, Newark, NG24 2NN, Friday 4 March 2022 from 3pm to 8pm at the Lord Ted pub, Farndon Road, Newark, NG24 4SW, Saturday 5 March 2022 from 9am until 2pm at Market Place, Newark NG24 1DU. The drilling may cause some noise disturbance to nearby properties. Your comments will help us further shape the A46 Newark Bypass scheme, enabling us to improve safety, congestion and connectivity in the town and wider region.. VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. Weve been holding consultation events so you can speak to members of staff about the scheme. Work has already started to improve the access onto the A46 dual carriageway at Farndon. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Following the announcement, a series of engagement events are taking place in the local area where members of the project team will be available to answer any questions. Well be using drilling rigs to collect samples of the underlying geology to provide us with information about the land and ground conditions. The improvements will also provide an economic boost for communities across the region, supporting growth and development. It is expected that an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) will be needed to construct the scheme. Since our public consultation earlier this year, where we presented possible options for improving the A46 between the Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts, weve been using the local knowledge and views we received to help us develop the best option for improving this section of the A46. Roadworks on a major Newark road set to close for three weeks will benefit drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, says National Highways. To effectively collect information about the land and ground conditions well be using drilling rigs to collect samples of the underlying geology, which may cause some noise disturbance to nearby properties due to the nature of the work. Wednesday 18 March - Overnight closure of part of the A46/A17/A1 roundabout. During the examination stage, anybody with an interest in the scheme can make representations in writing, or verbally at public hearings. 28 Apr 2023 13:25:01 If youre thinking of altering your workout routine, youre probably looking for new exercises and equipment to help you reach your fitness goals. Involved two cars in collision with persons trapped inside the vehicles. At the A46 Brownhills junction, exit the A1 and re-join the northbound A46Southbound, Exit at the A46/A1 roundabout and take the A1 southbound, At the Barrowby exit, take the A52 westbound, Re-join the A46 at the Saxondale Roundabout. In an update on Friday evening, police asked for drivers with dash cam footage to come forward and said that two people had been left with "potentially life-altering injuries". 2023 BBC. WebLocation: The A46 northbound exit slip to the A52 . Road closures are currently in place on the A46 between the Cattle Market Road and Brownhills Roundabouts, Newark. As you make your way out & about this April 28th, watch out for potential road closures due to construction including: 557 1st Potential *PARTIAL* road closures include: 30 Newark 710 Park 308 Willow 628 Grand 10th & 11th at Madison Have a safe weekend! Roadworks on a major Newark road set to close for three weeks will benefit drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, says National Highways. Newark A46 bypass preferred plan unveiled by National Highways Gestern gab es 3 auf stau.info gemeldete Staus auf der A46. If our DCO application is accepted by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport) an Examining Authority will consider the application, and any representations, which will take up to six months. Two cars were involved in the accident, leading to people being trapped inside the vehicles, on the morning of Friday, August 26. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. The proposed weekends are September 30 to October 3; 7-10 October 7-10; and October 14-17. Die letzte Staumeldung wurde unserer Stau-Datenbank zufolge am 02.05.2023 um 02:44 in unserem System erfasst, die letzte Baustelle am 29.04.2023 um 20:04. Please note as it's a large file it may take a few seconds to load. Read about our approach to external linking. You can find more information in our consultation brochure. Nottinghamshire We expect it to be later this year or early next year. For information on our previous consultation events please see page 14 of our brochure. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Times Permanent Secretary has been told of potential conflict of interest relating to Ministers, Special Advisers and Non-Executive Director. (External link - Opens in a new tab or window), infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/application-process, customerservices@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk, https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/east-midlands/a46-newark-bypass/, To find out more about our proposals and the consultation, please see our, Our environmental information can be seen in our Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) Report, Complete a copy of our printed response form and, Complete a copy of our printed response form and give it to a member of staff at one of our, Widening the A46 to a dual carriageway to provide two lanes in each direction between the Farndon and