Dr. Kevin Clarkson Linda Church Married To Jim Dolan and later they divorce. Education is usually discouraged while the convert is bombarded with the cults doctrine and literature. They seem to think that Christianity is all about making a profession of faith in God (which, the Bible says, devils do as well), going to church, singing in the choir, dressing appropriately, tithing, praying and reading the Bible (sometimes). Private interpretations are forbidden because the leader of the cult is the only one, of course, who is able to understand Gods voice properly. Additional Considerations: We do not include herein the blatant characteristics of evil practised as legitimate acts of worship and obedience to God. There are those, both men and women, who claim they are the reincarnation or physical manifestation of Jesus Christ, in and of themselves, excluding all others. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Paul will demonstrate in the second half of this writing how that which the Lord commends is condemned by the prevailing definitions of cults, using an example from the Christian Research Institute (Hank Hanegraaff). They try their best to convince others of their sandy foundation in false doctrine, as though a convert to their organization or system of belief will somehow confirm their steps and prove them right. However, it is quite specific and outstanding, and when one thinks about it, quite peculiar. Then he said to me, Behold! Here is one such example, the first point of twelve beliefs stated by The Evangelical Free Church of America: We believe: The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and the Divine and final authority for Christian faith and life.. To avoid the deception of the cults, we should be rooted in the teachings of the historic Christian faith, and receive Jesus Christ, God the Son, second Person of the Trinity, as Lord of our lives. March 24, 2015 help us fight the good fight. him with the Gospel. to say, I have given quite a number of examples of just how much of a Licensing? Read more: The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin, Luthers Legacy Unleashing the Man of Sin. It seems that, nowadays, He is the Spirit of Truth. Most denominations function this way. Dictators of the Illuminati (2014) Articles: google_ad_client="ca-pub-7076315512088195";google_ad_slot="2826857264";google_ad_width=160;google_ad_height=600; By Doc Marquis All the gifts were present and active in the lives of the Lord and all those who came after Him. There is hypocrisy in cults in many respects, not the least being that there is a horrid lack of reason and practicality. Likewise, she was the weekend meteorologist at the station from 1990 to 1996, before her early-hour time slot. Dark The warmth and friendliness, the formal manmade orderliness, and the formulation of truth and of ways of worshiping God are all the ways of Satan, savoring the things that are of men. These may seem spiritually beneficial, edifying, moving and enjoyable, even godly. areas of victim-abuse recovery, S.R.A. After many years of dedication to serving the Lord, it could be said that those two short blocks turned into a lifelong walk.. Against His very Word, priests are called Father, and as if this were not enough to defy the Lord Jesus Christ, the pope (which means father) calls himself nothing less than The Most Holy Father! Just what IS a cult? But they did not do so. Nor do any who are truly His. We know whereof we speak. How is anyone to gauge whether true concern is at work? As well, most members of cults are born into the church.. will be holding another Prophecy Summit. Here he describes the gulf between the two kinds of education: These things we also speak, not in words which mans wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Just who are the church fathers? at this time. Yes, she says goodbye to her latest station PIX11 after more than two decades of a professional career. In addition, she co-hosted the show "Summer Fun for Kids" in June 2003 with former WPIX colleague Matt Garcia, and in July 2007 with Craig Treadway. CRI: Finally, cults typically manipulate reality. Try to point these things out to Catholics and you are promptly shut down and condemned. Large, impressive buildings, formal services, ceremonies, titles, a form of godliness, social benefits, Sunday best dressing, and much more. Have you studied the history of this organization? Not at all. That is an unholy argument, born out of the reasonings of men. August 8, 2015 in Colorado Spring, CO Prophecy in the News But also if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to those being lost, in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, so that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ (Who is the image of God) should not dawn on them (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). Victor takes the Super Apostle Detector test, also answering how the Lord would respond to such questions according to the Scriptures. For He knew what was in man (John 2:23-25). The response was positively overwhelming. Two, beliefs about God, even true ones such as Jesus is Lord, are empty and in vain unless they come from a personal knowledge of Him through the gift of repentance and the faith of Christ, Who is the Author of Scripture and by Whose Spirit we receive understanding. When God speaks to you, there is no need to guess which one is speaking. E-Mail: [email protected], Website: Second, many times cults manipulate peoples minds. Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, at the feast, many believed on His name, beholding the signs which He was doing. The crowd answered and said, You have a demon! All this is news to me as well but Gary Stearman is on the prophecywatchers.com website with Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli and other guests. His presentations were always dynamic, well-studied and quite fascinating. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. Therefore, since you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth (Revelation 3:16). One can read The Restitution of All Things section on our site regarding this matter. The next day Peter was brought before the council, and declared that the healing of the man was done in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One Whom those present had rejected, as Peter interpreted according to Psalm 118, which says, The Stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the Corner.. Home Let us not be deceived by those who have some legitimate, or apparently legitimate, characteristics. He was the founder and host of Prophecy in the News. I know that today, I could join almost any cult I chose, of which there are thousands. The Rapture, Bible Prophecy, and End Times. 2015 Prophecy Summit would be the first such Summit that Linda Church Dan will also go behind the scenes of the PITN studio for some silly interviews with the staff! These are liars and hypocrites, whose damnation does not linger but which is just. Hagmann Report (www.HagmannandHagmann.com) Most cults flow with the world and revel with it. Indeed, when their missionaries have come to our door and into our houses, they are only there to pitch their organization and its teachings, but never to hear and consider what the Bible actually says. We need to forsake all and preach the gospel to the world, and so we have Operation Mobilization. There are specialized hospital ministries, ministries for the elderly, the imprisoned, the leprous, handicapped, and more. Prophecy in the News - YouTube and researcher was also in attendance at the Prophecy in the News, 2015 Therefore bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. Please open it and confirm your subscription. One is a cult, and the other is true reverence of God. While Jesus Christ may personally appear to some, as He did with Saul of Tarsus, John the apostle, and me, for examples, there will be no doubt that He does not come again as some human being, as Sun Myung Moon, for example, claims. They never did, and never would or could. The Christian Prophets Who Say Trump Is Coming Again So how is it acceptable that groups of any name, whether it be this or that church of God, or the Jewish council in the time of Christ, presume to interpret the Scriptures privately? Often there are many members within cults, and the greatest cults have the greatest numbers of members. They have church and they have business, sacred and profane, physical and spiritual. Many are the definitions and descriptions of a "cult." The determination of what or who is a cult is invariably subjective. True, the youth need to hear the gospel. (with Doug and Joe Hagmann), Radio Liberty (Dr. Stan Monteith), Prophecy For examples, Jehovahs Witnesses do not celebrate pagan festivities, Catholics declare that Jesus Christ is Divine, and Seventh Day Adventists preach Gods designated day of the week as the Sabbath. If we are speaking of the Body of Christ, the true Church, then who are the fathers? You are hypocrites, just as he wrote: These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me. Before her retirement, she had forecast the weather for the Emmy Award-winning PIX11 Morning News since the show's debut in June 2000. Paul: If your eye is not single on God, Jesus said, how great is the darkness (Matt. Yet we have shown that CRI, for example, makes assertions that are purely opinion, without Biblical basis whatsoever. Soon after that event, Peter and John miraculously healed a man, which Peter attributed to Jesus Christ, interpreting what happened by quoting from Moses (Acts 3). He forgives his would-be assassin on public television. Send help right to the people and causes you care about. Some have bake sales, some bingo games, some sell books and tapes (so-called Christian literature, music and paraphernalia), selling their doctrines, religious philosophy and practice in the name of Jesus Christ and Christian ministry. Feels like Christmas in March! Try talking to a Catholic and find how easy it is to speak the truth to them without being labeled a Catholic basher or a hatemonger. Have you ever tried talking to a Mormon? They basically said, He is out of His mind (Mark 3:21). To those who took up the sword, He declared, They that live by the sword, die by the sword. Some prominent cults have been known to persecute to the death, slaughtering many thousands. Many do not. Ring," Fort Wayne, IN; "The Open Forum," Teague, TX; "Old Show me someone who does not try, and I will declare that person a true Christian. The 2015 Prophecy Summit would be the first such Summit that Linda