I was just inquiring if I did not have to cut the motor wiresto test.figured it out myself all is required is the use of standard wire connectors at the end of the plastic connectorthey fit fine. Why Won't My Electric Scooter Turn On ( Reasons + Solutions) Part 2: How to install motor of Hiboy S2 MAX electric scooter? The cooling process can slow down when a room doesnt have enough ventilation, keeping the motor tired long after turning off. Damage to one part can lead to a wider mechanical failure. How to dismantle the rear suspension for Hiboy S2 Scooter? Have verified battery connections and output. For testing the motor as I described above the throttle should not be connected to the test circuit at all. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. Jump off the scooter Panic sets in and users tend to leap or jump off the scooter. How to remove the new riser of hiboy S2R e-scooter? How to adjust the noise from the disc brake for Hiboy S2 Scooter? To load test the battery pack test its Voltage 31. To make matters worse, an error code for one scooter wont necessarily correlate to an error code on another scooter. 1 min read 2 Comments. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Sometimes damage can occur to the motor due to exposure to elements such as heavy rainfall, deep puddles, and gritty, dusty areas. 32. Below is a list of things you should avoid doing when your mobility scooter doesnt work. Part 2: How to replace handbrake of hiboy s2 e-scooter? Part 2: How to remove assembly cable of hiboy S2R e-scooter? WebThat type of clicking controller problem is usually caused by an old or worn out battery pack that drops too much Voltage under load. You can check this by charging the scooter and then, before powering it on, measuring the voltage of the battery with a multimeter. How to solve the hiboy s2 E14 problem part 2 ? But most importantly, they should also be aware of the reasons behind the technical problems with their scooters. How to adjust the handle bar of Hiboy NEX5 Scooter? Interstate battery is a good company so I trust that they properly tested the batteries and they are good. During testing slowly turn the throttle to full power and read the Subscribe to our newsletter for the freshest content! The first step I would take is to load test the batteries, even if they are new, because one or more of them could be defective. Want the latest news on Mobility Aids delivered straight to your inbox? With each coming day, you find youre getting less and less range. The cables connected to magnetic breaks can affect the vehicles performance if they are loosely connected. am not clear on where to attach the bypass wire. When this happens, turning off the scooter until the, mobility scooter that needs a complete charge, Can a mobility scooter fit in a car? Troubleshooting common ebike issues I had a customer a few months back have the exact same problem with their Razor scooter with the motor not producing enough power. Look after your battery. but replies are disabled for now. If it doesnt start, you need to replace it with a new fuse. If the scooter worked for 6 months then the parts had to be matched and correctly installed. Otherwise, youre slamming the deck, the tyres, the mudguard and the electrics. Check the connection between the motor and the controller. Avoid the rain. This can be a result of a defective battery, improper charging, Some of its wheels might not be rotating correctly, causing the entire vehicle to get stuck and unable to move where the user desires. Dont de-limit, hack, de-restrict or otherwise make-your-ride-go-faster. Will Insurance Pay for Power Wheelchair Ramps. Continuously try to re-start the scooter Dont continue to start or force the scooter to move forward or backward. E100: Why does my scooter not run? - Razor Water damage can also kill a battery. 30. There are a variety of tires used for mobility scooters. ELECTRIC SCOOTER NOT TURNING ON SOLUTION My goal is to inspire people in the same shoes while promoting our stories. 25. How to disassemble the Hiboy S2/ PRO handlebar wire, 14. WebSelect the problem you are experiencing: Scooter shut off while in use Try the following: Turn power off; wait a few minutes & press reset button. 13. Do not attempt to let someone with no expertise in this problem, or someone with an unrelated field, fix this issue. As a mobility scooter user, you depend on your device to transport you to your home, office, public places and more. The controller (they installed) is model ZK2430hp-fs. Part 2: How to remove rear fork of hiboy s2 e-scooter? (Note: Once replaced, it will require a validation/check code to update the default serial number contained in new control Board). Part 2: How to remove kictstand of hiboy S2R e-scooter? Regular servicing goes a long way. WebIf the scooter still won't run and the batteries and brake switch checked out in the tests above, you can continue to troubleshoot the E100 as you would any other electric scooter. H2O is your scooters worst enemy, causing irreversible damage capable of putting your ride in the workshop. should have a low Voltage reading and a throttle in the full throttle Contact a friendly specialist today to prevent your scooter from suddenly breaking down. 18. Part 4: How to remove rear fork of hiboy s2 e-scooter? 1. Become a M4M Insider and get 5% off your order today on selected items. 10. 