Winthorpe junctions, A new bridge over the A1 to the north of the existing bridge, A flyover junction at Cattle Market with the A46 elevated to pass over the roundabout, Traffic lights to Farndon junction to improve traffic flows during peak hours, A five-arm roundabout at Winthorpe roundabout with traffic lights to connect the new A46 link. A46 Our events are as follows: Any changes to these events will be communicated on our scheme webpage and on social media. Something went wrong, please try again later. Northbound and Southbound routes are listed below: Delays are likely on approach to the closure and diversion routes. If you have any further queries, please: If you'd like to find out more about the Planning Inspectorate process, you can visit: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/east-midlands/a46-newark-bypass/. A multimillion-pound scheme to expand a dual carriageway is moving closer after a preferred route was revealed. Deliver better environmental outcomes by achieving a net gain in biodiversity, and improve noise levels at Noise Important Areas along the A46 between Farndon andWinthorpe roundabouts. The surveys will be completed by early summer 2021. While key features of the scheme remain the same as Option 2, following your feedback and additional assessments, we have modified the route to be further away from Winthorpe, and partially back on to the existing A46, between Friendly Farmer roundabout and Winthorpe junction. Well share further information on this soon. Aktuelle Stau und Verkehrsmeldungen auf A46 entnehmen Sie bitte den obigen Verkehrsnachrichten. A46 Traffic News: Latest Updates on Roadworks and Two cars were involved in the collision and passengers had to be rescued out of their vehicles by fire crews using hydraulic cutting gear. We are grateful to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and suggestions which are a critical element of the decision-making process and in developing the plans for this much-needed upgrade. Preferred route for multi-million-pound upgrade to A46 Newark "In addition, to avoid any possible inconvenience, we are carrying out the work during a period when the nearby Newark Showground does not have events listed.". Stau A46: Unflle, Sperrung & Baustellen | Staumelder A46. You can find out more about the preferred route in our brochure. During the summer, weve been continuing with our survey works to collect information about the land and ground conditions alongside the existing A46. This spring, Le Creuset has introduced an exciting new shade thats already selling fast: shallot, a soft lavender with pink and slight gray undertones. Well provide updates on our webpage in due course. Work has already started to Since our Preferred Route Announcement in February 2022, we have begun the preliminary design stage of the project. The diversion routes for the night-time closure will be: A17 diversion: via the A46 to the Lincoln Eastern Bypasss A15 Sleaford Road junction Stragglethorpe Lane: south to Stubton Road / Brandon Road / Fenton Road-Sutton Road / A17 Sie findet ihren Anfang in Heinsberg und endet in Brilon. Check out these great suggestions. We hope to be able to hold face-to-face events for this, depending on social distancing restrictions at the time. Weve developed two proposed options to improve and widen the A46 to a dual carriageway, providing two lanes in each direction between the Farndon and Winthorpe junctions, contributing to more reliable and safer journeys. You can also call us to confirm that an event is going ahead. 2023-04-27 Roadnow. National Highways has today revealed its preferred route for a multi-million-pound scheme that will fill in the dual carriageway gap on the crucial A46 trade corridor which connects the M5 with Humber Ports. Schedule: From 20:00 on 9 May 2023 to 06:00 on 10 May 2023. Your feedback has already helped to inform some design changes. We've sent out Land Interest Questionnaires (LIQ) to owners of these plots of land, which you can view here. A46 Fahrspur gesperrt zwischen Neuss-Uedesheim (A46) und Dsseldorf-Bilk (A46) Fahrstreifen gesperrt zwischen Neuss-Uedesheim (A46) und Dsseldorf-Bilk Die hufigsten Grnde fr Staus sind beispielweise zu dichter Verkehr, Unflle und defekte Fahrzeuge, Geschwindigkeitsunterschreitungen, Baustellen, schlechtes Wetter o.. Were currently in the process of analysing your responses from the statutory consultation to further develop our proposals. We are committed to engaging with local communities and road users during the development and construction of this project. Access to the properties and businesses on Farndon Road where the work is being carried out will be maintained. The statutory consultation on the A46 Newark Bypass has now closed. Traffic will then continue north on the A1 to exit at North Muskham and join the A1 southbound. The A46 Newark Bypass is a critical part of our investment to make all our major roads more dependable, durable and most importantly, safe. The road is closed and there is queueing traffic on the A46 both ways from the A617 cattle market roundabout to the A1 Newark Showground/air museum turn off. A spokesperson for Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue said: "Firefighters from Newark Fire Station attended an RTC on the A46 Newark relief road. A46 Newark Bypass - Options Copies of our consultation brochure and response form are available free of charge at deposit locations and consultation events throughout the consultation period. Baustellen A46 - aktuelle Autobahnbaustellen auf der A46 Over the next few months, we will be carrying out a range of surveys to gather information on the existing environment around the planned route of the improvement scheme. Reason: Congestion. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Michigan DNR may expand list of nuisance animals, Drivers voice safety concerns over construction at, Secretary of State reminds drivers to watch out for, Submit your school closings with WLNS here, Le Creuset just launched a dreamy new color for spring, Our fitness expert weighs in on this years top spring, Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot dies at 84, Met Gala: Tennis star, supermodel reveal pregnancies, New bride dead after alleged DUI driver hits golf, VIDEO: Black bear surprises principal at school dumpster, Families of murder victims speak out over resentencing, Why you should teach your kids proper anatomical, McCarthy touts U.S.-Israeli ties on trip underscored, Jackson woman hopes garden plants seed of togetherness, Back-to-back hurricanes more likely to happen: Study, Al-Qaida chiefs pattern of life was key to death, Bike tours raising awareness for bone marrow registry, Hospital bills $847 facility fee for Zoom call, Whats next in unprecedented case of truck driver. Two cars were involved in the accident, leading to people being trapped inside The B6166 Farndon Road is being widened on the approach to the roundabout and will include a new crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists. Improve journey time and journey time reliability along the A46 and its junctions between Farndon and Winthorpe, including all approaches and A1 slip roads. Status: Pending. During this consultation period we received 539 responses. Thursday 3 March at the Lord Nelson Pub 9am to 1pm. Weve launched a consultation on the A46 Newark Bypass scheme and we want to hear your views on our proposed options. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Picture by Highways England Why the A46 is closed at Farndon roundabout. Video, On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, Yellen warns US could run out of cash in a month, Shooting suspect was deported four times - US media, Photo of Princess Charlotte shared as she turns 8, Met Gala 2023: Stars celebrate Karl Lagerfeld, King Charles to wear golden robes for Coronation, More than 100 police hurt in French May Day protests, Explosion derails train in Russian border region. Alternatively, you can request a call back from a member of the project team by calling 0300 123 5000. Members of the public should contact the National Highways customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000. Further updates We have been carrying out survey works to collect information about the land and ground conditions alongside the existing A46 network, from the Farndon roundabout to the Winthorpe roundabout. A road closure is in place between Riseholme Roundabout and Skellingthorpe Road Roundabout southbound the northbound lane is open but please take care when driving in this area. Biden announces aggressive new, Newsfeed Now: Biden to launch new plan against COVID-19, Newsfeed Now: UPS driver spreads joy with TikTok, Newsfeed Now: Families of 14 kids with disabilities, Newsfeed Now: Newborn found inside dresser in alley; Man, Newsfeed Now: Federal student loan payments paused, Newsfeed Now: CDC issues new eviction ban through, Newsfeed Now: Senators unveil nearly $1 trillion, Newsfeed Now: Simone Biles withdraws from all-around, Newsfeed Now: CDC says J&J vaccine poses small nerve, Newsfeed Now: Pfizer seeking authorization for 3rd, US tracking balloon spotted off coast of Hawaii, 7 bodies found in search for two missing OK teens, Vertical speedboat at Lake Mead returns to the water, Students treated for possible overdose at LA school, Suspected burglar found sweeping inside TN home, Human brains show spike in activity at moment of, BestReviews.com - Top gifts to make everyone happy this spring, Surprise your mom with one of these Mothers Day, Mothers Day inspo: This foot massager has 20,000, Drew Barrymores Walmart collection is perfect for, Best Mothers Day gifts for the budding plant mom, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Welsh government's traffic information service for Wales. Read more: New bus service between Clifton and the city centre, Emergency repairs on Nottingham road near Ice Arena after 'carriageway collapse', Drivers warned that thunder fever could cost them a 5,000 fine, Car 'severely damaged' after flipping onto its roof on M1 as police make arrest, Cyclists could be fined thousands of pounds for breaking Highway Code rules, The latest motoring news from Nottinghamshire Live. The 160-foot temporary bridge is suspended a few feet above the current bridge and rests on foundations on each end, allowing travel to resume without further damaging the 189-year-old bridge that was built National Highways Senior Project Manager Michael Hillier said: This much-needed upgrade will bring safer and more reliable journeys both for the local communities enduring the current congestion and delays as well as drivers using this key trade corridor. We'll also be holding consultation events throughout the consultation period where you can