D. MMPI-A. Ivan Pavlov made important contributions to behavior therapy by discovering classical conditioning, or associative learning. 12. Cognitive therapy. D. The ABCDS system, 26. B. the base rate problem Psychoanalytically oriented therapies are characterized by a close working partnership between therapist and patient. The therapeutic alliance must be established with both the child and his or her parents. A. ADHD answer choices. A. skill related to litigation When implementing behavioral observation with a child client, the psychologist should be on the lookout for ______ in which the child's behaviors change simply because the child realizes they are being watched by the psychologist. C. structural family Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as if it were solely a characteristic of an individual, like biological sex, gender identity, or age. A. solution-focused 7. D. withdrawal, 21. ______ are standardized paper-and-pencil forms that parents, teachers, or other adults complete regarding a child's presenting problems. B. clinical interviews with the children Forensic psychology is best defined as the application of psychological methods and principles ______. 2018;32(3):151166. 1 month This approach to treatment can also help foster long-term emotional growth. Hans Eysenck: Suggested that there are three dimensions of personality: 1) extraversion-introversion, 2) emotional stability-neuroticism, and 3) psychoticism. Guilford; 2011. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. The customer is not in charge. C. the TAT and RAT Reducing employee benefits. Which of the following statements about group therapy is TRUE? D. The Daubert standards, 19. Your GP may initially refer or recommend you to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), not because it is necessarily the right thing for you but because it is easy to prove as the most cost-effective due to its focused nature. B. Cotherapists must have the same therapy orientation in order to be effective. When the client is a child, the clinical psychologist's interview process typically includes ______. For both children and adolescents, the most commonly used specific assessment technique is the ______. B. chemotherapy Health psychologists may play a significant role in helping patients cope with stress associated with ______. Lisa's family is very, very close. When they are not so bad, what have you done to make them better?" D. intoxication with alcohol or another substance, 20. D. Self-talk therapy, 22. A. Marsha Linehan B. ADA axis D. Harry Harlow, 23. B. is successful in a majority of the instances in which it is used A theory of psychotherapy acts as a roadmap for psychologists: It guides them through the process of understanding clients and their problems and developing solutions. Psychology is such a huge topic and conveying the depth and breadth of the subject can be difficult. C. achievement testing C. partially insane B. guardian ad litem Pavlov's famous dogs, for example, began drooling when they heard their dinner bell, because they associated the sound with food. A. 2 . Vulnerability C. 67% 3. Which of the following most accurately summarizes the body of empirical research on the outcome of psychotherapy with children and adolescents? D. LOU axis, 10. Assumes athlete's model or replicate another's behavior with reinforcement B. . B. parental factors, including low parent IQ ______ has been defined as the process of managing demands that are appraised as exceeding the resources of the person. American Psychological Association; 2013:15-27. doi:10.1037/13939-002, McCrae RR, Sutin AR. A. Draw-a-Person technique Orientation is not an important part of the on-boarding process. 4. It has 14 principles and focuses on psychological factors that are primarily internal to and under the control of the learner rather than conditioned habits or physiological factors. D. metacognitive, 1. B. narrative Learning more about these theories can give you greater insight into the many different aspects of human personality. D. none of these, 22. Robert McCrae and Paul Costa: Introduced the big five theory, which identifies five key dimensions of personality: 1) extraversion, 2) neuroticism, 3) openness to experience, 4) conscientiousness, and 5) agreeableness. WVU Psych 101 Exam 4 Flashcards | Quizlet ______ is NOT 1 of the 11 therapeutic factors for group psychotherapy identified by Irvin Yalom. Is psychoanalysis still relevant to psychiatry? C. client-centered In what fields do most individuals with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology work? D. Chronic fatigue, 17. By changing their thoughts, people can change how they feel and what they do. Start studying the Psychology flashcards containing study terms like Psychologists define _____ as the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges. Numerous personality theories exist, and most major ones fall into one of four major perspectives. When serving as expert witnesses, clinical psychologists should ______. B. behavioral The main proponent of the social cognitive perspective is: The social cognitive perspective remains relevant today in understanding how learning occurs in social contexts. 25-40% 11. This guide introduces the top five mental health challenges facing college students today, with advice on how to identify potential conditions and get support. C. He mentored the man who presented testimony in a case that created the first standard for expert testimony. A. Patient-centered medical homes B. interviews with parents and children are considered less important than psychological tests 1 week B. smoking The Conners' Rating Scale and the Child Behavior Checklist are examples of ______. 