However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work and used it to inform recommendations on: ensuring that no one is in immediate danger, thinking about who needs to be informed or consulted. The evidence suggested that some people felt excluded from important safeguarding meetings. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. Help is at hand from the Child Bereavement Society, which runs a course called Grief and bereavement in early years settings. In addition, there were issues with the relevance of the qualitative data, because some studies may have been conducted outside of care homes, and some findings may not have been specifically related to safeguarding. . y+xg!A/# nk?YjF:` U&sY.! Additionally, early years providers must "have regard" to other provisions in these sections. Safeguarding the Welfare of the Child Essay - A "Complete Childcare Package" is also available combining all seven early years training resources. There was a lack of detail regarding study methodology, making quality assessment difficult. Enable is the largest membership organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities and for family carers. MONTESSORI CENTRE INTERNATIONALSpecial Educational Needs course: an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of special needs education. This guideline aims to complement these other sources of guidance, rather than duplicate them. The committee also wanted to emphasise the important role of commissioners in working with care homes. Evidence suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and the committee agreed that it was important to run refresher training if needed. Instead, the committee used existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. These included qualitative themes from research evidence on progressing safeguarding concerns and information needs, and existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. Family learning, parentingand school readiness, Volunteering, co-production and parental engagement, Supporting children, young people and adults, Parents and carers: Support the fight for fair early years funding, Getting involved in your child's development, Family Time Tips - free children's activities to try, Simple ideas to promote wellbeing in young kids, Join the fight for fair early years funding, Look up funding rate changes and provider closures in your constituency, The problem with 'free childcare': an interactive explainer for parents and carers, Join forces with early years providers in your area, MP letter campaign: Say no to relaxed ratios, expected levels of progress for their age. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Managers will also need time to provide one-on-one support to anxious staff, and to make changes to policies, processes and training in response to the outcome of safeguarding enquiries. INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. It will particularly focus on the key areas identified within the Planning Tool manual and aims to help and support existing work with children and young people and to identify and evaluate its aims and goals.ADVANCED CHILDCARE, Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments. the wellbeing of staff, because they can feel anxious and unsupported when they do not know what to do about safeguarding concerns. There was no evidence comparing the effectiveness of different modes of training (for example e-learning programmes compared with group sessions). There was no research evidence identified in this area. Other evidence that was available highlighted the positive outcomes achieved with some training methods (such as case studies and examples), and the challenges associated with other types of training (such as e-learning). The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements are designed to help providers create high quality settings that are welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence. No evidence was identified on the management of safeguarding concerns. Although the committee were able to draw on their own knowledge and experience, they felt that the gap in the evidence indicated that a research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries. However, any additional costs may be justified by the improvements in staff knowledge, competence and confidence, which will provide better quality of care for residents. This was mainly due to the relevance of the data, because it was not always clear whether findings related specifically to safeguarding. First-aid course: two-day, in-depth course covering all aspects of first-aid, including dealing with anaphylactic shock. As a result, the committee agreed that it is important to emphasise that training should not be a one-off event. adequacy, as the themes were based on relatively limited data. Instead, it is more likely to be a cumulative consequence of how services are managed, led and funded. They may need to make training programmes applicable to the daily practice and responsibilities of staff and particularly to safeguarding in the care home environment. All types of abuse involve some level of psychological abuse, and psychological abuse may be a sign that other forms of abuse are also happening. The EYFS defines what records must be kept on both children and staff, and how and where to store them confidentially, and when to share them (with parents, other professionals, the police, social services and Ofsted), as appropriate. hild protection: one-day course covering the Children Act 1989. However, this evidence also suggested that managers may be unwilling to implement learning from training programmes or make changes to care home procedures, which may negate any benefits associated with training. Implementing the recommendations may involve minor changes to existing practice. Care home staff need to be able to recognise these indicators and act upon them. Cotham students will be aware of how to seek support if safeguarding issues arise. Scottish Autism offers a range of autism training events throughout the year, often involving speakers with autism expertise and professionals from health, education, social care, therapeutic and research backgrounds. This is in line with standards that already exist, such as Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018, but there is still inconsistent practice in this area. These recommendations encourage openness about lessons learned across agencies, and emphasise the factors that might help care homes to make their culture more positive. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations. There were also concerns regarding the short-term follow-up periods used by the studies. The Department for Education changed theEarly Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in 2021. For care homes where this is not the case, care home managers and care home providers will need to make major changes in leadership style. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. If they do not, training may be needed. The committee had low confidence in the qualitative evidence about this issue. It meets the needs of Sure Start and Early Years and is appropriate for members of NCMA and PLA as well as anyone who is caring for children.BRITISH STAMMERING ASSOCIATION, BSA aims to help eliminate stammering in children by improving information for practitioners.BSA National Conference 2011 9-11 September, Durham: a programme of workshops and presentations, and a great chance to meet other people who stammer. This may have cost implications, but access to support is a statutory right under the Care Act 2014 and is part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework. keeping the person at risk involved in the safeguarding process. The committee agreed that this research is important to identify how care homes understand Safeguarding Adults Reviews and what they learn from them. The committee also wanted care homes to reflect on and learn from Safeguarding Adults Reviews. ARMADILLO TRAINING, ASTHMA UKSupports people with asthma and those who care for and work with people with asthma.THE ATHENA PROGRAMMEWorking together to safeguard children: focusing on the knowledge and resources required to safeguard children within the limits of professional structures.Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse.Safeguarding children levels 1, 2 and 3: individual courses designed to enhance knowledge, understanding and practice of safeguarding children.AUTISM NORTHERN IRELANDAutism NI offers a full range of training from the very basic fundamentals of ASD to intensive professional training in diagnosis and intervention. However, increased costs will be justified given the improvements in safeguarding practice that are likely to occur. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. The recommendation covering staff apprehensions about external oversight was made because the committee are aware that staff can feel criticised and undermined by people delivering training (especially people from external agencies). The recommendations should reduce the potential psychological and emotional distress on affected staff. The recommendations are for care home managers and local agencies, to ensure that organisations can implement this at the local level. One of the toughest tasks an early years practitioner can ever face is supporting a grieving child. They made recommendations on how these systems should be used to record and share information. 2 2 Explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare 26 February 2021. The National Childbirth Trust provides information and practical support on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. Mandatory training is required to fulfil section 14.225 of the Care and support statutory guidance 2020, and each organisation is responsible for ensuring that staff receive effective training. A St John Ambulance certificate, valid for three years, is issued on a candidate's successful completion of assessment of each of the following courses: Offers integrated educational and training programmes for professionals working with under-fives. To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. Care homes do not currently nominate people to provide support to staff accused of abuse or neglect. Given the limited evidence about the use of Safeguarding Adults Reviews, the committee made a research recommendation to identify how the findings from these reviews affect practice in care homes. First-aid in childcare: two-day first-aid course as required by Ofsted for childcare settings. This has been a legal requirement for some time so should not represent a change in practice. There was no research evidence identified on safeguarding leads. Topics include 'Promoting the health and hygiene of children' and 'Maintaining the safety and security of children'. The committee recommended that care homes should ask for feedback from residents and families to find out what they thought about the way that safeguarding issues were addressed and managed in the home. For example, if staff have a better understanding of abuse and neglect, they may raise more concerns and there may be an increase in safeguarding referrals and enquiries. This is because whistleblowers are vulnerable to victimisation. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. It is only the independent advocate who acts according to instruction from the person. This evidence had various problems: issues with the methods used in the studies, such as the way they addressed bias and ethical issues, and their recruitment strategies, the adequacy of the findings, as the studies provided only limited data. Psychological abuse affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors. The Childcare Consultancy has developed a bespoke course reviewing the Plymouth Review (see case study) which looks in detail at points it raised, such as the inappropriate culture in the nursery, and safeguarding recruitment including how to ask 'value-based' interview questions to find out how a candidate thinks. This may involve extra work for care home managers. There were also issues with the qualitative evidence. Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. Weve listed some of them above, but to ensure a full understanding of all the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS as well as a broad awareness of the rest of the EYFS statutory guidance you can train your staff in flicks new the EYFS made simple course, and much more; all as part of the flick subscription. The committee had low confidence in the quantitative outcomes, because of concerns about bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. Its imperative to have fully-implemented safeguarding policies at childcare settings and to have a designated safeguarding lead that liaises with the relevant local authorities. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. BVS TRAININGRange of seven childcare health and safety training toolkits including DVD, CD-Roms and lesson plans. For qualitative findings there was a shortage of evidence, with only limited data from a small number of studies. These recommendations are important because: managers have a key role in helping staff obtain support and advice, care homes need to have a more honest and open culture when it comes to potential safeguarding issues. TAC INTERCONNECTIONSKeeping children safe in an uncertain world: learning from evidence and practice.Understanding Aspergers syndrome. There may also be minor resource implications associated with improved safeguarding practice. Evidence on training suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and that there should be opportunities for further and more advanced learning. There are rules around what information must be available to parents/carers, including information on how the EYFS is being delivered, the activities and experiences that are provided, policies and procedures, emergency contact details, and information about the childs key person. This evidence did not demonstrate any differences in costs or effectiveness between 2 different programmes. The recommendations do not require specific additional resources, but the chairs of meetings may need to take greater care in their documentation and communication. There may be a cost for care homes who choose to provide external whistleblowing services, which is why the committee only ask care homes to consider using this service. MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. TWIN AND MULTIPLE BIRTHS ASSOCIATION (TAMBA). Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. This should in turn improve the safety, health and wellbeing of care home residents. Care homes may need to change their safeguarding training programmes to make sure they cover the areas included in this guideline. Getting the views of residents will ensure that their needs are understood and that subsequent care can be person-centred and outcomes-focused. Areas covered include the role of the appointed person, health and safety of the early years environment, the first-aid box, emergency procedures, children's accidents and how to record them. The committee also used their own expertise and experience to make recommendations. the barriers and facilitators to embedding learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in care homes. The committee made the recommendations based on a limited amount of qualitative evidence on the roles and responsibilities of Safeguarding Adults Boards. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. However, the committee agreed that the culture of a particular care home (and the role played by managers in shaping this) is a key factor in enabling and encouraging care home staff to report safeguarding concerns. the Care Act 2014 and Care Act 2014 statutory guidance. Care homes may need to revise and update their whistleblowing policy and procedure. No major changes have been made to the curriculum guidance under the seven areas of learning and therefore this update should not impact planning based on the early adopter version of Development Matters. The evidence indicated that care home managers can play a key role in influencing the attitudes of their staff and colleagues towards training. The Safeguarding and Welfare requirements cover the steps that providers must take to keep children safe and promote their welfare. L%` ~fO } %LI0yH2L@"@a9&F`{?# To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. The recommendations may also improve the safety and quality of care and support for care home staff, residents and visitors. The evidence highlighted the need for basic training for all staff employed by or contracted to work within the care home, to make sure they have a good understanding of what safeguarding is, how it is everyone's responsibility and how it might relate to their job within the care home. Published by the Alliance,Policies & Procedures for the EYFS 2021provides you with templates for policies and procedures covering all the required areas, and recommends other policies designed to promote efficiency and good practice. Training programmes may also need to be adapted so that staff have protected time to ensure they fully understand the actions they need to take if they ever have a safeguarding concern. Safeguarding is about preventing children from being abused and protecting them from abuse. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is . ,oy:\D g}Y To help them, there are plenty of CPD courses staged by early years training organisations, specialist groups and charities, on a host of topics from sun safety to anaphylactic shock. Grief matters for children: promoting effective bereavement strategies in schools: one-day conference. Assessment is an ongoing process, but there are times when it is a statutory requirement to provide a summary of how children are developing in relation to expected levels of progress for their age. There can be a financial impact, as well as problems with staff recruitment and retention. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. MA Education 2023. The charity has support groups for one-parent families, parents of triplets or more, special needs families, those who have lost one or more of a multiple-birth set, and those who are expecting or have twins, triplets or more as a result of fertility treatment. Comments. However, it will bring care homes in line with best practice, particularly in terms of supervision and continuing professional development. VAT Registration Number: GB 830 472 251, Open source web development - pedalo limited, Involving parents in their childrens learning, Business Blocks: essential resources for your early years business, Charitable settings - legislation and governance. ! `xsQ3u|:_N|8l~m0]biFA? ]c~%;1]LOcbx9? These provisions are indicated by the use of the The learning and development requirements in sections 1 and 2 of this framework, and the safeguarding and welfare requirements in section 3 of this framework, are indicated by the use of the word "must". The committee discussed whether it is possible to specify how soon new staff should have mandatory safeguarding training. Published: This has implications for: the safety and wellbeing of residents, because abuse or neglect may go unreported. The evidence also included data on how to reduce the risk or incidence of abuse and neglect by learning from past safeguarding issues in the care home. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. All off-site providers will confirm their Safeguarding policy and procedures, a copy of which will be held by Cotham and up-dated each year. The EYFS requires certain supervision structures, and also specific staff: child ratios for all childcare settings based largely on the ages of the children being looked after. It also affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors, and can lead to false allegations of abuse and neglect against staff and care homes. This research did not specifically evaluate the impact that care home culture can have on staff willingness to report safeguarding concerns. The majority of training programmes are linked to the learning outcomes in the learning disability pathway of the new Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care Diploma and the level 2 and 3 certificates in supporting people with learning disabilities.Communication and Autism: an insight into the complexities of communication for individuals with autism. The government says the changes will improve outcomes for all children, but particularly the language and literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children and reduce teacher workload. Care homes will have to check that their safeguarding leads have the relevant skills and competencies to assess and act on concerns. But this would be outweighed by the benefits of making staff aware of who to share concerns with, which should increase the speed of responses to safeguarding. Fire safety: three-hour course to help practitioners be aware of the causes of fire and what to do in the event of fire. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. Because of this, the committee did not make recommendations about who should have further training or when this should happen. Infant research and infant psychiatry: 30 hours each, these are observation-based seminars. These recommendations should lead to greater consistency and higher standards, by ensuring that everyone affected by the safeguarding enquiry is kept informed. During a safeguarding enquiry, care home managers will need to allocate time to hold discussions with staff and direct them to external information and advice. The committee recognised that there should be a clear difference and understanding of the roles of the practitioners and independent advocate involved in safeguarding. 0 The recommendations are based on existing non-NICE UK guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators in this guideline. There were also methodological concerns regarding some of the studies, for example in relation to recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. Creating a culture in which everyone can learn from safeguarding concerns should not represent a significant change. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is grounded in the EYFS and provides useful templates for effective practice. However, it is not uncommon for staff to work in a climate of suspicion and defensiveness. The committee also reviewed existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. Quantitative and qualitative data were available on training in the care sector, but the committee's confidence in this evidence was low. There were a number of concerns with this evidence, around: the methods used, for example in relation to data analysis and sampling strategies, the relevance of the themes in the evidence, as some of the studies were conducted in care settings other than care homes. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. There were also concerns regarding the adequacy of data, as most of the themes in the evidence were based on limited data. Published by MA Education Limited, St Jude's Church, Dulwich Road, Herne Hill, London SE24 0PB, a company registered in England and Wales no. In addition, the studies only used short-term follow-up periods. The committee agreed that indicators of sexual abuse are particularly important because residents may feel embarrassed and ashamed, and therefore reluctant to tell someone and because care homes need to uphold the rights of residents to engage in sexual activity in line with their mental capacity to consent. Visit the Bolton Safeguarding ChildrenPartnershipwebsite, Families (including Start Well Childrens Centres), Mandatory and essential training - Learning and Development Team, Funding agreement and operational guidance, Provider Portal for the Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlement, Updates on Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlements, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It affects the safety, health and wellbeing of residents, because their care may not meet their needs. The committee did not believe that holding return-to-work meetings would be a substantial change in practice. There was quantitative and qualitative evidence available, but the committee had limited confidence in this. There was no research evidence identified on confidentiality and suspected abuse and neglect. Standards of documentation and record-keeping within care homes vary widely, so these recommendations are expected to help standardise practice. Return to recommendations You're probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. Helping children with dyslexia and dyspraxia: practical guide for recognising early signs of dyslexia and dyspraxia. The NDCS is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting deaf children and their families in overcoming the challenges of childhood deafness. Existing relationships between care homes and local authorities may vary. They agreed that further research is needed to evaluate the most effective modes of training, and to clarify whether e-learning training can meet best practice standards. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. The committee particularly wanted to emphasise the key role of local authorities in relation to organisational abuse or neglect. Cancer Research UK is the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organisation in the world. ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS (RoSPA). A conference aiming to consider what the key priorities should be for children and adults on the autism spectrum from the perspective of the individuals themselves, their parents and carers and those who work with them. Posted on Sep 24, 2016 There may also be cost implications if practitioners need training of their own in order to conduct training for staff, or if external organisations are used to deliver training. The committee made a recommendation on sharing information from Safeguarding Adults Boards with care home staff because they thought it could improve accountability, and help staff understand the responsibilities of other practitioners and organisations in relation to safeguarding. The evidence also emphasised the value that residents place on support from family, friends or advocates in helping them achieve their desired outcomes. Based on this lack of coverage the committee felt it was important to make a research recommendation on self-neglect in care homes. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. The course looks at physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional/behavioural difficulties, and specific areas such as dyslexia. 4539003) Their recommendations included advice about further training that may be beneficial for some staff. As part of the assessment process, parents and carers should be encouraged to share their own observations of their childs progress. More resources may be needed for a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, but it should improve the quality and safety of care and support. They provide a specialist service for parents and professionals seeking help in feeding babies with cleft lips and palates.Annual conference: held in September. This creates opportunities for parents and professionals to engage with current thinking on a range of issues. The guidance highlighted some of the challenges faced by individuals and organisations when there is no clear safeguarding procedure.

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