Just as My Holy Family had to go into hiding from Herod, so My faithful will need to hide at My refuges from the UN troops dressed in black who will want to kill you. Biden, the Democrats, and even some Republicans are continuing the overspending which will add to your inflation. When you are loving Me and your neighbor, you will be willing to take time out to help your neighbor in their needs. I am calling My faithful soldiers on earth and My angels in heaven as they are all preparing to do battle against Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. This will be a large undertaking and the Lord will give you more messages how you are to carry out such a mission. The Pharisees wanted My apostles to stop teaching about My Resurrection, but My apostles were defiant. Are you also willing to die for Me than worship other earthly gods? You can also pray for the souls of your relatives in purgatory, and other souls as well. Does God Exist? Michael needs a few more Masses to be released from purgatory., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing Biden spending billions of dollars to buy military weapons to send to the Ukraine to fight Russia. Have no fear because My angels will defend you.. So rejoice, and have no fear because My angels will lift your shields against all of the evil things the demons will bring against you., Jesus said: My people, you are in the midst of a coming battle between the good people and the evil ones. She was unarmed, but this did not get reported by the fake news. You are seeing constant waves of storms coming in from the Pacific Ocean. I call on My faithful to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love for each soul. This same faith will be required of you so I can multiply your physical and spiritual needs at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you know that I can perform the impossible miracles. You have a similar problem with your liberal government when they want to cancel your platform accounts on your social media if you speak out against them. For now you need fossil fuels to run your economy, and that requires more investment in finding natural gas and oil. This was the first test of the seven most grievous sins which is about gluttony. St. Peter also said he would die for Me, but I told him that before the cock crows, he would deny Me three times. My angels have enough power to keep all the demons and evil people away from My refuges. I have told you many times, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and he loses his soul? There were nice talks and a homily at the Mass. This is why some of your companies want to use cheap labor to make their products. I paid the price to free you of original sin, when you are baptized. You know that I will allow the Antichrist a brief time during the tribulation for control over the earth. The apostles heard My Father in heaven say: This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him. After this experience, I told My apostles not to reveal this to anyone until I will rise from the dead. Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1asoul, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). Now you are surprised to see an article on the internet that is talking about a coming black plague from the lab. Thank you for praying the Stations of the Cross as you do on Lenten Wednesdays at this church., Jesus said: My people, a good share of your computer chips are made in Taiwan, but Taiwan is a target of China. You had a message from St. John to basically carry on his mission of preparing the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This is causing financial hardships on many communities, especially in your border states. Then, at one point, my blood sugar levels shot so high. Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones will persecute My faithful., Friday, February 10, 2023: (St. Scholastica), Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Genesis, you read how the devil uses your weakness to sin, caused by Adam, to tempt you into sin. Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/1asoul, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). Your own website has been shut down again., Davids comment (my son) on the anniversary of his death. I also thank you for making up your rosaries that you missed one day., Jesus said: My people, you heard an excellent homily from the deacon at Mass about your preparations for Lent that starts this Ash Wednesday. Be ready also to have Perpetual Adoration around the clock, and you will assign hours for your people day and night. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. I love the little children, and I want you to protect them from harm and abuse. You may have to come to My refuges when your storms could endanger your lives. Others will prepare and wash the silverware and the dishes. This life passes away quickly, but heaven is a better choice for all eternity. Learn from this reading to follow My instructions, no matter what I ask you to do. She would be the first mother, and I gave her so the man would not be alone. They were to stay at one house and eat what the host gave them, for My workers deserve their pay for teaching the people about Me and My messages. Trust in My help, no matter how the evil ones will try to reduce the population., Jesus said: My son, you were exposed to a different rite with a bit of old English in the words of the Mass. These evil ones will not see you coming to My refuges. Then I healed a man with a withered hand. Those people, who love Me in their actions and love others, will be rewarded in heaven like Lazarus. The new Mass of the New Age one world religion will be a Mass to avoid, because I will not be Present without the proper words of Consecration. I will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, today you celebrate the feast of St. Blaise who was martyred. She was dedicated in helping her students. But I defied their plans by resurrecting from the dead after three days. Many countries in this region are influenced by Red Chinas military power. Those people, who have a strong faith in Me, can heal people and cast out demons. I am warning you that a time is coming when there will be a split in My Church. Bishop Clark was a kind man and he allowed you to continue your mission, which you have been grateful. But be at peace and they will be resolved. But now the evil liberals are pushing through abortion laws in your states. After giving their gifts to Me, they left for home by a different route so Herod was not told where I was. When your electricity is out, these are some helps to keep warm and light at night even if your electricity is out for a long time. Those people, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those people, who humble themselves, will be exalted. Your farmers need adequate rainfall to grow their crops. My angels will show their power in front of you, and the evil ones will fall back in fear. There will be many people who will be searching for a safe refuge when the evil Antichrist will try to steal souls from Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of the refuges I will provide for My faithful. There are many hungry people, who would appreciate your gift. You see many food celebrations as well. The faithful on earth are praying for the souls in purgatory as the Church Suffering. I will provide for your food, water, and fuels at My refuges with miracles of multiplication for your survival., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing Putin canceling the START treaty that limited the number of nuclear warheads between Russia and the United States. I told My people not to take any chip in the body because they could control your mind. After the Warning there will be six weeks when you will have a time of Conversion when there will be no evil influence. You had a glitch that stopped airplane flights for a day. You show your love for Me when you fast between meals and