28. If chain rotates but rear 6. Plus its a great way to lose control. Using quick fixes can cause more damage to other components and make the situation worse. The average amount Britons lose to online scams is 1,169 each - with 7% claiming to have lost more than 7,500 to scammers. We know that its easier said than done, but keeping your components dry is paramount. Once the damage reaches this point, a professional technician is required to conduct an evaluation or replace the part. Continuously try to re-start the scooter Dont continue to start or force the scooter to move forward or backward. There are a variety of things you can do when your mobility scooter doesnt work. 7. 5. output Voltages between 1-4 Volts DC so if the throttle Voltage is under My e-scooter wont turn on! Use tools to keep things tight. Razor 20. 2. When your scooter does turn on, you might suddenly be presented with a bewildering number of error codes, incessant beeping or a red spanner in the case of Ninebot Segways ES models. Copyright 2023 Wheelchair & Scooter Repair. Look after your battery. How to replace the Hiboy S2 Lite motor #3, 4. I get the instructions above. red coming from the batteries direct to the circuit breaker and then Check chain and rear wheel. Make sure it is fully charged. 4. It starts spinning once it is powered on. We are making progress!! Mobility scooters may sometimes suddenly stop because of the faulty wiring inside the electric scooter. Get 21. Unusual wear on a tire can cause a mobility scooter to feel unbalanced and difficult to maneuver. I had someone trip and fall on our Ninebot Minipro which broken the steering shaft metal casing. Scooter As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. During this period, I've acquired extensive knowledge regarding limited mobility from my experiences while traveling the world alongside mobility aids. 12. Part 2: How to remove the controller of hiboy S2R e-scooter? How to replace the folding mechanism for hiboy s2 e-scooter? How to replace the Hiboy S2 Lite motor #2, 3. Please continue to browse, (Explained). The motor is designed to be used on a daily basis in a variety of environments. Dont try to get big air on a speed bump or jump steps like Tony Hawk, unless your ride has a titanium frame and the shocks from a Hummer. Since the scooter was running for 6 months the throttle and controller would both have to have been replaced with 5-wire versions. How to fix S2 Pro display showing horizontal line (F1/F2), 2. Scooter Turns On But Does Not Go Kick Push to Start. The user, unaware of the harm being caused, may then continue using their scooter in deep puddles and other harsh environments. Part 2: How to replace brake line of hiboy s2 e-scooter? Users make the mistake of using their body weight to try to move the scooter to get it going. That is a great idea to use .250" female quick connect terminals for testing the motor so you do not need to cut the wires. 23. This is the holy trinity of e-scooter mechanics. Sometimes the brake switch becomes defective and locks into the on position which makes the speed Check the Motor; 4. He said the problem started immediately after the scooter had been knocked over and landed on its motor. Part 1: How to remove rear fork of hiboy s2 e-scooter? Daily Make sure the battery is fully charged, the scooter is clean and free from grit and grime, especially around the tires and the lights work properly. or over 1-4 Volts DC that is normal and the throttle is good. If that is the case then the batteries need to be replaced. The motor tested fine. The unit only ran when I picked it up from the shop and then had the same issue with no power once I got it home. Theyre not Casio G-shocks either. Part 1: How to remove kictstand for hiboy KS4 or KS4 PRO electric scooter? How to replace Hiboy Titan Pro's inner tube? 27. It is essential to your safety and the lifespan of your scooter. No matter what a manufacturer may claim about their water-proofing credentials, very few models are genuinely protected from the ravaging effects of water. 17. 4. If there is resistance and its not rolling smoothly, the control board will require replacing. When your Xiaomi m365 electric scooter no longer works, many elements machine may be the cause: software bug drums the charger the Z fuse the BMS card the connectors the electronic card (or controller) The failure of these components can come from different factors, but often it follows a bad use. If you have never replaced the tires on your mobility scooter and use it on a daily basis, you should have a professional check the condition immediately. 5. The battery power going direct with Never ride with a passenger! Plus we'll keep you up-to-date with the latest eMobility news. 35. Since the motor runs with the wheel off the ground that indicates that the brake lever switch is good so I do not think that we need to test it. How to disassemble the Hiboy S2 PRO handlebar wire #1, 3. Whether the cables are loose or clamped, they can prevent the engine from spinning, preventing the wheels from moving. Part 2: How to replace brake line for hiboy s2 e-scooter? Part 3: How to remove assembly cable of hiboy sS2R e-scooter? Beeping in these scooters usually means asking for a full charge before running again on maximum performance. Electric Scooter Wont Go Keeping these machines in tip-top shape will extend the lifespan of your personal electric transport. How to disassemble Hiboy