speak to members of our project team about the scheme. Read about our approach to external linking. WebAutobahn A46 Brilon Richtung Arnsberg-Neheim zwischen Wennemen (68) und Freienohl (67) Baustelle, Richtungsfahrbahn gesperrt, von 02.05.2023 20:00 Uhr bis 03.05.2023 Click here to join the online meeting on the day and time of the event. Live traffic conditions and news for Scotland's road network. This includes putting in new kerbing, drainage and footpaths. View our latest Revised Draft Order Limits Plan and updated Scheme Design Map. Existing works taking place off the existing A46 network will continue to take place between 8am and 5pm wherever possible, to minimise disruption to the local community. We are grateful to local residents, groups and businesses that continue to meet and give us their constructive feedback. The road remains closed as of 11.30am - there are also queues reported in Dunham-on-Trent this morning. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies -. A46 The work will be carried out overnight Monday to Friday, between 8pm and 6am, to minimise disruption to traffic as much as possible. This site uses cookies. READ MORE: 'Catastrophic' price cap soars to 3,549 a year, "Crews extricated casualties using hydraulic cutting gear and assisted EMAS with treatment. The A46 Newark Bypass had recently opened, the A17 would soon be built across the airfield, and much of the land would soon be sold for development. However, to ensure the safety of both workers and road users, the road will need to be closed for three weeks while extensive works are carried out to the main carriageway. Zum ndern Ihrer Datenschutzeinstellung, z.B. Work to resurface both carriageways of the A46 at the Newark East Interchange will start on Monday March 16. Update: 1.38pm: Road closures remain in place following a serious collision on the A46 Lincoln Bypass. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher deliver Nottingham Forest relegation verdict, Latest Nottingham Forest news as Sky Sports pundits predict their three teams to go down at the end of the season with Leeds United and Everton highlighted, May Bank Holiday supermarket opening times for Aldi, Asda, Lidl, Tesco and more, Exit at Saxondale roundabout and take the A52 eastbound. ROAD WORKS Well now take time to analyse and consider the feedback we received, and we will publish a consultation report. Market Place, Newark NG24 1DU. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Attendees were able to learn more about our designs for the A46 Newark Bypass, speak to the project team and share their feedback. We will use your feedback to help us make a decision on a preferred route announcement, and well make this announcement later this year. Artist impressions from selected locations, Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) Volume 1 Main Report, PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.1 Environmental Constraints Plan, PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.2 Current Draft Order Limits, PEI Volume 2 Figure 2.3 Indicative Environmental Masterplan, PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.1 Operational Receptors, PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.2 Air Quality Monitoring, PEI Volume 2 Figure 6.3 Construction Dust Buffer, PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.1 Cultural Heritage Designated Assets, PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.2 Cultural Heritage Non-Designated Assets, PEI Volume 2 Figure 7.3 Cultural Heritage Events, PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.1 Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Existing, PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.2 Landscape Character Areas, PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.3 Visual Receptor Plan, PEI Volume 2 Figure 8.4 Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Post-development, PEI Volume 2 Figure 9.1 Statutory and Non-Statutory Designated Sites within 2km of the Draft Order Limits, PEI Volume 2 Figure 10.1 Potential Sources of Contamination, PEI Volume 2 Figure 12.1 Noise Important Areas, PEI Volume 2 Figure 12.2 Noise Monitoring Locations, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.1 Local Impact Area, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.2 Wider Impact Area, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.3 Residential Properties Situated within the Local Impact Area, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.4 Community Land Assets Situated within the Local Impact Area, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.5 Open Spaces and Recreational Routes, PEI Volume 2 Figure 13.6 Businesses Situated within the Local Impact Area, PEI Volume 2 Figure 14.1 Surface Water Constraints, PEI Volume 2 Figure 14.3 Groundwater Constraints, Staged Overview of Assessment Report Appendix A, Staged Overview of Assessment Report Appendix B, Staged Overview of Assessment Report Appendices C to F, Aerial view - Friendly Farmer to Winthorpe junction, Aerial view - Cattle Market to A1 crossing, Aerial view - Farndon Roundabout towards Cattle Market, Compensation or mitigation for the effects of our road proposals. For further information about the scheme or the consultation please contact us using the scheme email addressA46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.ukor