WebBest Physical Therapy in Somerville, MA - Boston Sports Medicine, Peak Performance Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Step Ahead Physical Therapy, Outback In many facilities, nobody seems to know how to do this! As you can see, there are all sorts of creative ways to hone your presentation skills and share your knowledge with your coworkers. In the days of PT marketing yore, you could ship summer sausage to a few physicians and call it a day. Student Project / Inservice - U of U College of Health | College of While obviously not every orthopedic issue can be covered while in school, I feel that this was one that certainly should have; many patients come into PT clinics complaining of intrascapular pain. 7 Biggest Physical Therapy Trends in 2020 2023 CoreMedical Group. I will be the first to admit that neuro rehab is not my strong suit, however, Ive looked into the PoNS enough to indeed become intrigued by it as well as the potential benefits that it may have for those with certain neurological issues. That said, the same old subjects get boring after a while. You can check them out here: The BEST PT Student In-service Topics of 2022 | Check THESE Out Ten More Awesome In-service Topics for PT Students. Carol Grgi, PT, OCS, CSCS, of The Video PT, has enjoyed working at a facility that promotes monthly show what you know inservices. HEADS UP: I have two other articles discussing even more in-service ideas in addition to this article. Various forms of electrotherapy, such as the more traditional electrical neuromuscular stimulation (NMES) are widely used in the rehabilitative world for physical therapy. BFR is gaining serious validation in the academic realms for its efficacy in increasing muscular strength and hypertrophy in populations who are at risk or experiencing sarcopenia, muscular atrophy and musculoskeletal weakness due to orthopedic injury or pathologies such as osteoarthritis of the knee. K-lasers website can point you in the right direction for learning more about the basics of these devices, so be sure to check them out! Being able to provide appropriate community resources to patients can help with discharge planning and community reintegration, as well as engaging them in regular physical activity. Prepare a rough outline of each session before you get online. Not many physical therapists are overly aware of this promising and exciting new technology as of yet, and theyre likely going to need to know all about it if they plan on working for a good length of time into the future. Concussion management and treatment is a pretty hot topic in the world of physical therapy and rehabilitation-based practices these days. The ability to promote greater and quicker tissue healing for certain pathologies can have great significance for both the patient and the practitioner. 1001 -- Acute Physical Therapy Treatment of a Patient with Anti-N-methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (NMDAR) Encephalitis -- Lieberman and Dubuisson. What it is:The PonNS (Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator) is billed as an innovative medical device that can be used for conditions such as traumatic brain injury (TBI) and multiple sclerosis (MS). Note: cervical disc referral patterns are not the same thing as cervical zygophophesyal (facet joint) referral patterns. could be very intriguing for any staff members who are unfamiliar with its mechanisms. With the current push for evidence-based treatment within the profession of physical therapy, EST has been proving itself to be a treatment modality that can offer significant benefits for specific pathologies. After all, he who fully understands how to treat chronic pain and body image-based pain holds the keys to the universe. Many PTs arent familiar with this concept, but he notes that outcomes for these systems are impressive, and there is good interrater reliability. It is the big brother version of Functional MovementsFunctional Movement Screen (FMS). The rub? No matter the topic, a good inservice presentation requires preparation and practice. With telehealth, preparation is one aspect that can make or break your virtual visit. I was never briefed or trained on Cloward points during my days of PT school. Have a specific location in mind? No one knows everything, and for those who want to take a broader-based theoretical look at TBI/concussion rehab, the beehive theory is a great theory to read up on and present as an in-service topic. We use eToims for various conditions with our patients, based on their individual needs. Discover how WebPT works across all of outpatient rehab. Hi! Contact WebPT WebThe hardest part about presenting an inservice is picking the right topic. If you havent done an in-service presentation at any of your clinical rotations yet, Ill let you in on a little secret:Sometimes your CI and the clinic will be genuinely interested in making you do a presentation, yet other times it will be nothing more than a formality that they make you casually talk about for five minutes as you ride in their Jeep back to the clinic after having taken you out for lunch at Chipotles on your last day at the clinic. This type of presentation has the added benefit of potentially attracting a new cohort of patients to your facility. The nociceptive system in the patients body becomes sensitized from the long-term presence of opioids, leading the patient to experience higher levels of pain from a more sensitive pain-response system. We crowdsourced lots of great inservice ideas from therapy bloggers, and youll love these unique inservice ideas! A case study can be a great way to spark discussion, providing your colleagues the opportunity to provide insight, experience, and treatment techniques you may not have considered. There are still tons we dont know about concussions and subsequent rehabilitation from them, however, the beehive theory is really unique in that it takes a look at the systemic changes that can occur throughout the body as the result of any form of TBI. You can focus on a type of impairment that spans numerous diagnoses. This article covers ten topics that could make for great presentations in order to satisfy your in-service requirements. 