S2 the stem 1, 19. You may have to clip a few zip ties to access this plug. They stated it needed new batteries.obviously not the case. Ninebot One Troubleshooting. How to replace the handlebar 2 Copy link How to disassemble the Hiboy S2/ PRO handlebar wire 1 Share How to install the Hiboy S2/PRO handlebar wire 2 Share install the throttle 1 Share install the throttle 2 Share remove the throttle Share replace handbrake1 Share replace handbrake2 Share 5. Knowing what went wrong can prevent them from doing quick-fix solutions that worsen their vehicles technical problem. With time they wear out, but they dont usually surrender overnight its a more gradual process. Part 1: How to remove assembly cable of hiboy S2R e-scooter? It doesnt take a degree in mechanical engineering to feel when things are getting a little loose after your fiftieth pothole. 34. Squeeze and hold that throttle paddle for 2-3 seconds. 4. Test the Charger; 2. 8. Part 1:How to remove replace brake line for hiboy KS4 or KS4 PRO electric scooter? How to replace the Hiboy S2 dashboard #1 (3 videos in total), 6. It would not cause any issues to replace a 4-wire single speed (on/off) throttle and controller with a 5-wire variable speed throttle and controller as long as the installation was performed correctly. Loads of forums explain certain error codes and they might be able to point you in the right direction. The battery loses capacity over time, and you feel less power in the motor. Home Mobility Scooter Why is My Mobility Scooter Beeping and Not Moving? How to adjust the manual brake for HIBOY S2 e-scooter? 3. The diagnosis of these issues can take hours of testing. This does not mean anything bad just that most newer version Razor E300/E325 controllers are ZK2439HB-FS or ZX2430D-FS so I do not have a wiring diagram for the ZK2430HP-FS. 2. Interstate battery just put the batteries in and conducted several tests on the batteries both together and separately to make sure everything on the batteryside was correct. 1. Wheelchair Users Guide To a Safe and Fun Halloween. To lock the free-wheel lever, simply locate the lever (or levers if you own a power wheelchair) on the backside of your scooter and adjust until your wheels are locked or unlocked. Plugged it in, light when red for about 10 seconds then green. Part 2:How to remove replace brake line for hiboy KS4 or KS4 PRO electric scooter? Scooter Turns On But Does Not Go Levy Electric Wheelchair and Scooter Repairprovides convenient in-home repairs and maintenance for their customers. This can be alleviated by using a pump once a week. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. I never heard back from him so I do not know if he pursued the problem and got it fixed though. 7. Scooter won't move but battery is fully charged and all Brake Lever Switch. The first action we recommend is to turn the scooter on, activate the throttle, and push the scooter to normal walking speed. Some scooters need to be pushed to walking speed before they will turn on - this is a safety feature to prevent them from being accidentally started by leaning on the throttle when not riding the scooter. 29. Part 1: How to remove the controller of hiboy S2R e-scooter? 2. 24. Part 3: How to replace handbrake for hiboy s2 e-scooter? If so, Ive got a decades worth of experience with mobility aids to share with you realistic and honest reviews, based on experience! 24. The Gold Standard, an hour long health check of all the wires, brakes and screws, or The Full MOT where we test each component, clean the innards and rewire everything that needs it. (Answered). Whats that noise? Do you hear the motor running, but for some reason, the mobility scooter cant move whatever you do? Copyright 2002-2022 by ElectricScooterParts.com, an Electricruz Inc. company. 8. Usually, the part needs replacing. How to replace the Hiboy S2 Lite throttle, Working time: Mon-Fri12PM~5PM [ARIZONA (MST) TIME]. Avoid keeping it on charge for days. What Check the Battery; 3. Without them, people with limited mobility would find it challenging to live their daily lives because of restricted movements. Youre also far more likely to be pulled over by the police if youre riding rogue. Most batteries slowly lose this capability with every charge, and long-time use (plus) repeated charges can speed up this decaying process. If your journey feels more sluggish than usual, its worth checking the rubber. Sometimes users will think such defects are a result of something else. Part 1: How to replace the handlebar for hiboy s2 e-scooter? My model is a 31. it appears in your parts area the throttle does not have the power indicators. How to install the seat for hiboy s2 e-scooter and hiboy s2 pro e-scooter? How to change the charging port of Titan? 3. I The output Voltage can be as low as 0.5V and as high as 5 Volts DC on a If engaged, this will keep the throttle / motor from operating. Part 2: How to remove kictstand for hiboy s2 e-scooter? Part 1: How to remove kictstand for hiboy s2 e-scooter? The owner manual usually provides basic items to check on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Users depend on this ability to finish everyday tasks and fulfill their needs, making these scooters a day-to-day partner. 13. Over time, water, dirt and grit enter into the motors moving parts and cause damage, which results in the motor failing.
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