Sandstone Gorges with artesian springs are important regional ecosystems preserved within Carnarvon National Park. After introduction of the Pearling Act of 1870 a government official sent to Shark Bay in 1873 reported: I am satisfied that the Aboriginal natives are as a rule well-treated by their employers However, living conditions in the pearlers camps were poor and many workers died of dysentery and other diseases. In the case of the Ingarda tribe to the south of the Gascoyne River it was impossible to determine if they really had or had not a section system. During the 1920's, transportation was to go through a massive change, with the arrival of the motor vehicle. Whether you choose to walk the main track or simply relax at the park visitor area, you will have many opportunities to encounter and discover the gorge's plants and animals. Brown settled on Boolathana station and Brockman established Brickhouse station. Brown settled on Boolathana stationand Brockman established Brickhouse station. [9] When the data was collected in 1911, little was remembered of their marriage systems and Alan Dench thinks it probable, unlike many neighbouring tribes to their north, they did not have a moieties. Caring for country is about protecting important sites and the connections between sites, people and environment. Thaamarli Tamala Station Given the movement of Wadjarri into this area, a people with whom the Yiongkarta maintained strong links, the young mix the two vocabularies. Received knowledge of the relationship between the Maya and Mandhi and neighbouring Bayungu and Yinggarda is vague. Birlirung everlasting daisy Carnarvon Gorge lies within the spectacular and rugged ranges of Queensland's central highlands. If you wish to cancel your booking, please enter the Booking Reference Number and your last name. The same water, still flowing from the rock, has drawn people to Carnarvon Gorge for many thousands of years. They gathered oysters in the shallows, skin-dived for them, and collected them in wire dredges towed behind sailing boats. Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre for all five language groups of the region, was reopened by you in 2019. By contrast, the Wajarri practised initiation by circumcision and subincision. Through the actions and deliverables of this Reconciliation Action Plan, Council, through its people, will endeavour to create positive and meaningful advancements in our reconciliation journey towards an even more prosperous community. The company is still successfully processing prawns and even (ironically) running seasonal whale and dolphin watching tours. In fact if you walk with Simon, you'll be able to sort out which of the early yarns has a chance of ringing true and which are likely to have been 'enhanced' for the entertainment of visitors. Yingkarta - Wikipedia Tel: +61 (08) 9964 3550 [6], According to Norman Tindale's estimation, this territory covered about 4,200 square miles (11,000km2). We recognise their connection to land, sea and community, and pay our respects to Elders past and present. Nyarlu woman However, the available information suggests that the Wajarri were like members of Radcliffe-Browns Nanda type group in having a poorly-defined section system. The fact that they did not circumcise also suggests that they would have interacted more closely with their northern and southern neighbours in ritual practice than they did with the Wajarri to the east, despite the indications that their relations with the Wajarri were better than for most coastal groups. Wanamalu cormorant Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre Yellow-bellied gliders feeding on eucalypt sap, Carnarvon Gorge. As both artistic pieces and places of rest, they will allow for contemplation and sharing of history. ThePath of Pain project centres on an installation piece utilising a series of chain link bench seats that together symbolise the pilgrimage roadway that Aboriginal People were forced to traverse as they were transferred to the islands. Yalgari tree They named this area long ago, Kuwinywardu (Kow-win-wordo), meaning 'neck of water'. The camels were used to transport wool from the stations to the port ( One Mile Jetty ), ready for export. Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the culture and country of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region and provides the community with valuable source of information regarding Aboriginal cultural history. Edel Land is typified by rocky limestone and long, white sand dunes. Colonial history specific to Carnarvon Gorge can be glimpsed in the place names of certain locations. The Reconciliation Plan was adopted in July 2022 and is now available for community review here. Aboriginal Heritage - Shark Bay High country to the south was named 'The Ranch', possibly by cattle duffers, while side-gorges were perfect for 'lying low'. Recognised nationally for its outstanding natural and cultural values, Carnarvon Gorge protects unique and significant plants and animalsmany of them relics of cooler, wetter times. Most were not paid wages, just given basic foodstuffs, tobacco and a set of clothes. On his return, after a near fataljourney, Grey noted that the area around the mouth of the Gascoyne River was good for agriculturaldevelopment. Many of the Malay workers were actually from Indonesia, the Philippines and Pacific Islands. The many sections of Carnarvon National Park now cover 298,000ha of the central highlands. Buyungurra turtle Aboriginal Culture Gascoyne Development Commission The main Aboriginal population centre in the Gascoyne region, Carnarvon, has most generally been recognised as lying within Yinggarda territory. European setters followed soon after, with grazing runs established in the area in the 1860s. Carnarvon Gorge, gorge in southeastern Queensland, Australia, on the eastern slopes of Carnarvon Range of the Great Dividing Range. Tourism is now a major industry in the Park as Carnarvon Gorge alone sees 65,000 visitors per annum. Yiba sister The building was nicknamed Silver City because the families who camped there were given government payments in silver coins. Birlirung everlasting daisy Men were taken to a hospital on Bernier Island and women to one on Dorre Island. [a] However, they lie to the west of the circumcision line,[11] was denied by a colonial observer in 1886 who was familiar with their language,[12] and has been contested by modern descendants and scholars, who state that this was a practice of the Watjarri to their west. Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Inggarda, Baiyunga, Thalanji, Malgana and Thudgarri people. Contribute to the important work being done to protect and grow Queenslands protected area system. From this little information it is clear that the Yinggarda lived in a complex linguistic and cultural context. Queensland Native Police camp, circa 1860s (. Bangga, barnka goanna The light table An interactive experience presenting animation, information, images and sound. [3][4] Down to the end of the 20th century, it was reported that the Carnavon community had a wide knowledge of Yingkarta words, but that their use was somewhat restricted. The village contains residential dwellings and recreation facilities. Traditional knowledge of the landscape and the uses of its resources have evoked curiosity from many interested non-Indigenous people. It was also recognised that Carnarvon Gorge contains examples of three significant elements of the State's geological history - the Bowen Basin, the Surat Basin and the Buckland Volcanic Province. In 2005, the Federal Government gave funding for the continued effort in finding the ship. Carnarvon's traditional owners are the Aboriginal Inggarda, Baiyunga, Thalanji, Malgana and Thudgarri people. Aboriginal Business Development Forum 2020, Kanyara languages: comprising Baiyungu as well as Dhalanyji, Purduna and Binigura, Kartu languages: comprising Yinggarda, Malgana, Wajarri as well as groups Badimaya and Nhanda, Mantharta languages: comprising Tharrkari as well as Thiin, Jiwarli and Warriyangka. We will continue to develop the understanding, connections and significance of the Regions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their connection with the Council and the greater community. Learn some of the local Malgana language. In R. M. Berndt & C. H. Berndt (Eds. The local Indigenous population soon took exception to the European intrusion and inter-racial relationships soon . Wurrinyu girl, young woman Carnarvon town - Aboriginal ancestors lived in the area known as Carnarvon long before it became a town. Ngaya wattle These join the Fitzroy River, which meets the coast near Rockhampton. Buthurru sand Aboriginal Languages - Shark Bay Gardu man The tribes inhabiting the headwaters of the Fortescue, Ashburton, Gascoyne and Murchison districts and the Upper Murchison and Goldfields areas appear to have extensive highways running East and West or N.E. This project was funded by Royalties for Regions - A Western Australian Government Program and Lotterywest. The extent of the west coast trade routes is hinted at by Daisy Bates (circa 1904, ms:32:II): The tribes inhabiting the headwaters of the Fortescue, Ashburton, Gascoyne and Murchison districts and the Upper Murchison and Goldfields areas appear to have extensive highways running East and West or N.E. Many family members who were separated during the lock hospital scheme never saw each other again. Bush medicines were readily available, as is mentioned in the section on Carnarvon Gorge's flora. Radcliffe-Brown (1930) describes a number of different cultural groups defined by marriage patterns and the section and totemic systems. To this day her resting place remains a secret. In 2001, on the 60th anniversary of the sinking of the 'Sydney', the HMAS Sydney Memorial Drive (located along a section of Carnarvon Road) was built, in honour of the men lost in this tragic event. The region has a moderate arid tropical climate and is quite warm all year round, with winter temperaturesonly in the low 20s and summer temps hitting exceeding 40 degrees celsius. Mardirra pink snapper The fragile art on the gorge's sandstone walls reflects a rich culture. Ludwig Leichhardt led the first European group into the region in 1844, passing to the east of the gorge. For all other enquiries, comments and complaints, please contact us. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. Close to the headwaters of the Gorge, Kenniffs Cave was excavated in 1962 and revealed occupational evidence carbon dated back to 19,500 years before present. Fishing has remained important to local Aboriginal people through the years and now ecotourism provides opportunities to show their traditional country to visitors and raise awareness of and respect for the nature of Shark Bay. Garlaya, yalibidi emu, Wirriya sea, salt water The more recent additions to Carnarvon National Park reflect the changing concerns of governmental conservation agencies. In the Mt Moffatt section of the Park, excavations of Kenniff's Cave revealed occupational evidence dating back 19,500 years, indicating a long period of human habitation for the Central Queensland Highlands. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia . As a result the Gascoyne is now home to Aboriginal people from many language groups from around the State. The relevant Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) are the Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation (covering the Baiyungu and Thalanyji Traditional Owners) and the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation. Mulhagarda whiting The collection is focused predominantly on the Gascoyne Region. Aboriginal groups waged a successful defense campaign using geurilla-style hit and run tactics. Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre The centre features a permanent exhibition, touring exhibitions, caf, gallery, Artist-in-Residence program, conference and meeting rooms, an ethnobotanical garden and gift shop. The Shark Bay area is significant to Aboriginal people because of their long history of use and occupation, and because of their cultural obligations to understand and care for the area. The Department of Environment and Science collects personal information from you, including information about your email address and telephone number. Jabi small dragon lizard Nyarlu woman Two other French expeditions led by Baudin and de Freycinet noted the presence of groups of up to 30 Aboriginal people on Peron Peninsula. About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. The pearling industry also recruited Chinese and Malay workers. Woodgamia Community is a small community in the Gascoyne Junction township with a small number (10 15) of permanent residents. Managed by a dedicated Aboriginal team, Gwoonwardu Mia is a cultural destination where visitors can feel a connection to and experience the Gascoyne's . Edel Land is typified by rocky limestone and long, white sand dunes. Burringurrah is a medium sized community of approximately 120 people, situated within Wajarri country. The settlers successfully began wool production, eventually attracting farmers and Afghan camel teamsters to the area. Sea levels rose when glaciers melted, then fell during cold periods when water was locked up in ice. They named this area long ago, Kuwinywardu (Kow-win-wordo), meaning 'neck of water'. Sea level rises during interglacial periods would have flooded previously occupied sites, making them unsuitable for living and possibly removing evidence of their occupation. However the building did not totally go to waste, it became a shark-processing factory for a short time and then a poor house for families during the depression. Wilyamaya tip of Heirisson Prong. Adapted from: Malgana Wangganyina (Talking Malgana): an Illustrated Wordlist of the Malgana Language of Western Australia. [7] }, White colonial occupation of Yingkarta lands began in 1877 when the indigenous population was estimated to number some 2,000 people. When this time of probation past, he comes near the general camping-place, makes a good fire, and all his friends go to see him, felicitating him on the termination of his solitary mode of life, and if there be any female whom he has legal claims, she is at once surrendered." This land still teaches, with many visitors to the park gaining a new understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture and history. Yawarda larger kangaroo species Shark Bay is the traditional country of three Aboriginal language groups: Malgana, Nhanda and Yingkarta. This will be one hundred years to the day since the last person was removed from the islands and the hospitals closed. There are currently no park alerts for this park. Some of the Collection is listed on theLibrary Catalogue. This station became one of the most modern whaling shore stations in the world. Mardirra pink snapper It is thought that Mitchell named the ranges after the Caernarfon Ranges of Wales. The Yingkarta people, also written Inggarda and Ingarda, are an Aboriginal Australian people of the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. Mornings at the gorge are colourful as the sunlight meets the cliffs and a symphony of birdsong fills the air. The Commission, through successfulRegional Economic Development (RED) grant applications, are also working with Tidal Moon on a beche de mer processing and sea ranching business development project on Mulgana Country (Shark Bay) and have helped fund ABC Foundation'sFood for the Mob On Country Kitchen based in Carnarvon. Malcolm and Mary Anne recorded a number of extensive interviews in Carnarvon, Onslow and Hedland with senior men and women from the Tharrkari, Kurrama, Banyjima, Kariyarra and Nyamal . The Carnarvon Real Futures office plays an active role in promoting economic development opportunities for Aboriginal people in the region. European explorer Ludwig Leichhardt passed to Carnarvon Gorge's east in 1844, naming the Expedition Ranges visible in the distance from Boolimba Bluff. In 1858 British surveyor Henry Denham mentioned Aboriginal huts. The settlers were then free to pursue their agricultural aspirations and the bushland began to recede before their saws and axes. Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region. The Department of Environment and Science acknowledges Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land. Gwoonwardu MiaAboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre celebrates the culture and country of the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region and provides the community with valuable source of information regarding Aboriginal cultural history. Two years later Thomas Mitchell and his party passed to the west. Carnarvon became the centre of a successful wool producing area. The Malgana People were granted native title in December 2018 over approximately 28,800 square kilometres of land and waters around the World Heritage listed Shark Bay. To the east, water travels down steep-sided valleys, including Carnarvon Gorge, into the Comet and Dawson rivers. While this mainly occurred in the far north, some Aboriginal people may have been held on Faur Island.

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