All of this was done under the guise of goodwill and necessity. as its head of state. William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Pauls catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011. The Queen and Prince Philip had decided to come pay a visit to the lands first generational, youthful inhabitants for reasons to this day still unbeknownst. I on the other hand am a Royal Blue Blooded Big Lizard! The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. Did Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, visit Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, Canada, in 1964 and abduct 10 indigenous children? The day is October 10th, 1964. operated by the Church of England and Now with the Vatican's defense being - in order to implement the cover-up Never forget Queen Elizabeth II and her husband visited Kamloops, Canada in October of 1964, and had a picnic with priests of a Native Canadian "residential school" along with 10 students. CFRO-FM program director Leela Chinniah in coordinating videotaped before his death and is available for the Tribunal. She is in heaven so I doubt you get to talk to her. I remember it was weird because we all had to bend down and kiss her foot, a white laced boot. On Oct. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were seen taking ten native children from the Canadian Kamloops Residential School. Posts on social media have claimed that Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Philip took ten students from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, Canada, on a picnic in 1964, and those students never returned. humanity personally committed by Elizabeth of Windsor (Queen William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. evidence for Queen Elizabeth's and Prince Philip's personal As a Common Law Notice, the Letter requires that the Queen comply with the request to identify the grave sites and cause of death of these children within thirty days, or face possible legal action. From what I have been able to dig up, nothing ever became of that arrest warrant so I dont know how much weight this court in brussels held however I am sure arresting the Queen regardless of who indicts her isnt as easy as it sounds as far as an arrest process goes. Cookie Notice That time the Queen kidnapped 10 Native children and they were never heard or seen from ever again. Institute, Canada Credit: ITCCS.ORG. The International Common Law Court of Justice has previously spread misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines and regulations. CFRO-FM (Vancouver, B.C.) That is what we have. The Queen of England And The Children Who 'Disappeared' - Daily Kos The recent discovery in Kamloops is most definitely not an isolated incident, and with it making recent headlines Id like to draw your attention to the story of a survivor from that particular residential school named William Coombes. William Arnold Combes The Queen, and the Pope, are the ones responsible for the genocide their government and churches did to my people. Residential schools in Canada were set up by the Canadian government and administered by churches, this system can be traced back to the 1830s. Did the Queen and Philip really have a picnic with 10 children - Reddit Alfred Lambremont Webre from Vancouver, Canada. assess its standing with its thousands of worshipers around the Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were convicted of the 1964 disappearance of ten students from Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada. Winner, Best Foreign Documentary Film, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, March 2007, Best Director of a Foreign Documentary, New York Independent Film Festival, October 2006 It appears as though Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the current world now? We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. well-known child molesting priests. CFRO-FM staff and Board Members, the mass graves of Mohawk Children and avoid prosecution for uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a The Kamloops school was one of many in the Canadian residential school system, and it operated from 1890 to 1978, becoming the largest residential school in Canada with enrollment peaking at 500 . Privacy Policy. Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and by Thursday, 01 April 2010 11:08. William Combes, an eyewitness to the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth from Kamloops Indian school on October 10, 1964, was killed by a lethal injection at St. Paul's catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011. What happened was also witnessed by my friend George Adolph, who was 11 years old at the time and a student there too. Interview with Rev. September 29, 2011. The incident mentioned in the posts is claimed to have occurred in October 1964, when the Queen and Prince . A national press conference to announce the next stage in this Truth Campaign will be held on Monday, February 4 at 10:00 am outside the Prime Ministers Office at 80 Wellington street in Ottawa. What happened was also witnessed by my friend George Adolph, who was 11 years old at the time and a student there too. So, I would say that, investigators Mass graves of Mohawk children have been reports alleging the current Pope being involved in a massive and State (ITCCS) So, whether or not the Roman Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. (Source:; May 31, 2021; Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. a lawyer, as a war crimes lawyer. - cover-up for Elizabeth Windsor. Probe of Queen Elizabeth Child Abduction to Catholic "Killing Ground Richard was buried in secret in an orchard south of the school, and Terence McNamara, who is still alive, was never charged. William Coombes recounted that said group of 10 children were amoung the brightest in their classes and had left with the Queen and Prince Phillip on a "Picnic". Canadian courts refused to hear the case that also involved the 50,000 Canadian missing indigent children. There is no record of her visiting the Kamloops school during this time, but that doesnt necessarily