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On the other hand, the ANS activity, as measured through heart rate variability (HRV)a non-invasive biomarker evaluating the variability of the time intervals between successive heartbeatsis affected by the developmental and health conditions of both fetus and infant. (2017). (2017). The definition of stress has evolved through time, but it is now accepted that a stressor is an uncontrollable environmental demand that exceeds the physiological imbalance of the organism (Selye, 1950; Koolhaas et al., 2011). The late timing reflects the lag between insult onset (the contraction) and actual reduction in fetal oxygenation. (1995). In the case of preterm birth, the ANS remains predominantly affected by both the SNS and the primitive vagal dorsal motor nucleus, with consequences on the stress response regulation toward environmental stimuli (e.g., excessive tachycardia or bradycardia) (Morton and Brodsky, 2016; Mulkey et al., 2018; Mulkey and du Plessis, 2019).
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