I am asking if making a webpage request thru a win 10 server is a way to circumvent that rejection ? Is a downhill scooter lighter than a downhill MTB with same performance? Could that be avoided by using a software webserver , something like TinyWeb ? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. , , , JotForm.setCalculations([{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[(({16}*{29})*{34})+(({16}*{30})*{35})+(({16}*{31})*{36})+({16}*.0025)+30]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"16,29,34,30,35,31,36","readOnly":"1","resultField":"4","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"0","equation":"[{16}*.17]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"16","readOnly":"1","resultField":"14","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"0","equation":"[{16}*.0075]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"16","readOnly":"1","resultField":"15","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[(({16}*{29})*{34})+(({16}*{30})*{35})+(({16}*{31})*{36})+({16}*.01)+25]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"16,29,34,30,35,31,36","readOnly":"1","resultField":"19","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"0","equation":"[{37}+{15}]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"37,15","readOnly":"1","resultField":"22","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"0","equation":"[({22}+{14})*12]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"22,14","readOnly":"1","resultField":"23","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[.45]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"","resultField":"29","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[.45]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"","resultField":"30","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[.10]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"","resultField":"31","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"3","equation":"[.005]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"1","resultField":"34","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"3","equation":"[.0190]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"1","resultField":"35","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"3","equation":"[.0275]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"","readOnly":"1","resultField":"36","showBeforeInput":"","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"2","equation":"[({4}+{19}+{20})/3*.6]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"4,19,20","readOnly":"1","resultField":"38","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"},{"decimalPlaces":"0","equation":"[{16}*.03]","insertAsText":"","newCalculationType":"1","operands":"16","readOnly":"1","resultField":"37","showBeforeInput":"1","showEmptyDecimals":"1"}]);. Click here to return to our Support page. So youll have to follow the Tree up and add all the parents. I am a designer that just got involved in plugging this existing code into the site. i choice code. If a site blocks iframe embeds, the owner does not want iframe . Check out my website and blog for news and tutorials on how to earn a passive income from the internet and how to build your online business https://coderevolution.ro/JOIN? your awsome. I'm not sure how that would help. If you are like me, you will love using the links when you are ready to research and buy because you will know this helps me continue sharing the best of what I know here for free with you! Why did my embedded website refuse to connect? - Stack Overflow Let us know in theCommunity Feedbackforum if you have any questions or comments about your community experience, but for now head on over to the forumsGet Help with Power Pagesand dive right in! 00:27 Show Intro 28:01 Outro & Bloopers Some sites may do website, iFrame, iFrame, your actual embed. Reach a wider audience with eye-catching posts. To interact with the library from your page code or to interact with your page elements from the library, you need to use the, To see a working example of a site that creates a chart using Chart.js, see the. victorcp cchannon I can't see anything under Settings->Manage embed code. can i make the chat side thinner ? BrianS Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. sorry im new to coding and learning as i go, I fixed the parents for you, so replace what you have with that and itll do both the stream/chat side by side for you. Browse a complete list of product manuals and guides. Velo: Working with the HTML iframe Element, // when a message is received from the HTML element, Using iFrames to Display Visible Content on Your Site, In the HTML element's settings panel, select. srduval Refused to frame 'https://player.twitch.tv/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors https://prateek12.pythonanywhere.com https://www.prateek12.pythonanywhere.com". Register today: https://www.powerplatformconf.com/, Welcome to the Power Pages Community! Update (2020/05/13): These changes will go into effect on June 10, 2020 and has been announced on this post . Find everything you need to build your site and run your business. I'm in urgent need of embedding a map I created onto a webpage (created using Wix). zuurg Let us know if you'd like to become an author and contribute your own writing everyone is welcome. alaabitar Wix Bookings and Square | Square Support Center - US Your code must contain HTTPS and not HTTP. New browser profile If you use Chrome, you can create a separate profile for each Google account that you have. Kaif_Siddique This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Display your menu and take orders & reservations online. Sorted by: 1 You cannot fix this from Power Apps Portal side. Embedded elements often include pre-defined width and height in pixels, set by the service they were acquired from, as in the example below: These settings could potentially crop the content if the iFrame container is smaller than 560 px * 315 px. 2. Share ideas with your audience and drive traffic to your website. Shuvam-rpa Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, The great big "I'm using WIX/SomeWebsiteMaking Tool and I don't know how to fix my embed" thread, https://github.com/BarryCarlyon/twitch_misc/tree/master/player/googlesites, Refused to frame 'https://embed.twitch.tv/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive. Users can see top discussions from across all the Power Platform communities and easily navigate to the latest or trending posts for further interaction. when I opened that version of the downloaded page in my iframe , it did flash for a second . All pages: This adds the code to all of your site's pages . We would like to send these amazing folks a big THANK YOU for their efforts. However, limitations similar to those regarding widgets apply to libraries as well. Gain Partner benefits & scale your business. But still getting the message " player.twitch.tv refused to connect." Thanks. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? There are two parts to the messaging logic. Please be advised this is voluntary and you may not get an answer quickly. Is there another site setting (perhaps another HTTP header) I should try? Thanks for your Help. The Power Pages Community Team. The Power Pages Community Forums There are many JavaScript libraries that you can use in an HTML element. I've been using JS in Wordpress. http://vmars.us/KidSafeBrowser/WIP-Parent.html Is there an API that I need to install to make this code work? We are excited to kick off the Power Users Super User Program for 2023 - Season 1. This is happening on my activityTitles collection. EricRegnier Sundeep_Malik* The name "Jotform" and the Jotform logo are registered trademarks of Jotform Inc. Advanced tools to launch exceptional websites faster. So the duckduckgo link response contains the header: Sundeep_Malik* Player.twitch.tv refused to connect - API - Twitch Developer Forums Tap the Control+Shift+N keyboard shortcut. While it looks bad, the fix is surprisingly easy. Power Automate Featuring guest speakers such as Charles Lamanna, Heather Cook, Julie Strauss, Nirav Shah, Ryan Cunningham, Sangya Singh, Stephen Siciliano, Hugo Bernier and many more. Im also curious as to why youre posting a question about

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