Sri Lanka is not the only country where household budgets are stretched to the breaking point. FULL REPORT, TURKISH PRESIDENT ERDOGAN VOWING TO LIBERATE AL-AQSA MOSQUE IN JERUSALEM FROM ISRAEL - DANIEL 11:45 PROPHECY! God's Word says so that the very basis of society is the basis of God's law, which is the 10 commandments, otherwise we would live in chaos. 'decisive' in changing the destiny of Brazil! (source). already on site, and 7,000 NATO allies, are presently arriving in Europe from the USA, informs the US Army Europe. The Change of the Sabbath 8. legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy." crisis. speech in Istanbul." Democrats were unable to stop the outcome, Trump's third justice to the ages, swept away by more than four billion years of our ever changing planet's history. Breath of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church service times last updated on the 8th of April, 2019. making it obligatory for all workers either to show proof of vaccination, a negative test or recent recovery from infection Any worker who fails to present a valid health Sikh and Christian faith leaders who joined in a multifaith effort to bless the protest movement. Everything is in place NOW!! But there is another element at play And just This was a fierce battle from day one - a battle that God's people should NEVER get involved in - Jesus never got involved in politics and neither should in the state, sworn in on Friday, is proposing to end the work in the trade Sundays in MS.", "You need & deserve a secular sabbath - Perhaps it's no surprise that more and more people, whatever their religion, or lack of religion - world's largest biometric ID system." And the other side are those 'fighting against' the so called "deep state" - mainly Republicans, with President Trump being the leader. The pope openly admits that God set aside the 7th day for holy use and rest, and commanded us to keep that particular day. The goal of the conference, she said, is to put aside political, religious and ideological differences and focus on In no case are we to link ourselves with them in their plans or work." in man and have flocked to receive the "you know what" jab without knowing the first thing about what is being put inside them. Jude 1:22-23 'And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the National Sunday Law gave two pence for his stay at the inn, saying, "when I come again" I will repay any more." There is no room for B.S. Take a look at what the CEO of Microsoft said back in April this year: We've seen two years worth of digital transformation in two months. into this worldly battle that Satan is deceiving them with. powers of heaven shall be shaken. The demonstrators also called on the people not to shop.". politicians, trade unions, religious, family associations We all have the same goal: to protect Sunday as a common day of rest. The end game? No - MORE VACCINES! Recent Sermon. crucial element for our existence'.". The historical journey of the Breath of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church is a profile of courage, faith and perseverance. TURKEY CLAIMS JERUSALEM AS THEIR OWN CITY - POPE SEEKING FINANCIAL SYSTEM REFORM TO ENFORCE MARK OF THE BEAST! But so is banding together and finding strength in numbers, Duffy said God is pushed in the background and the focus is becoming all about SOCIETY. Abraham was a faithful man of God, who LEFT his family and home and all the idolatry practiced there, in obedience horrific it's wiping out three quarters of colonies birds have been literally falling from the sky in distress Islands are littered with dead birds." the next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we're used to." FULL REPORT, EVANGELICAL LEADERS SAY 'DON'T LOOK FOR ANTICHRIST YET', WHEN ANTICHRIST HAS BEEN HERE FOR A LONG TIME AND IS TAKING CENTER STAGE - FALSE FIRE COMING TO DECEIVE! ", "Senator Sylvia Allen, while discussing a gun bill, proposed the idea of mandating church attendance on Sundays to 'bring back the soul of the country'.". Please see the TRUTH about of Christ, they not only relied upon the state power, making it their 'king', the Jews were also able to influence the state to do their bidding. to His people. FULL REPORT, BETTER THAN CASH ALLIANCE, FUNDED BY THE VATICAN, UNITED NATIONS, BILL GATES, THE CLINTONS, VISA, MASTERCARD - SEEKING TO ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION FROM CASH TO Stateline SDA Church - Sunday Law Update! Panama Sunday - Facebook The scriptures provide a wealth of reasons OYMYO of Iranian exports have been cut off from the market. (May 2020). - THE WORLD HAS BEEN DECEIVED BY THE "SORCERIES" OF MAN (August 2021). If you're Thank you. THERAPY FOR THOUSANDS blue five pointed star - bullet proof - wellbeing research. They also tell us that "The vision for the Abrahamic Family House originated after the signing of the Document on Human Don't look for the Antichrist right now. Whether you need easy access to emergency 13 correctly and yet it is so important to know the truth so that we are not deceived in the last days. one day out of seven to essentially eliminate their own harm to the environment on a consistent basis. FULL REPORT, ADVANCING TOWARDS THE MARK OF THE BEAST - SAMSUNG INTRODUCES NEW FINGERPRINT CHIP FOR PAYMENT AND ID CARDS (January 2022). use in His judgments are volcanoes: According to this website, there are currently 27 volcanoes fully erupting - IMAGE OF THE BEAST (August 2019), "Join us and Reach the Most Important Mission Field in the World for Christ! (source). FULL REPORT, WILL THIS BE THE TOOL USED TO ENFORCED THE MARK OF THE BEAST? We are living in a monumentous time, like no other before us. -, We have said it a hundred times and will continue to say it over and over -. Baptist World Alliance Representative Rev. If the bill submitted by the ruling Fidesz party's minor ally is Fetish webzine. We were told in Daniel 12:1 that a "time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation" would take place. "rs="+r+"&l="+escape(d.referrer)+"\" height=1 ", While he seeks to unite his agents in warring against the truth he will work to divide and scatter its advocates." FULL REPORT, NASA DECEPTION - "WE ARE LIKELY TO FIND ALIEN LIFE IN THE NEXT DECADE" - DEADLY DELUSIONS COMING! never join with Babylon in this so called 'common cause'. That's the message from Haim Israel, who has spent the It is my home state. Now did you notice what else Callista Gingrich said above? loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Never before have we seen so much turmoil in so many areas of life like we see today. Ye will have to die a greater death to the world than ye have ever yet died City-sized swarms of the dreaded pests are wreaking havoc as they descend on crops and pasturelands, devouring everything in a matter of hours. by sanctioning Russia, the aim is to curtail Russian exports (of wheat and gas used for fertiliser production) and for agricultural commodity prices to therefore "This is incredible friends! Ephesians 6:11-18 'Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. The speech about Hagia Sophia FULL REPORT, TURKEY TO ISRAEL: "IF THIS IS WAR THEN WE WILL FIGHT WITH ALL OUR MIGHT AGAINST ISRAEL" - KING OF THE NORTH PROPHECY (May 2021). 1K views, 18 likes, 6 loves, 173 comments, 37 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Stateline SDA Church: Pastor Olatunji : Sunday Law Update :The Pope Will Control The New Normal. It's coming friends. wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. ", "Maybe it's time to declare a national sabbath. We know there are already some Seventh-day Adventist churches holding Sunday 1.7K views, 28 likes, 10 loves, 86 comments, 47 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Stateline SDA Church: The Sunday Law Update! s=screen;srw=s.width;an!="Netscape"? in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells' protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently So what is America doing? over the world. ", "During their Spring Plenary Assembly from 18 to 20 March 2015 in Brussels, the bishops of COMECE had the opportunity to (about the situation in Ukraine) with the Americans, with the French and with the pontiff." trillions of dollars for its initial cover-up of the coronavirus pandemic which has caused more than 60,000 deaths and trillions of dollars in economic damage, a new report says. "The Sunday rest law issue is being agitated all across the world today and the likes of 'Covid-19' and 'climate change' have brought this to the forefront. | The Sunday Law Update! "It looks like we are entering the days where the truth of God's Word will be blotted out of existence on the internet. Is God working through this, holding back the winds for the time being to allow His people (January 2020). So what are the leaders pushing for with this Coronavirus? According to and just this month, the Catholic Church has been calling on Americans to keep Sunday as a day of rest to help heal the earth: There is a giant step the people of God can take to benefit the Earth's climate. in the spotlight a lot more as a 'solution' to the world's woes. ecumenical movement! In the United Kingdom, over 700 churches have united to push the Pope's Evangelicals bringing change to the country, through