WebBeauty Pageant Questions. It becomes a purpose. Depending upon your system, you may also have to write an essay or a speech about your platform and the work youve put in towards achieving the end goal of your platform. Your platform is your cause or mission, not the name of the charity affiliated with your cause or mission. Now, that weve got that cleared up. In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. The pageants director also knows that your participation with its designated charity will show judges and potential sponsors that you are personally invested, and frankly, part of being a titleholder is often raising not only awareness for causes, but funds as well. Lets say that on your list, the top things that you are good at and enjoy most are the fact that you love journalism, photography and video recording, doing hair and makeup, playing volleyball and you love talking to people, especially new people and strangers. And, while it is extremely sad to think of all these poor souls who are suffering, the plus side is that all of this media coverage is bringing attention to an area that has been severely stigmatized in the past. Lara Hakamaki, 20, Promotes Mental Health Awareness in Miss And, she even received a personal thank you letter from the President of the United States! Recent leaks of classified U.S. military documents on the social media platform Discord have highlighted a major challenge for national security and online platforms alike. Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. A platform is simply about solving a problem of some kind. Pageant Platform Creating a platform with an emotional tie to you. This is also called, finding your niche. Think about artistic interests, academic interests, physical abilities or sports related interests. Community activity night: bowling, ice skating, roller skating, paint ball, Community Bingo or other game that lots of people can play, Some kind of athletic event or tournament: An obstacle course, weight lifting, softball. She earned a Masters degree in Music Composition; she is a classically trained opera singer and she endeavors to use her voice and the power of music to transform lives through art. You can also start a youtube channel if your platform is something that would fit this genre. It would not take much to set up the interview space, ask a whole bunch of random interview questions and film it all for each contestant. Or you could choose to bring about change in how certain medical conditions are treated. You have so many options through these places, too. When you break down your essay like this, it makes writing your essay a bit easier. Photo: Miss Universe. GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to leading the fight against AIDS on a national platform. Rachel has won the titles of: Miss Largos Outstanding Teen in 2014, Miss Florida Collegiate in 2015, Miss Florida International in 2016 and Miss Southeast International 2017. Lily started a non-profit called, The Smize Foundation, which is a nonprofit corporation that connects high school students with local food banks to provide donations, volunteer opportunities and awareness of community outreach. Do you find yourself helping them on a day to day, hour to hour basis in fighting their situation? The pageant organizers voted to shut it down, but agreed to return to the boardwalk in the future, once the Boardwalk Convention Center was built. Sometimes, you may want to raise money for your platform because you care deeply about what you are doing, and your platform requires financial assistance from donors to survive. Samuel Stebbins. Classified US military documents were leaked on social media platforms, including Discord and 4chan. If during the competition you never have a chance to speak about your platform, the essay needs to cover every single thing about your platform so that the judges have a semblance of what you have stood for thus far in your pageant journey. And, she does. You do not have to over extend yourself and put on some grand gesture or produce a major event in order to make money, if that is not your thing. Youre on the right track, but you need to customize your concept. It has been a complete turnaround with my balance, mobility, double vision, swollen feet, speech and difficulty swallowing this is the best that I've felt in years. Everyone either has a cause or has heard a story that pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to help as much as humanly possible. For more information, please call 619-800-2790 or email [email protected]. Reaching out goes a long way. Get out some paper and a pen and find a nice, quiet place where you can reflect without interruption. The International Pageants system promotes community service with half of each contestant's competition score based on knowledge of and work with her platform. The stark reality is that 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault or domestic violence at some point in their lives, so its time that our society comes to terms with the damage of this epidemic and that we start aggressively seeking a solution. Size does not define beauty. Therefore, if you want to do well in that type of a pageant, then youd better be pretty adept at your talent. Veteran America was presented via a virtual platform. This is your moment to speak on your why. Lilys title is CEO. For example, if you have a family member that has suffered with autism, you may want to create a platform about autism awareness in their honor. In January of 2018, she worked one-on-one with the state