In later ages, however, emphasis was often placed more on the obligations of the ruled to the ruler, and less on the ruler's obligations to the ruled. Chinese folk religious temples and kinship ancestral shrines may, on peculiar occasions, choose Confucian liturgy (called r or zhngtng, "orthopraxy") led by Confucian ritual masters ( lshng) to worship the gods, instead of Taoist or popular ritual. Some Confucians proposed that all human beings may pursue perfection by learning and practising li. Creation is therefore a continuous ordering; it is not a creation ex nihilo. "[160] With the latter definition, Confucianism is religious, even if non-theistic, in the sense that it "performs some of the basic psycho-social functions of full-fledged religions. Among all things of creation, humans themselves are "central" because they have the ability to cultivate and centre natural forces.[58]. Confucianism advocates for the atomization of society through clans. [22]:190197 Several different terms, some of which with modern origin, are used in different situations to express different facets of Confucianism, including: Three of them use r. [citation needed] Modern Confucianism is the descendant of movements that greatly changed how they practiced the teachings of Confucius and his disciples from previous orthodox teachings. Baker calls respect for the family the only element common to almost all Chinese believers.[68]. Rn (Chinese: ) is the Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic. [63] During the Ming-Qing era, prominent Confucians such as Wang Yangming promoted individuality and independent thinking as a counterweight to subservience to authority. In his book Confucian Perfectionism, he argues that Confucians can embrace both democracy and liberalism on instrumental grounds; that is, while liberal democracy may not be valuable for its own sake, its institutions remains valuableparticularly when combined with a broadly Confucian cultureto serve Confucian ends and inculcate Confucian virtues. FOUNDED: c. 1050-256 b.c.e. A Confucian revival began during the Tang dynasty (618907CE). This did not exclude martial arts culture. Confucius Institutes: The growth of China's controversial cultural At the cultural level, for instance, Confucianism, its institutions, and its rituals offer bulwarks against atomization and individualism. Confucianism is the way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th5th century BCE and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia. The research was conducted using the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, CINHAL, PsycINFO and Web of Science, without restrictions of language and year of publication. [144][145] It has also been argued by some Chinese and Western writers that the rise of neo-Confucianism during the Song dynasty had led to a decline of status of women. He had faith in the cumulative power of culture. [40] There are such a number of uses in Chinese thought that it is not possible to give one translation into English. The scholarly tradition envisioned by Confucius can be traced to the sage-kings of antiquity. The intellectuals of the New Culture Movement of the early twentieth century blamed Confucianism for China's weaknesses. Streng, Frederick, "Understanding Religious Life," 3rd ed. Confucianism is one of the most influential religious philosophies in the history of China, and it has existed for over 2,500 years. This view was reinforced by Pope Benedict XIV, who ordered a ban on Chinese rituals,[158] though this ban was re-assessed and repealed in 1939 by Pope Pius XII, provided that such traditions harmonize with the true and authentic spirit of the liturgy.[159]. [138] Leftists during the Cultural Revolution described Confucius as the representative of the class of slave owners. Meanwhile, Islam promotes the unity of Muslims regardless of ethnicity or familial ties, creating an environment of extremely extroverted people. To Confucius, the junzi sustained the functions of government and social stratification through his ethical values. It is concerned with inner virtue, morality, and respect for the community and its values. William Theodore De Bary, Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), 91110. The Taiping Rebellion described Confucianism sages as well as gods in Taoism and Buddhism as devils. Nonetheless, it spread to other East Asian countries under the influence of Chinese literate culture and has exerted a profound influence on spiritual and political life. What is the Difference Between Daoism and Confucianism? The use of the term "Confucianism" has been avoided by some modern scholars, who favor "Ruism" and "Ruists" instead. [104], Confucian political meritocracy is not merely a historical phenomenon. [111] For Bell, the ideal according to which China should reform itself (and has reformed itself) follows a simple structure: Aspiring rulers first pass hyper-selective examinations, then have to rule well at the local level to be promoted to positions as the provincial level, then have to excel at the provincial level to access positions at the national level, and so on. These names do not use the name "Confucius" at all, but instead focus on the ideal of the Confucian man. [155] More recently, some scholars have also begun to discuss the viability of constructing a "Confucian feminism". How many Confucianism followers are there worldwide? Like many contemporaries, Confucius saw ritual practices as efficacious ways to access Tian, but he thought that the crucial knot was the state of meditation that participants enter prior to engage in the ritual acts. (1985), p. 2, Three