call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000. As a result of the restrictions around holding public events due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we will be unable to hold face-to-face events and the consultation will be delivered primarily through online channels. Ceramex Media GmbH, Inhaber: Andreas Kirchner (Firmensitz: Deutschland), wrde gerne mit externen Diensten personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten. More information and our consultation materials will be available from 26 October on our scheme webpage. As part of this process, we will hold a further consultation to get your feedback on a more detailed design of the scheme before we continue the schemes development. Except where otherwise noted, content and photographs on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.Owned, operated and copyright CliqTo Ltd 2023 and Chris Haycock. The A46 Newark Bypass is an important route connecting the M1 and Leicester to the A1 and central Lincolnshire. The modified plan sees the road moved further from the village of Winthorpe. road closures A46 AA road and motorway traffic news and route planner. Traffic wishing to access the A1 southbound will be diverted onto the A46 westbound to the roundabout west of the A1. Hoboken Police on Twitter: "Friday is Here! As you make your Three casualties conveyed to hospital.". As part of the project development process, we will need to undertake surveys to assess the appropriateness of floodplain compensation in fields near Kelham and Averham. We propose to improve the A46 Newark bypass by widening 6.5km of the existing single carriageway to a dual carriageway, to provide two lanes in each direction between Farndon and Winthorpe roundabouts near Newark-on-Trent. As part of our ongoing engagement on the scheme we're sharing our latest draft preliminary design. Sign up to our free email alerts for the top daily stories sent straight to your e-mail. Status : Pending. For work on the A46 westbound approach to the roundabout from Winthorpe, traffic will be diverted onto Droves Lane at Winthorpe roundabout and then directed onto the A17 westbound. Were consulting on our proposals for the A46 Newark Bypass scheme and want to hear your views on our latest design. Vorsicht, auf der Autobahn A 46 ist erhhtes "Congestion is only going to get worse here, so we want to act now to develop this modified route and help build a better, safer road network," he said. Thank you to everyone who took part in our statutory consultation between Wednesday 26 October and Monday 12 December 2022. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Reason: Roadworks are planned. For the best experience please use a JavaScript enabled browser. The following traffic management measures will be in place: Monday 16 March - overnight closure of the westbound A46 from Winthorpe to the A46/A17/A1 roundabout and overnight lane closures on the A46 between the Lincoln Road and the A46/A17/A1 roundabout. If youre unable to access any of our materials or require these in a different format, please contact us on 0300 123 5000. traffic conditions A46 Newark Reason: Roadworks are planned. Anyone with information is asked to call the This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. If you have any doubt on the legitimacy of information or requests being distributed by ourselves or the Local Authority, please contact us on a46newarkbypass@nationalhighways.co.uk or 0300 123 5000, or Newark and Sherwood District Council on customerservices@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk or 01636 650 000. This shows updates that have been made to our scheme design since the Preferred Route Announcement in February 2022. We will continue to update this page with additional information as the survey works progress. Lane Closures : Lane one will be closed. Location : The A46 northbound at the junction with the A1133 . We need to do these surveys to better understand the land conditions surrounding the existing road, and the data we collect will help to develop the scheme. Due to the updates that have been made, were now undertaking a targeted consultation with statutory consultees and local stakeholders. We'll be publishing the latest version of our preliminary design during our statutory consultation, which starts on 26 October 2022. Copies of our consultation brochure and response form are available free of charge at deposit locations and consultation events throughout the consultation period. Lane closures: Lane one will be closed. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. As well as removing the bottlenecks which cause substantial congestion on the outskirts of Newark, the upgrade will bring smoother and more reliable journeys for the 17,000 drivers who use this nationally significant Trans-Midlands Trade Corridor, on average, every day. WebRoute Closures. WebA46 Baustelle Arnsberg-Neheim Brilon zwischen Arnsberg-Altstadt und Talbrcke Wintrop Baustelle, linker Fahrstreifen gesperrt, Fahrbahn auf einen Fahrstreifen verengt, If you have difficulty accessing the report or wish to request a hard copy, please email the project team at a46newarkbypass@highwaysengland.co.uk or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000. We'll also be holding an online event using Microsoft Teams on 9 March from 6pm to 7pm.

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