senator and was instrumental in seeing the very first house bill passed in the state of Massachusetts regarding eating disorder awareness. How have you been able to overcome and get through the difficult aspects of being bullied? When you can key in to those personal details that motivate you, it then becomes so much more than a pageant platform. . You may just land an awesome interview! Think in terms of different areas or genres. around the country. Miss Black USA 2018 Kelsi Horn. Just start a fundraiser and share your page! Mayelin De La Cruz Gutierrez, Miss Grand New Jersey 2019, says this about platforms, A platform is ideal for a contestant to have because you can learn so much from what they support and what they choose to advocate for., Need more information on what a pageant platform is and what it should mean to you? What an incredible way to think outside the box and use your platform to benefit the pageant that you are representing! When Kira was a young college student, she experienced an abusive relationship with her then, boyfriend. Pageants and platforms: Baton Rouge area women using their crowns to advance their causes. Miss Washington World America 2019 Shree Saini. MILITARY PAGEANT You can expand your reach by partnering with other people and organizations in order to promote your platform. Lauren serves as the official Massachusetts advocate for both the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (Meda). In addition to her other commitments, she found time to work alongside the Massachusetts State House on policy changes. and I have to say this natural treatment is a 100% game changer for anyone with ALS. Think about all of the possible ways to communicate with people, and all the different ways that we do that. The butterflies were then attached with a note of encouragement and placed in hospitals, cancer centers, nursing homes, etc. There are direct and indirect ways to communicate and promote your platform. Miss America 2015 Kira Kazanstsev. You can start a Facebook Fan page, an Instagram account that is dedicated to your platform, or a blog or website. Another organization called the, There Is No Limit Foundation seeks a world free of poverty, inequality, and violence, where independent, networked individuals leverage their knowledge, skills and connections to uplift and provide for themselves, their families and communities. This category encompasses an extensive array of issues related to women, including everything from body positivity and self-defense to raising awareness of human trafficking and domestic violence and sexual assault. It has to be something that you want to invest in, work tirelessly for and put energy into for the long haul. Are all three of you the same? WebSince 2001, Miss Earth has created a platform for women and girls to experience the glamour of the beauty pageant industry while making an impact on our most pressing environmental issues around the globe. And, this one fact is the singularly most impressive thing about Lily Lloyd. She shows up because she believes that she can make a difference. They often do this to because the charity and the pageant have a business partnership, and the charity promotes and supports the pageant, among other things in exchange for donations and advertising. You could also offer to make videos of pageant contestants practicing their walking and posing techniques. Our primary aim is to boost the We are here to walk you through the process, and when were done you should be feeling a lot clearer about the direction that you want to go in. Pageant Platform Tip to Stand Out (177) - YouTube Then you tweak your platform concept in such a way that it is more unique and personal to you. Therefore, you are more likely to work hard in your cause, not only because you do not want to let your family member down, but also because you have seen them struggle throughout their life. As you begin to think about all the people that you know, then begin to systematically reach out to them by phone, email or text. The third paragraph is your moment to speak about how your platform can affect those in your community and those for whom you created your platform to help. You have to really think about what your platform is, not where you volunteer or serve. Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. Whats that? Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng was born in Vancouver, Canada and had dreams and aspirations to play volleyball professionally. Although the pageant essay is not imperative for some systems, like Miss Earth USA or Miss USA, it is imperative for systems such as Miss America and Miss Teen, creating an essay is a great exercise for all contestants to ensure that they know the direction that they want to go in for their platform. Proceeds from Catrionas music helped to build a preschool and childcare center for Young Focus, and also provided meals for families and children so they could celebrate Christmas with food on their table. In the last three months, one of the biggest highlights of being Miss America has been being able to use my voice to share the importance of arts in education from speaking in schools across the country to performing at the Lincoln Center and to taking every media opportunity to continue expressing just how vital the arts are in schools, she said in a social media post in December 2018. Selling something that you make like cookies, cakes, candy or specialty items like Christmas ornaments or other holiday decorations. FREE Guide: Pageant Packing Checklist: How to Pack for Your Pageant http://WinAPageant.com/packinglist2. If you dont feel comfortable speaking about medical conditions, take a look around your community and look for the main issues that youd like to see a change in. There is also a charity called, Career Gear. Pageant Platforms 101: Where Do You Begin? | Pageant Planet child advocacy. When they are assessing the contestants during their national competition, one of the things that they are looking at is whether or not each womans platform is one that they can engage with and support on an international level. Your platform is not an entity unto itself. From skilling to hiring to giving back, we're proud to partner with you every step of the way If that is the case, then make sure that you think through how exactly you want to assist them. kycuyuhealthclinic. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. Another great idea would be to offer to take videos of pageant girls doing mock interviews, especially since you are so comfortable talking to people and you have a natural affinity for journalism. Social Media Challenge or Contest: This could be done privately within your circle of friends and family as well. If you find that writing worries you, as long as you write from the heart and mean every word you say, you will find yourself writing too long of an essay. The second paragraph of your essay should be the how. Miss Universe 2019 contestants volunteering at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta. I have chosen to serve the people in this area by collecting and donating books to those in need. She offers places where people can get washed up, get themselves some warm coats or clothing and select books, all for free. Photo: Instagram. Platforms that are related to children can often be cross referenced with other categories as well. We've created a list of 107 Pageant Platform Ideas (with a few organizations to partner with) just for you! The Last Tattoo: Dublin, September 1945 Everything from how they look to what theyve accomplished is judged against someone else, and that isnt healthy.. Miss America The remainder (33 percent) are people in families with children. Cheslies pageant platform had its early beginnings when she was still in college. Some people might think its a joke, but saving the world from hate and violence is no laughing matter. When you dig down deep and think about all the different skills, abilities and talents that you have, you are a treasure trove of money making ideas just waiting to happen! If you are currently employed in a corporate environment or you are working towards a business related degree, then you likely have endless contacts available to you that can help support your platform work. Its kind of like finding your perfect evening gown, but its too big or ill fitting. Zinger Key Points. Demi-Leight was inspired to launch Unbreakable after her own violent carjacking experience in June 2017. But, that didnt stop this queen. The way that you do that is to think about why you are choosing this platform and then pay attention to the small, personal details that fill you with deep emotion. Through her charity, Kendra has donated over 2,000 books to underprivileged children and adults. How many people out there would love to hire you to help them clean and organize their home or office? Is that your platform? Lets explore your love of journalism, photography and making videos and see if we can find something related to those concepts to make money at. (Sleeping does not count!). And, then begin writing down every single person that you know that you think you could network with in some way. Photo: Philstar. However, it returned for good in 1935. Army Times recently reported that Deshauna Barber, an Army officer who won the 2016 Miss USA event, set her sights on veteran assistance in As Miss America 2011, Teresa Scanlan worked to promote the Miss America Organization and the organizations that it partners with, such as the national platform of Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals, and her personal platform on eating disorders, Eating Disorders: A Generation at Risk, Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan. Bullies can be found everywhere, including the pageant world. She stressed that the central taekwondo tenet of perseverance equipped her with the determination to overcome defeat throughout her life. In 2015, Kira Kazanstsev was the third consecutive Miss America winner from New York, and she made a powerful impact with her platform, Love Shouldnt Hurt Protecting Women Against Domestic Violence. She won her crown on a platform of supporting youth care and education in her native Philippines. Its time for another brainstorming session, so get out your pen and paper and lets get down to business! Kelsi believes social media is a culprit in the pressure young women apply to themselves. Pageant Wear. Youve certainly noticed issues in your town and wondered, Who is going to get rid of this? She is a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and is an honor student and vocalist who loves to sing opera. If you just want to help kids, you can get involved in all kinds of service organizations or missions that are making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. You wont be able to raise money unless you are all in on your platform. As long as you stay true to who you are as a person and have your platform take center stage, you will write an amazing essay! Spence-Carroll hopes she can utilize her platform to inspire change. Miss America board member Regina Hopper, who was Miss Arkansas1983, said the platforms are a way to show that all contestants in every pageant leading up to I do this because of a strong sense of citizenship and desire to serve my community. Copyright 2023, Pageant Planet. 