Fundamental Bonds and Five Constant Virtues, 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195188356.001.0001, "Asia's Rise Is Rooted in Confucian Values", "Confucianism and Ecology: Potential and Limits", "Biases and Their Sources: Qin History in the "Shiji", "Heaven, Earth, Sovereign, Ancestors, Masters: Some Remarks on the Politico-Religious in China Today", "Swastika: The Forgotten Constellation Representing the Chariot of Mithras", "The Invention of Indonesian Confucianism", "Dao, Harmony and Personhood: Towards a Confucian Ethics of Technology", "Cultural Dynamics in China: Today and in 2020", The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation, "The Confucius Connection: From Cultural Roots to Economic Growth", "Why East Asia overtook Latin America: Agrarian reform, industrialisation and development", "Daughter/Wife/Mother or Sage/Immortal/Bodhisattva? The conflict created a need for new political models to solve the crisis. An estimated 5 to 6 million people follow Confucianism worldwide. Confucius (551479 BCE) appeared in this period of political decadence and spiritual questioning. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. [143] Some critics have also accused the prominent Song neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi for believing in the inferiority of women and that men and women need to be kept strictly separate,[146] while Sima Guang also believed that women should remain indoors and not deal with the matters of men in the outside world. Projected Changes in the Populations of Adherents of Other Religions They also fought wars to enforce the belief system on others and enforce specific versions of it,[98][99] possibly some of the first in religious history done by factions who believed only a single divine being was the primary force driving the world. The Zhou belief in the mandate of heaven (the functional equivalent of the will of the Lord on High) differed from the divine right of kings in that there was no guarantee that the descendants of the Zhou royal house would be entrusted with kingship, for, as written in the Shujing (Classic of History), heaven sees as the people see [and] hears as the people hear; thus, the virtues of the kings were essential for the maintenance of their power and authority. For example, South Korean writer Kim Kyong-il wrote an essay[when?] Confucian thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world. Confucianism and Daoism In the 5th century BCE, China was thrown into a period of intense warfare among rival states. Using stricter definitions of religion, Confucianism has been described as a moral science or philosophy. 11th century bce), who was said to have helped consolidate, expand, and refine the feudal ritual system. Real power thereafter passed into the hands of feudal lords. [62] At the same time, a proper Confucian ruler should also accept his ministers' advice, as this will help him govern the realm better. [134] The New Life Movement in the early 20th century was also influenced by Confucianism. [95][96] It was the first of a nationwide movement of congregations and civil organisations that was unified in 2015 in the Church of Confucius ( Kngshnghu). The Lunyu ( Analects ), the most-revered sacred scripture in the Confucian tradition, was probably compiled by the succeeding generations of Confucius's disciples. The traditions of the ("Nine Fields") and of the Yijing flourished. "Yin and yang are the invisible and visible, the receptive and the active, the unshaped and the shaped; they characterise the yearly cycle (winter and summer), the landscape (shady and bright), the sexes (female and male), and even sociopolitical history (disorder and order). The junzi enforces his rule over his subjects by acting virtuously himself. Confucianism was initiated by the disciples of Confucius, developed by Mencius (c. 372289BCE) and inherited by later generations, undergoing constant transformations and restructuring since its establishment, but preserving the principles of humaneness and righteousness at its core. One of the most famous collections of such stories is "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars". [81] Chinese thinkers, faced with this challenge to legitimacy, diverged in a "Hundred Schools of Thought", each proposing its own theories for the reconstruction of the Zhou moral order. In the 16th and the 17th centuries, the earliest European arrivals in China, the Christian Jesuits, considered Confucianism to be an ethical system, not a religion, and one that was compatible with Christianity. This represents 0.09% of the world's population, or slightly less than 1%. "Can meritocracy replace democracy? [83] In his view, the power of Tian is immanent, and responds positively to the sincere heart driven by humaneness and rightness, decency and altruism. Two of the most influential of these philosophies were Confucianism and Daoism. [106] Faced with ever-increasing complexity at scale, modern societies must build hierarchies to coordinate collective action and tackle long-term problems such as climate change. [157] The Jesuits, including Matteo Ricci, saw Chinese rituals as "civil rituals" that could co-exist alongside the spiritual rituals of Catholicism. While Jiang's model is closer to an ideal theory than Bell's proposals, it represents a more traditionalist alternative. What percentage of people follow Confucianism? - Sage-Answer Despite its literal meaning, any righteous man willing to improve himself may become a junzi. Li also means religious rites which establish relations between humanity and the gods. [74] While the Shang identified Shangdi as their