refrain from meat on Lenten Fridays. These souls can pray for those people who are on earth who prayed for them. Lent is coming soon, so focus your mind and actions on fasting and prayer more now., Jesus said: My people, when I told you there would be one disaster after another, you could not imagine how this would happen. This is because my whole body had shutdown and had gone into conservation mode due to so little blood. I visited My apostles on the road to Emmaus, at the Upper Room, and on the beach at Galilee. I love all of you and My angels will protect you., Jesus said: My people, during the Covid pandemic you saw empty chairs on the altar when your churches were closed by your government edicts. This is a personal update for this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. He thanks all of the people who took care of him in his last days. My refuges will appear to have a bubble shield over it and this will be your protection from those people who want to harm My faithful. Pray to help save as many souls from hell as you can., Jesus said: My people, I love all of My people, and I have a special place in My Heart for My daily Mass people and those who adore Me in My Host in a monstrance. With all of these threats, the one world people are trying to bring you down, and it is affecting your travel, food, fuels, and your water. This is why I want My faithful to spread My Good News of My Resurrection and your salvation from your sins. You are aware of secret societies like the Masons who are behind many events going on in the world. Jesus said: My people, you remember how I brought My wrath down on the people who built the Tower of Babel when I confused these people, who worshiped other gods, with many different languages. Flooding has been severe in parts of California where some roads are impassable, or floods are ruining farmlands. Your biggest threat is if the one world people are allowed to have control over everyones money with the digital dollar. You remember how your U-2 flight over Russia was shot down for spying. After My Resurrection in Galilee on the beach, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times because he denied Me three times. ABC News Reports on Evacuations in Canary Islands Due to Volcanic Eruption. If you were not in My Mind, you would cease to exist. Rejoice, rejoice, My people, because you have been set free of all of the bonds of your sins. I will call My people to My refuges before this computer chip will be demanded of everyone., Jesus said: My people, about 80% of your medications are bought from China, so in wartime, it will be difficult to get your daily medicines. The devil also tempted Me by pride if I would throw Myself down a cliff and have My angels protect Me from harm. Keep your faith in Me and you will have your reward in heaven. This is one need for your refuges, especially if you must endure a long power outage. Pray that your banking system is stable enough to ride out any bank failures., Jesus said: My people, Biden has written an Executive Order 14067 which is beyond his powers as leader of your country. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me as well., Jesus said: My people, when you have a strong faith in Me, you will be able to accomplish the mission I have given you. It will be a physical and a spiritual battle. You start your Divine Mercy Novena today that ends on Divine Mercy Sunday. You were right in comforting your family for the loss of Davids life. When the information comes out about how the Democrats changed the votes, you could see some people go to jail for treason. People will appreciate your offer to help them both physically and spiritually. Your weather people are now showing you a coming cold spell with more snow coming as well. I am so sorry that it is only now that I am starting to work on this project again. You remember the Roman Centurions servant was healed even when the person was far away as well. His name was changed to Paul and eventually he became a great evangelist of the Gentiles to fulfill My plan for his life. You are also seeing how the FBI is interfering with your media platforms to control your news and your free speech, which is also allowed by Biden. This is their punishment just like the demons for refusing to obey Me and love Me. When people come to the refuge, you will need to know their skills so you can assign jobs. When Naamen went to Elisha, Elisha gave Naamen a message to plunge seven times into the Jordan River to heal his leprosy. This is why you can come to Me in repentance in Confession, and the priests absolution will free your mortal sin and restore My sanctifying grace to your soul. I sent word back to him how the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lepers are healed. In the desert Moses struck the rock and water came forth for them to drink. If you profess your belief in Me and do not support abortion or the Covid shots, they will shut you down. You have had only 20 inches of snow when your normal amount is about 60 inches. These events are an indication of punishments coming on the evil of the world., Jesus said: My people, those people, who are faithful to Me, are the salt of the earth. Be prepared for My coming Warning and the tribulation, because you will soon be called to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger. Then the man was able to speak and hear his voice. You have asked Me if his time for taking control is running out. So the father gave him the money he was due. You can let the flame burn through the night. This could trigger a civil war from the left. You have your trust in Me to accomplish the spiritual mission I have given each of you. Parents took care of their children, and it is only right that the children should care for their parents in their old age. This is called Perpetual Adoration and by having My Eucharist Present and your faith in My miracles, I can multiply your needs. So, I hope that you all will enjoy this informative interview with the Learys. The Antichrist will have a brief reign, but I will sweep the evil ones all away into hell with My justice., Jesus said: My son, you have already prepared your refuge with fuels and solar panels. The drug cartels are ruining your country with crime and drugs. Helping to save souls should be your most important work, especially your familys souls. There are miracle healing times when people have faith that I can heal them., Jesus said: My son, you are seeing your reflection in a heart shaped mirror. Show your love for Me and your love for your neighbor, even if others are following the earthly ways of the evil one. Pray in faith that I can answer your requests., Jesus said: My people, according to your Bill of Rights in the Constitution, everyone should be free to voice their opinion without being put down, or taken off media platforms. Then many angels gave glory to Me in a song from heaven. Rejoice that I left you My Real Presence in receiving Holy Communion., Jesus said: My people, you are allowing China to spy on your military with their military spy balloons. By imitating My life on earth, you will be on the right path to heaven., Monday, February 6, 2023: (St. Paul Miki and companions), Jesus said: My people, you have read the astronomical odds of having the earth provide everything for your life to exist on the earth. Once the one world religion is established, it will be difficult to find a proper Mass where the correct words of Consecration are used. Other investors in the stock market are concerned that stock prices could fall as they did in 2008. This flooding could be a threat to your food supply that comes from California. Pray for peace and with no expanded war., Jesus said: My people, your people are just opening up the Thruway that was closed because of the snow blizzard in Buffalo. The evil ones will threaten your lives, and I will have to have My angels bring you to My refuges.

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