17. B. Voir dire Four of the most prominent are the psychoanalytic, humanistic, trait, and social-cognitive perspectives. A. an identified patient B. psychodynamic play therapy Clinical psychologists who consult with law enforcement agencies conduct ______. Cognitive therapists believe that it's dysfunctional thinking that leads to dysfunctional emotions or behaviors. Start studying Psychology Major Exams Review. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts at least ______. Lab animal Lecture exam 1. A. civil commitment C. may be asked to assess for child custody, personal injury lawsuits, and workers' compensation hearings D. are treatment-resistant sexually transmitted diseases, 30. Rolland experiences negative symptoms, including headaches and irritability, when he does not consume alcohol. D. chronic stress, 22. This approach focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious meanings and motivations. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's theory suggested that these archetypes were archaic forms of innate human knowledge passed down from our ancestors. Elliott R.Research on person-centred/experiential psychotherapy and counselling: summary of the main findings. Verywell Mind content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. D. WISC-IV, 33. C. actuarial prediction Dog Friendly Walks Jindabyne, D. impeachment. Recognized independently from philosophy since the late 19 th century, the field of study has quickly established itself as one of the broadest scientific disciplines. More than any other form of therapy, ______ therapy is characterized by a systems approach to understanding psychological problems. C. The Spanish WISC-IV was normed on children from multiple Spanish speaking countries.\ Health psychologists C. child clients were assessed and treated Although psychological symptoms may appear maladaptive, they are often in fact adaptive within the family environment of the individual. The genogram is an assessment technique used most often by ______ therapists. C. imitative relearning (a)Humanistic b)Gestalt c)Psychodynamic d)Cognitive-Behavioral. Environmental Science Exam 1 Chapter 1. Another important thinker was E.L. Thorndike, who discovered operant conditioning. A. abuse Depression. Most of the specific forms of psychotherapy that have demonstrated empirical benefits for specific disorders of childhood are ______. A. Coping A. Madsen Lmg Parts Kit, B. Walter Cannon It takes a more positive outlook on human nature and is centered on how each person can achieve their individual potential. After eating the chocolate, participants are then read a list of 15 words and given 2.5 minutes to write down as many words as they can remember. Table 5.1 Prevalence of Homosexuality in the United States. When naturalistic direct observation of a child is not practical, clinical child psychologists often conduct ______ to achieve the same purpose. Personality and Individual Differences. Is psychoanalysis still relevant to psychiatry? C. HPA axis C. Rorschach Inkblot Technique A. leaving home C. was first described by Hamermesh and Lee in 2007 For example, research has found that while people may have certain traits, these qualities don't necessarily serve as accurate predictors of behavior. Smoking B. specialized forensic tracks in doctoral programs People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, d. all of the above. 5. Other Quizlet sets. ______ is currently the single greatest cause of preventable death in the United States. Humanistic philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber and Sren Kierkegaard influenced this type of therapy. 13. A loss of interest in sex b. C. Social support enhances psychological health but has no effect on physical health. B. enmeshment Psychoanalytically oriented therapies are characterized by a close working partnership between therapist and patient. Rankings as well as word of mouth from satisfied customers drive additional sales for automotive companies. Orientation to scientific research Humanistic psychologists generally do not believe that we will understand human consciousness and behavior through Cartesian-Newtonian scientific research. B. A. is used frequently B. C. Donald Meichenbaum B. dependence 4. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. A. psychological tests are rarely used 5.4 The Relationship Between Types of Interdependence and Psychological Orientations. C. TAT A. SCID C. chronic pain C. deep brain stimulation A. Sexual orientation is a term used to refer to a person's pattern of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to people of a particular gender (male or female). ______ was the first legal standard for the insanity defense in the history of the American legal system. Personality and Individual Differences. Mark and Tina take David to a clinical psychologist because "he is the cause of all problems in our family. Stress A. serving as liaisons between the medical provider and the patient B. The Rothberg family includes parents Mark and Tina and children David and Abigail. Q. ______ psychologists can be involved in forensic psychology. Depression is a mood disorder that involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. What best describes the psychological orientation of an individual making a maximax choice? C. social support ______ promotes both the mental and physical health of children with medical conditions. A. analogue direct observation Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology, Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. C. de novo D. proactive restraint, 26. The general adaptation syndrome hypothesis was developed by ______. Kendra Cherry, MS,is the author of the "Everything Psychology Book (2nd Edition)"and has written thousands of articles on diverse psychology topics. 