ancestor-god to assert their claim to power by divine right, the Zhou transformed this claim into a legitimacy based on moral power, the Mandate of Heaven. Where Is Confucianism Today The concept of heaven (tian), unique in Zhou cosmology, was compatible with that of the Lord on High (Shangdi) in the Shang dynasty. Confucius saw an opportunity to reinforce values of compassion and tradition into society. [13] "Confucian businessmen" ( rshngrn, also "refined businessman") is a recently rediscovered concept defining people of the economic-entrepreneurial elite who recognise their social responsibility and therefore apply Confucian culture to their business. [41], Regarding personal gods (shn, energies who emanate from and reproduce the Tin) enliving nature, in the Analects Confucius says that it is appropriate (; ; y) for people to worship ( jng) them,[45] though through proper rites (; ; l), implying respect of positions and discretion. Religious Landscape Study. As Confucius stated "a prince should employ his minister according to the rules of propriety; ministers should serve their prince with faithfulness (loyalty)."[59]. [30] Jol Thoraval studied Confucianism as a diffused civil religion in contemporary China, finding that it expresses itself in the widespread worship of five cosmological entities: Heaven and Earth (Di ), the sovereign or the government (jn ), ancestors (qn ) and masters (sh ). Also, the Hong Kong Confucian Academy, one of the direct heirs of Kang Youwei's Confucian Church, has expanded its activities to the mainland, with the construction of statues of Confucius, Confucian hospitals, restoration of temples and other activities. Confucianism, the way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th5th century bce and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia. Some argue therefore that despite Confucius's disdain with martial culture, his teachings became of much relevance to it. Some examples include "to tame", "to mould", "to educate", "to refine". Fundamentally, then, social disorder may stem from the failure to call things by their proper names, and his solution to this was zhngmng (; zhngmng; 'rectification of terms'). Bell proposes a model wherein aspiring meritocrats take hyper-selective exams and prove themselves at the local levels of government before reaching the higher levels of government, where they hold more centralized power. [46], Some Confucian movements worship Confucius,[49] although not as a supreme being or anything else approaching the power of tian or the dao, and/or gods from Chinese folk religion. It is the virtue-form of Heaven. Confucius (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) "[60] Moreover, Mencius indicated that if the ruler is incompetent, he should be replaced. The abolition of the examination system in 1905 marked the end of official Confucianism. entitled "Confucius Must Die For the Nation to Live" ( , gongjaga jug-eoya naraga sanda). He felt that virtue (de), both as a personal quality and as a requirement for leadership, was essential for individual dignity, communal solidarity, and political order. According to Stephan Feuchtwang, rites are conceived as "what makes the invisible visible", making possible for humans to cultivate the underlying order of nature. In a much-discussed passage, women are grouped together with xiaoren (, literally "small people", meaning people of low status or low moral) and described as being difficult to cultivate or deal with. In the New Culture Movement, Lu Xun criticised Confucianism for shaping Chinese people into the condition they had reached by the late Qing dynasty: his criticisms are expressed metaphorically in the work "Diary of a Madman", in which traditional Chinese Confucian society is portrayed as feudalistic, hypocritical, socially cannibalistic, despotic, fostering a "slave mentality" favouring despotism, lack of critical thinking and blind obedience and worship of authority, fuelling a form of "Confucian authoritarianism" which persists into the present day. Tongdong Bai presents an in-between solution by proposing a two-tiered bicameral system. as the embodiment of Confucian ideas. This practice is defined as "centring" ( yng or zhng). [66], In Confucian philosophy, filial piety (, xio) is a virtue of respect for one's parents and ancestors, and of the hierarchies within society: fatherson, elderjunior and malefemale. China's latest attempt to rally the world against Western values [44] The Confucian classic Xiaojing ("Book of Piety"), thought to be written around the Qin-Han period, has historically been the authoritative source on the Confucian tenet of xio. Though in his own day, Confucius had rejected the practice of Martial Arts (with the exception of Archery), he did serve under rulers who used military power extensively to achieve their goals. In 3.12, he explains that religious rituals produce meaningful experiences,[47] and one has to offer sacrifices in person, acting in presence, otherwise "it is the same as not having sacrificed at all". [6] According to American philosopher Herbert Fingarette's conceptualisation of Confucianism as a philosophical system which regards "the secular as sacred",[7] Confucianism transcends the dichotomy between religion and humanism, considering the ordinary activities of human lifeand especially human relationshipsas a manifestation of the sacred,[8] because they are the expression of humanity's moral nature (xng ), which has a transcendent anchorage in Heaven (Tin ). Like filial piety, loyalty was often subverted by the autocratic regimes in China.

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