Church (Figure 1) and Linda Kay Barnett (Figure 2) would attempt to tackle. And who gave you this authority? (Matthew 21:23). And He said to him, Follow Me. To many, formal dress is important on regular worship days. Furthermore, we see evidence that Jesus own family was disturbed after He began to publicly speak from God. He is none other than, Jim Dolan, who is a news reporter who has been associated with WABC-TV 's Eyewitness News in New York City since 1986. Who can top his credentials for the most fanatical cult member? Prophecy in the News provides Bible prophecy news from all over the world through our weekly television program, monthly magazine and online daily . Who seeks to kill you? (John 7:19-20). Finally, cults typically manipulate reality. Those in error are afraid to hear the truth, lest they should be further confounded. How about a diehard Baptist, or a proud Anglican, or a righteous two-by-two? So again, how do you know who is doing what? Many are the Scriptural testimonies to refute these events. PITN is dedicated to bringing to it's audience the inspiring clarity and importance of prophetic Scripture. It must also be made clear that many cults will have some legitimate characteristics. I wonder how long John the Baptist would have lasted as pastor of First United with these opening words to the crowd that came to be baptized by him: O generation of vipers! What does that say for these groups and institutions? WATCH: After Resigning 'Prophecy in the News,' Stearman Launches 'Prophecy Watchers'. You want brainwashed? Sometimes I hate it that I have become so skeptical and cynical, but I have learned not to believe everything I hear, and I have become really suspicious of stuff said in that "super-spiritual tone of voice" LOL. Jonathon Cahn Interview Part 1. 6. Prophecy in The News (Part 2) Pastors Larry and James with J.R.Church. 3 Views. Youll be And, yet, somehow with all the work he had to do Paul also managed to McGuire (Figure 4) preeminent author, lecturer, television/radio personality To take on a name is to say, We are special. Cults have a formal and official name that identifies them with the world, and which presumes to have a handle on the truth, such as CRI (Christian Research Institute) or The Church of Christ or The Church of God or ANY of the names one finds on a Christian denomination or organization. And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he who shall humble himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:8-12). The rejection of the Old Testament is the rejection of God Himself. CRI: The first mark of a cult is its manipulation of Scripture. I did not come to send peace, but a sword. film, what appeared to me, a whole series for God TV. Of one cult member, Epaphroditus, Paul wrote to others that, because for the work of Christ he was near death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me (Philippians 2:30). All these cults I name claim to believe and to teach and preach from the Bible, yet many simple words and plain messages from it have no effect on them, such as the one just quoted. CRI: The devil always hides behind a mask; and he seldom carries an ID card. The top verse associated with Trump's presidential campaign in 2016 was 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my . Share ; Share Code ; E-mail ; Permanent Link ; Embed (Iframe): Copy to Clipboard. Those who worship the Bible do so for themselves. PreTribulation Rapture We have already mentioned many of them. They flow with the world. Globalists plan for future policing to be done by militarily-equipped, transhuman, robotic police this needs to be stopped NOW. Those who do not consent to receive these marks on their heads (in their minds) or in their hands (in their works) cannot buy or sell amongst men. Lord knows we need more Doug and Joe Hagmann to Would Jesus and His followers observe these things? After all, if they are coming against Christ and His brethren, it is they, and not He, who are guilty of private interpretation. The Bible is clear on that: Ephesians 2:19-22 MKJV We need to reach students on campus, said another, and we have Campus Crusade for Christ and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Yes, students need to hear the gospel. Jesus Christ is God presenting Himself in the flesh. 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Prophecy in the News | Oklahoma City, OK | Cause IQ Only those in Christ can know and accept reality. and state police, and former/present day members of the F.B.I. And a mans foes shall be those of his own household (Matthew 10:34-36). Of them is it written: For men will be self-lovers, money-lovers, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unyielding, false accusers, without self-control, savage, despisers of good, traitors, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it; even turn away from these (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Hear what Jesus said to the orthodox of His day: Some Pharisees and teachers of the Law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus. If he is well, it is because he is godly; if he is ill, how well he bears it! This is the one who claims to be the sole representative of the Healer of all mankind! Cults place an emphasis on the formal observance of religious ceremonies, rituals, formalities and services. Some do it once a week, some twice, some every day, and some several times a day. Our monthly 48-page magazine features prophetic articles on Bible prophecy, the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end-times. Articles: The They have their religious lives, usually on Sunday, or Saturday, and they have their secular lives. They are liars and hypocrites. If you miss the live show, all of our Prophecy News . Get to know about media personality Yamiche Alcindor. Nor is it true that true believers have learned all the right doctrines or shed all the false ones at one time. You know the work of J.R. and Linda Church at Prophecy in the News. Most cults do not believe that each and every believer hears the Voice of God, personally and directly. 