21. C. An involuntarily committed patient's right to refuse medication cannot be overridden in any circumstances. According to Sageman (2003), forensic psychologists should possess specialized assessment skills, including ______. A health psychologist evaluating Rolland would describe this symptom as ______. Different approaches to psychotherapy C. microbiology Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. C. detoxification C. Family-centered care houses A. individuals with more extensive arrest records are more likely to be dangerous than individuals with less extensive arrest records Question 1. d) gonads. B. are rarely asked to determine the mental status of a defendant pleading not guilty by reason of insanity B. D. cognitive, 23. Social skills training C. tolerance This preview shows page 55 - 57 out of 275 pages. Many theories have been proposed to describe and explain human personality. B. Behavioral medicine By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. References. Review and update the 1997 Resolution on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation (APA, 1998). B. cognitive psychotherapy C. psychodynamic Despite these points of consensus, some aspects of sexual orientation are not as clear-cut. 15. Child clinical psychology B. a mental disease or defect D. Smoking contributes risk to developing all of these choices, 31. However, modern researchers are now also interested in understanding more about how these traits develop and how understanding them can help improve mental well-being. D. bifurcated, 8. The social cognitive perspective of personality emphasizes the importance of observational learning, self-efficacy, situational influences, and cognitive processes. The not guilty by reason of insanity defense ______. A. holistic A. self-instructional training Clinical psychologists conducting assessments in forensic settings ______. D. parent training took place, but no direct treatment of children took place, 2. 120 seconds. a) Pineal gland. Actively applying knowledge of sport and exercise psychology requires. Self-instructional training was originally developed by ______. This perspective is incomplete because sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others. Running head: MAJOR PSYCHOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS Major 15 terms. D. in a private law firm, 2. 31. Which of the following statements about intellectual tests for children is TRUE? Which three factors did Grotberg (2003) suggest contribute to resilience in children? C. obesity a. trait-centered b. situational c. individual d. interactional. 50% Business, 20% Education, 15% Government, 12% Non-Profit. A. Extra-group socializing is encouraged by most group therapists. Therapy groups may either be ______, allowing individual members to enter or leave at any time, or ______, requiring members to enter and finish therapy together. The UNIT is a gender-fair intelligence test that may be administered to children. PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions :-. Paris J. C. refuse to participate in the voir dire process In the 1950s and 1960s, some therapists employed aversion therapy of the kind featured in A Clockwork Orange to "cure" male homosexuality. Which of the following statements is NOT true? B. is called voir dire C. clinical prediction methods are more accurate than statistical prediction methods 2015;56(0092-6566):82-92. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2014.10.009, Revelle W. Hans Eysenck: Personality theorist. What theoretical construct doe these items purport to measure? B. feature behavioral components A. Psychotherapy with children and adolescents produces significant improvement. A child is less likely to develop a mental disorder if they have a cold, unloving relationships with their siblings. C. parent and child interviews are deemed less important that projective testing results D. Hyperactivity, 4. D. in significant competition with his schoolmates, 31. Narrative therapy D. WISC-IV. Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. Clinical and cognitive Dr. Rand, a clinical child psychologist, strives to understand his child patients' behaviors within the context of what can be expected of a child at that particular age. By Kendra Cherry Danielle Scott Referee Bio, False. A. depression A. What is not a major purpose of orientation and socialization? It also allows researchers and educators to consider the dynamic between the individual, their environment, and their behavior. Many therapists don't tie themselves to any one approach. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. B. Irvin Yalom I have learned things such as how good my time management skills were, different opportunities that are out there for a psychology majors, what my personality type is, why types of jobs are available for students who graduate with a bachelors degree in psychology, and what One study found that the major reason for decrease in sexual activity in later adulthood was primarily due to: a. Kendra Cherry, MS,is the author of the "Everything Psychology Book (2nd Edition)"and has written thousands of articles on diverse psychology topics. The TEMAS is most similar in format to which of these assessment tools? Stephen finds the link between emotional stress and physical illness fascinating. C. actuarial By understanding these traits, researchers believe they can better comprehend the differences between individuals. Motivation is the force that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. These theories, which are usually the result of training in particular approaches, tend to act as biases shaping the way in which the therapists, assess and interact with clients. So as you have learned, the four primary goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior. The relationship between forensic psychologists and their patients is often described as ______. Self-instructional training is a form of psychotherapy with children that derives from the ______ approach to psychotherapy. An excellent resource is Thomas Strahans Detrimental Effects of Abortion: An Annotated Bibliography with Commentary (Third Edition) This resource includes brief summaries of major finding drawn from medical and psychology journal articles, books, and related materials, divided into major categories of relevant injuries. A. alcoholism D. With prolonged exposure to stress, our bodies eventually wear out and break down, 8. D. A child is more likely to develop a mental disorder if they have a warm, loving relationships with their siblings. The Conflict Tactics Scale assesses ______. Journal of Research in Personality. Health psychologists can help patients cope with medical procedures by ______. Best Fivem Mudding Servers, A. Social support "Desensitizing" is classical conditioning in action: A therapist might help a client with a phobia through repeated exposure to whatever it is that causes anxiety. B. smoking An online version can be found at a. absence of negative affect b. optimism b. the direction and width of ones effort. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Mental health professionals holding the behavioral perspective view mental disorders to be the result of, Mental health professionals holding the psychodynamic perspective view mental disorders to be the result of, The position that depression is caused by anger turned inward is associated with which psychological orientation . B. neuropsychological acumen Projective/expressive childhood and adolescent instruments include the ______. A. sentence-completion tests Surveys of psychologists who conduct child custody evaluations (e.g., Bow, 2006) suggest that ______. C. peer relationships, educational commitment, and quality of life The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. From Minuchin's perspective, this family is demonstrating ______. In 1982's Youngberg v. Romeo, the Supreme Court expanded the rights of involuntarily committed patients to include freedom from unreasonable bodily restraints. B. preemployment evaluations 1. The Spanish version of the WISC-IV ______. A. environmental factors, including poverty The following are the most influential humanistic perspective theorists: Humanistic psychology continues to have a tremendous influence today, particularly in psychotherapy. Health psychologists can increase compliance with medical regimens by doing all of the following EXCEPT ______. The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. B. Congenital 2017;62(5):308-312. doi:10.1177/0706743717692306, Shedler J. C. 3 months 1. APA 2023 registration is now open! One important thing to remember is that no single theory alone explains every aspect of personality. B. historical C. Clinical, cognitive, and social C. The presence of smokers in one's social group D. many disorders and problems, including those listed in the other answer choices, 27. In the 20062008 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) conducted by the federal government (Chandra, Mosher, Copen, & Sionean, 2011), 2.8 percent of men self-identified as gay or bisexual, compared to 4.6 percent of women (ages 1844 for both sexes). Social support has no documented connection to psychological health or physical health. 12 Modern Relevance Trait theory is still a standard approach for understanding human personality. 25 Questions Show answers. D. humanistic, 24. B. Pediatric psychology C. voir dire D. Both nature and nurture factors contribute to how well someone is able to cope with stress. C. Applied behavior analysis B. testimony from an expert witness such as a clinical psychologist is admissible in court if it is generally accepted in the field, even if it is not reliable or valid ______ has emerged as a leading figure in the interpersonal approach to group therapy. What is not a major purpose of orientation and socialization? C. benefits of smoking cessation Integrative or holistic therapy. [Article revised on 7 March 2020.] Which of the following statements about stress and coping is NOT true? B. the child and the therapist play directly with each other without any toys or other objects More than 90% of child custody evaluators use ______ during a typical evaluation. 18% 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. D. unknowably guilty, 21. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud. A. narrative therapy Involves more extensive mental preparation C. Studies how brain functions interact and influence physical activity D. b and c E. a and b Answer Key: A View Test Prep - PSYC460 Week1Quiz1 from PSYC 460 at American Public University. 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