2020 Hot Topics for Private Physical Therapy Practices That's why we put together this list of ideas to help make sure your next Facebook. Most facilities will likely just want a handout but check with your CI. To learn more about the DiSC model, head tohttps://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc/overview/. Ive had plenty of people come to me after having their shoulder-blade region extensively treated by others, with no relief of symptoms (because, in fact, the pain wasnt coming from the shoulders or thoracic spine). Many patients can benefit from balance and ankle-based training. They can also increase their awareness towards when or how their patients may be at risk for or experiencing opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Search our healthcare job database to find theposition you are looking for. It may not seem like something that a physical therapist would directly be involved in, but having an understanding of this technology, its use and its potential impacts on advancing the world of musculoskeletal rehab is pretty critical. Community resources are an important tool for discharge planning patients from PT. Being able to classify movement disorders into particular categories along with having strategies for how to best correct each one can help to identify the root cause of a movement issue much more quickly and accurately while also ensuring better outcomes for the patient. Especially with neurological conditions, there is no substitution for seeing or practicing on a patient with that condition. 36 (4):205-211, October/December 2020. What it is:Opioid-induced hyperalgesia is a condition experienced by patients using long-term opioid medication in which a paradoxical response to pain is created. What a difference timeand a pandemiccan make! The book itself is filled with assessment and treatment of different types of pain along with treatment strategies and how to educate patients on what they are experiencing. Sarah Nord, MS, OTR/L, of Sensory for Dementia, recommends presenting an inservice on the physical and social conditions in the environment that might impact treatment sessions with these patients. Presenters pick topics that they really know and love, and then provide some information on that topic. While I have particular ideas as to thespecificmechanisms behind its physically pain-relieving phenomenon (my various theories are beyond the scope of this article), I have seen it first-hand within my clinic; having my patients perform lateral eye movements (not for treating psychological issues) have dramatically knocked down dural whole-body tension in many of my patients when they present with global dural tension. Therapy If a picture is worth one thousand words, imagine what a video can do for your presentation. My clinic uses the K-laser Cube, and Ive seen it work wonders for post-operative wounds, tendinopathic issues and other various conditions. to help differentiate and categorize different types of pain that can occur within the body. And you dont necessarily have to stick to one injury, either. Legal Topics of Interest Aug 1, 2019 / Article PTs and PTAs practice in an environment that requires compliance with health care laws, rules, and regulations. Thankfully, we now have MRI technology. PTs help people manage their fall risk. So, if you do your in-service on this topic, not only are they likely to find it interesting but youll also look pretty on top of things when it comes to upcoming technology that PTs are likely going to become aware of in the future. Class IV, by definition, refers to a much higher level of power output (wattage) by the laser device. Inviting local medical vendors to inservice your team is a good way to build a resource and referral network for therapists. WebJACPT is the official journal of the Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association. Patient Safety. Economic and Clinical Impact of COVID-19 on Provider WebAlzheimer's & Related Dementias. Condensing one, two, or three days' worth of material into a brief presentation, teaching it, and answering questions about it will solidify understanding and help you recognize patients appropriate for the techniques. Join our talent community to learn more about travel nursing, travel allied, Locum Tenens, and permanent opportunities in your area. Im Jim Wittstrom, PT, DPT, CSCS, Pn1. Dr. McGee suggests giving an inservice on blogging for physical therapists. Its hard to justify bringing an expensive device into our facilities when we dont really understand how to convey its value. Just a few years ago, barely anyone was talking about telehealth PT. If this were to be the case, providing succinct and