1)https://prophecyinthenews.com/bookstore/the-history-of-prophecy-in-the-news-volume-1/Visit us online at! They call his hospital Vatican III because he spends about as much time as a patient there as at the Vatican or at his summer residence. Sacred buildings, called churches, are important to cults, and at or near the top of their list of priorities. these two men on a personal level, Ive done around 15 20 I think the latter.) There is only one. It is to say that faith does not come by an intellectual, though sincere, acknowledgment or verbal confession of certain doctrines. She lived on the corner of 33rd and Ave. P., just two short blocks from my houseshort blocks, but a long walk for a seven-year-old. Throughout his life, J.R. was always most interested in prophetic research and television. "Coast How is it that people can not only remain comfortable in these churches while the ministers or priests conduct services and preach, but be committed and involved as well, while being ashamed of the Lord Jesus? Linda Church is a Former Journalist and Weather Anchor who has been working in the broadcast field for over two decades. There are those who say that the Old Testament is no longer relevant, that it was only for the Jews, that Jesus Christ has made us free from the Law and the prophets. They err. It is rather about doctrine and religious, formal conduct. To varying degrees, they have an emphasis on The Name or HaShem, the Hebrew Name for the Creator, using Hebrew for key Biblical words, names, titles, religious terms and observances, feasts, and have a penchant for Jewish traditions and ceremonies. As if water baptism was the big message! Let us determine marks of a cult according to the Life and Words of Jesus Christ, and beware, lest partaking, we are ensnared and surely destroyed. Truly, the Pharisees were doing some of those things that were required of God, but also had many other laws not required by Him. Many suffer every day and nobody knows it, but let the pope so much as sneeze, and all the media have it on front pages and the six oclock news. They are interviewed by congregations, hired, paid a regular salary, and told what they must do and how they should shepherd the sheep. Paul: So what? Furthermore, who would not want a tax-exempt business? Let it be known that the true marks of a cult that are illustrated and illuminated in this document constitute the mark and number of the beast spoken of in Revelation. CRI: A third mark is the manipulation of time. For in that there is among you envyings and strife and divisions, are you not carnal, and do you not walk according to men? Television host, author and pastor Gary Stearman just launched Prophecy Watchers. Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, WATCH: After Resigning 'Prophecy in the News,' Stearman Launches 'Prophecy Watchers', Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. They are dauntless in their determination, But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all and did not need that anyone should testify of man. Other Can you imagine Jesus Christ, Lord of lords and King of kings, registering His Church with the government so that He would be permitted to preach repentance to all, and to lay down His life for mankind? He who knows God hears us. on the occult. You should be wondering why no one is talking about your fanaticism. Poor miserable creatures! NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Largest-Ever Gathering Of Satanists For you are like whitewashed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outside, but inside they are full of dead mens bones, and of all uncleanness. While the false church is of this world, the True Church is the New Jerusalem come down from Heaven, composed of the true saints of God. History makes no secret of the fact that the Catholic Church, Calvinists, Lutherans, the Church of England, and others have much blood on their hands. If a religious group exhibits one or more of the marks mentioned above, that group may well be considered a cult. Principal Officer LINDA CHURCH Main address PO Box 7000 Oklahoma City, OK 73153 United States EIN 75-1663021 NTEE code info Christian (X20) IRS filing requirement This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. On Sept. 8, 2022, the United Kingdom. How many have you heard proudly claim that they teach error? The Pharisees had doctrine, and it was true in many points, yet they were a church that crucified the Lord.

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