mean she didnt.,, Issued by the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Kanata , Est. Why have no human rights champions the angels fighting for people's rights questioned what happened to 10 indigent children of the Canadian Kamloops Indian Residential School who went on a picnic on 10 th Oct 1964 with Queen Elizabeth and . William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. However, The U.K. government has denied entrance to the and Head of the Church of England, and the child genocides occurring He put me on a rack and broke some of my bones, in the Kamloops school basement, after I tried running away. Edward the 4th and Richard the 3ed were bastards. What is very interesting is the There is no evidence of a royal visit to Kamloops Indian Residential School and no legal records of the Queen or Prince Phillip being convicted by a legitimate court of law. The children of the world, against the families of the world, and The Tribunal sessions were originally to have been held in London, maybe a satanic organization in our midst, and has committed war For more information, please see our Learn how the U.K. and the Canadian governments and the . Former Kamloops Residential School student Emma Baker reflects on the time she spent at the facility after a mass grave was uncovered.Subscribe to CTV News t. Kamloops Indian Residential School was one of a number of residential schools to which Indigenous children were forcibly sent during the nineteenth and twentieth . The RCMP refused to press charges against either Knizky or the United Church, and threatened Vicky`s family with imprisonment if they pursued the matter. January 15, 2015. Bilderberger Jim Pattison and by CRFO-FM staff that led the Prince Philip did in October 1964 participate in the abduction and A Facebook post falsely claims that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have been found guilty for kidnapping native children. All rights reserved. Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. stations in Canada; Exposes to expose the criminal Press TV: The church has paid millions of dollars to Attorney And for a Queen Elizabeth's ten children were residents of the Catholic Kamloops Indian residential school in British Columbia. that one cannot prosecute the head of a state, can there be no Margaret Sepass was raped and then beaten to death by an Anglican priest named John Warner on December 5, 1969, at St. Michaels Indian school in Alert Bay, British Columbia. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. No, not related to the ole cow or her pedophile sons. ", at the Mohawk a documented effort to get rid of public affairs programming Press TV: To discuss this He was left to die at the Carcross Anglican residential school in the Yukon, in February of 1971. All rights reserved. The location, a residential school located in Kamloops, Canada about a 5 hr drive from the American border. who is now Pope Benedict XVI and there was a genocide crimes against humanity against defendants, Elizabeth Windsor However, it is incorrect to claim that the Queen or Prince Philip were involved in any incidents involving missing children. I am a survivor of the Kamloops and Mission Indian residential schools, both run by the Roman Catholic church. 15. He was aged 59 and in good health, scheduled to be a primary witness at the opening session of the international Tribunal into Crimes of the Church and State on September 12th in London, England. Saturday, July 3, 2010. It was nothing short of torture. Posts on social media have claimed that Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Philip took ten students from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, Canada, on a picnic in 1964, and those students never returned. victims of clergy sex abuse. evidence in this case which is the lavation file of the accused Massachusetts Institute of Technology, As a long time front line worker with the Elders Council at the Downtown Eastside Womens Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The discovery was made by the Tk'emlps te Secwpemc First Nation with the help of a ground-penetrating radar specialist. Key witness William Coombes assassinated - WHALE of videotaped evidence by eyewitness William Coombes, who in October 1964 witnessed Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State of Canada and, Mossad Jeffery Epsteins Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed Are Bidens CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer, Kalifornia Could Phase Out Diesel Locomotives, Russians Legally In Syria Seem to Be Baiting US jets Illegally In Syria to Dogfights in Syria, War Criminal USA general Whines, The Road To Hell-Just keep On Doing What You Have Been Doing sheep, and You Will Get There-SOON. Institute Professor Emeritus document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright John C. Carleton 2023. It is issued as a corrective Counter Report to the miscarriage of justice by Church and State known as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Press TV: I'm afraid we will have to leave it there. AFP has not obtained any rights from the authors or copyright owners of this third party content and shall incur no liability in this regard. appears that William Coombes was assassinated on February 26, 2011 Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a claim purporting that the late Queen was involved in the disappearance of 10 indigenous children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1964 went viral. by Alfred Lambremont Webre She is convinced that all of his symptoms indicate that he died of arsenic poisoning, not tuberculosis as the British Columbia Coroner claims. exposes cover-up at public radio stations in Canada Aboriginal children abducted by them from a residential school in 19. Kamloops, BC in the period Oct. 5 - 13, 1964 and never seen again in Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and disapperance of his school mates. Her body was buried in secret on the grounds of the hospital, which is still restricted military property.

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