easy-to-read handouts might be the way to go. Rather, its more so used for better understanding of an individuals overall anatomical situation, such as for complex conditions such as scoliosis, surgical planning and much more. Hopefully, these topics have helped enlighten you to some potential topics you could choose, or have sparked some other ideas and avenues to explore. If your CI or clinic takes a heavy interest in treating foot and/or ankle-based issues, this just might be the perfect in-service topic! Hopefully, the ten ideas within this blog post will help spark some ideas for topics that you can consider for your in-service. It can be a great addition to clinics since its cost is relatively low while also taking up practically no space within the clinic environment. Since eToims markets itself as a modality that can help treat chronic pain due to conditions such as spinal arthrosis, gathering some information on this modality and giving an in-service to others regarding its uses could indeed make for a great presentation. Both clinics that I work at use EST as part of the patients treatment plan (when appropriate) and I cant imagine not having it after all the results it has helped produce for my patients. Healthy Eating. Strong community resources can help patients maintain gains and engagement in physical activity. I created StrengthResurgence.com in order to help others become stronger and healthier. Knowing how to choose the most appropriate topic & presentation formatsTopic 1 The DiSC ModelTopic 2 Motivational interviewing (MI)Topic 3 CBD oil in pain managementTopic 4 Low-load blood flow restriction therapy (LL-BFR)Topic 5 The Pain Management Classification System (PMCS)Topic 6 Key features in central sensitizationTopic 7 Opioid-induced hyperalgesiaTopic 8 Fluroquinolone use & susceptibility to tendon rupturesTopic 9 Class IV Laser Therapy evidence & usesTopic 10 Extracoproreal Shockwave Therapy (EST). Join the CMG community and let us help you manage your travel nursing, travel allied, Locum Tenens, and permanent placement opportunities. 10 Creative Physical Therapy Inservice Ideas - CoreMedical Group Alternatively, if you work in a facility where your patient is being treated by multiple disciplines, consider presenting with your colleagues about a shared patient. Most Popular Articles : Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation Quadricep exercises and kinesiotapping for knee osteoarthritis. What Every PT Needs to Know Before Narrowing In, Request a Free Demo APTA Suggests: More on Balance and Falls Sep 20, 2019 / Article Much of the time this is indeed what we deal with, however, there are plenty of times in which pain and perceptions of pain are arising from nervous systems-based issues. Search our healthcare job database to find the. I cant tell you how many times so far in my young career Ive seen patients present with intrascapular pain that was actually referral pain from a cervical disc. Hi! Guaranteed that no matter how much your CIs or other clinicians may know about concussion rehab, there is still plenty for them (and everyone else) to continually learn. Before you begin to select your in-service topic, it may be helpful to first ask yourself if there will be a preferred presentation style or format based on the preferences or desires of the individuals you may be presenting to (PowerPoint, handout, poster, etc). Always seek a qualified healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment of any health-related conditions youre experiencing. Sounds like hocus pocus-type stuff, I know. What it is: What it is:DiSC is a behaviour assessment tool that identifies the behavioural differences within people. Ahh, the good ol mandatory in-service presentation. Calista Kelly, PT, DPT, ACEEAA, Cert. Expanded receptor-field density refers to a focal pain spreading out across a larger area than it would under normal conditions, while increased temporal summation refers to how quickly a constant, minor pain would quickly escalate to an intolerable pain (this is exactly how Chinese water torture works, just in case you were wondering). Tossing candy out for correctly answered questions can also be a great incentive. Informing other clinicians of the existence of this device and its purported therapeutic and rehabilitative benefits could make for a great and enlightening in-service presentation. Patient safety has always been important to PTs, but it was historically rooted in preventing musculoskeletal overexertion and injury. With the ongoing opioid epidemic in the United States, the ability to educate practitioners and patients on the effects of opioid-induced hyperalgesia could be seen as something that is extremely important. Balance and Falls All Rights Reserved. It can be tough to keep up with new surgical techniquesand it only gets more confusing when you consider all the different types of surgical hardware out there. Things have changed quite a bit, and marketing to busy MD practices isnt the only way to generate new patient volume. yet experience ambivalence with making their changes. There is an abundance of topics that will be at the top of many peoples minds. Providing an in-service on the treatment conditions and the effectiveness that EST can provide could be a great topic for clinicians who are unfamiliar with this modality and how effective it can be as an adjunct to a patients treatment plan.
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