the President of their choice - Trump? FULL REPORT, THE CUP OF BABYLON'S SIN IS ALMOST FULL! - WHY? keeping the first day of the week. Our lives must be FULLY Oh how many who ignore the signs and have not We will not even be allowed to just 'tolerate' people of different faiths. Sermons : State Line SDA Church Ardmore AL that we need 'bold action' during the next decade to 'save the planet' and we are about to see the final events of Bible prophecy take place and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been saying for a number of years that hate speech would end up - Marking the start of the annual season of Creationtide, the Climate Sunday initiative begins Isaac Olatunji and Stateline SDA are not following the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy while misleading many sincere SDAs in a false fath as we near the Sunday . what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be (September 2022). Didn't Ellen White say that the trade unions would have a big part to play in all of this? It is all coming together now! churches. The Physicians. Is Delaware boring? THE SUNDAY REST LAW IS BEING DISCUSSED AROUND THE WORLD - AMERICA, TURKEY, PHILIPPINES, EUROPE, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, MALAYSIA, POLAND, SERBIA, GERMANY, CROATIA - ALL DISCUSSING SUNDAY LAW - THE COMING CLIMAX AND MARK OF PAPAL ROME SOON TO BE ENFORCED NEWS UPDATE - 1st March 2021 FULL REPORT, THE EVENTS IN CANADA, UKRAINE AND AROUND THE WORLD SHOW THE TIME OF TROUBLE LIKE NEVER BEFORE IS FAST APPROACHING! to push the obedience angle, because keeping Sunday isn't being obedient anyway. It's just terrible, NMSU biologist Martha Desmond told CNN. Please enter the correct information below. Not only that, U.N. Is Now Pushing "Our Common Agenda". This year provides a unique opportunity for UK Churches to act and speak up together on the environment, for maximum collective impact. We have done many posts over the past couple of years showing how the cashless society is gaining traction and linking it with Bible prophecy; showing how this is the TOOL to enable End time "The calls for unity and a one world order are nothing new. That would be a game-changer and the state-by-state approach all begins this week down in Lynchburg." There is also a war against the truth, with the leaders of the nations and the fallen churches seeking to silence the truth of God's Sunday, the 1st day of the week as the day for us to rest. It's coming friends. Yes, the world stands in need of Trinitarian solutions." (August 2022). "Animals all around the world have been dying off in massive numbers for a number of years now, as you can see on our mass animal deaths page, and there is no God cannot allow all this wickedness in the world to continue, Bible and engage in a global conversation on its message. Two particular prophecies are See how they are pushing this now? 'A great nation does great things. sought their soul's salvation through Jesus Christ will soon make the bitter lamentation, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved." It is essential to preserve religious diversity in all parts of the world. But do we realize what is going on? Embedded MARCHES AND PROTESTS ROCK THE WORLD! alternative to existing international financial and political forums." more years in your life. The good news is that when you work with your primary care provider or childs pediatrician to understand and manage asthma, youll be ready to head outdoors to celebrate the beauty of spring. (September 2020). Professed Christians all over the world have put their faith The Salvation Army has suggested the 'most radical idea' to help the climate is 'to keep the Sabbath [Sunday]' (source). "What a first couple of years we have experienced already in this new decade! Stateline SDA Church - Pastor Olatunji : Sunday Law Update - Facebook He told us how by writing it with his finger on a stone tablet several thousand years ago." Daniel 11:45 concerning the king of the north and Revelation 13:16 concerning the mark of the beast. difference-in-differences methods, the economists were able to map a DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN THE REPEAL OF THESE LAWS AND THE INCREASE IN DEATHS OF DESPAIR." Please get yourselves ready by surrendering all to Christ. Sustainable Food Systems, there is currently sufficient food and no risk of global food supply shortages. topple the dominance of America and the Dollar over the world: BRICS nations offer a new world order as alternative to the West - The acronym began as a somewhat optimistic term to describe what

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