107 Pageant Platform Examples (& How to Choose THE One) Photo: PBS. Check out this podcast, "How to Raise Money for Your Pageant Platform," for an overview of how to start your fundraising efforts: A titleholder is a leader and a motivator. The Most Popular Bolt-Action Rifles in America 24/7 Wall St. Once you have the proper tone and diction down, your essay will write itself! Her involvement with her platform allowed her to partner with Prevent Child Abuse America and Child Help. No matter what, if you create a pageant platform, make sure that you are actually working towards your goal. Shrees platform is all about heart health and emotional wellbeing, and she is an incredible volunteer, logging an astounding amount of volunteer hours, and earning numerous awards for giving her time to many organizations including the American Heart Association and The Hope Heart Institute. She has gotten involved in a variety of levels and capacities with charities such as the Open Book Project, Butterfly Hugs, Knit a Square, Relay for Life, Give Kids the World, and Ronald McDonald House. The Miss Grand International pageant has a beautiful mission that goes far beyond beauty. You could even make money reading to sick or elderly people who only understand Spanish. Having a relatable and personal platform helps for the judges to remember you as well as making sure that you are actually accomplishing a goal in real life with your platform. In addition to being an active Dress for Success volunteer, Cheslie authors a fascinating blog, White Collar Glam, that provides modern corporate fashion inspiration and work related resources for women. Make sense? This month, a winner of a major beauty pageant chose to use her platform to raise awareness regarding the needs of veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Then, there is the tragic story behind Victorias Voice, otherwise known as the Victoria Siegel Foundation. Through the Victoria Siegel Foundation the family is bringing this matter to the national stage, championing specific ways that we can reduce drug experimentation, addiction and overdose deaths. By choosing adoption over buying from a breeder you can help save lives. This number represents 17 out of every 10,000 people in the United States. You could focus solely on dyslexia awareness and education, while still promoting literacy in general. During her year as Miss America, Teresa travelled an incredible 20,000 miles per month, educating and counseling students and young adults about eating disorders, a platform that she advocates for to this day. Pagent Hair. Making money because of something that you do for others as a service like dog walking, giving haircuts, cleaning and organizing homes or offices. She used her research and a $1,500 grant from the Honors College to design and construct a line of evening gowns for women with varying body types. Palantir Demos AI to Fight Wars But Says It Will Be Totally Ethical The most important aspect of the platform is to be able to go out into the world and inspire with actions as well as words. The reality is that trying to find a way to tell your personal story as it relates to your platform is the most powerful way that you can motivate people to not only support your cause, but also donate their money to it. MISS EARTH USA This might have to do with the fact that so many pageant contestants and titleholders are genuinely and remarkably talented people. Get to know the people who you see everyday around town and listen to what they may be struggling with. Sometimes beauty is born from ashes, and the most painful tragedies of our lives can become a catalyst for change that ultimately helps heal the pain of other people. What a valuable thing that would be! Web1. Miss America Pageant Youre restricting yourself from being able to achieve the absolute best without a pageant platform. If you are an empathetic person, who has the desire to impact a young life, then youll probably find your dream platform in this category. Creating a platform with actual activities that you would like to accomplish can be the most difficult part of planning. Take this into consideration if you decide that not having a platform is your best option. The Global Sisterhoods mission is all about providing education, resources, and networking for women and girls internationally by forming connections and supporting each others missions and movements.. It does not have to be a huge undertaking, like sponsoring a 5 course fancy dinner in a ballroom somewhere. She saw an opportunity to create an environment for women to share their stories and learn how to protect themselves. Since 2001, Miss Earth has created a platform for women and girls to experience the glamour of the beauty pageant industry while making an impact on our Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? Entering our ninth year as franchise owners of Miss Earth USA, the national ownership team recently re-branded as Liv & Rock Productions, LLC. The reason that this is so crucial for the contestant who wants to compete at a higher level, is that any pageant organization that has a national or international competition, will want to promote the platforms of their winners. You can achieve this in multiple different ways that involve the previous sections.

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